cortex-m 0.7.7

Low level access to Cortex-M processors
//! Interrupts

pub use bare_metal::{CriticalSection, Mutex, Nr};

/// Trait for enums of external interrupt numbers.
/// This trait should be implemented by a peripheral access crate (PAC)
/// on its enum of available external interrupts for a specific device.
/// Each variant must convert to a u16 of its interrupt number,
/// which is its exception number - 16.
/// # Safety
/// This trait must only be implemented on enums of device interrupts. Each
/// enum variant must represent a distinct value (no duplicates are permitted),
/// and must always return the same value (do not change at runtime).
/// These requirements ensure safe nesting of critical sections.
pub unsafe trait InterruptNumber: Copy {
    /// Return the interrupt number associated with this variant.
    /// See trait documentation for safety requirements.
    fn number(self) -> u16;

/// Implement InterruptNumber for the old bare_metal::Nr trait.
/// This implementation is for backwards compatibility only and will be removed in cortex-m 0.8.
unsafe impl<T: Nr + Copy> InterruptNumber for T {
    fn number(self) -> u16 { as u16

/// Disables all interrupts
pub fn disable() {

/// Enables all the interrupts
/// # Safety
/// - Do not call this function inside an `interrupt::free` critical section
pub unsafe fn enable() {

/// Execute closure `f` in an interrupt-free context.
/// This as also known as a "critical section".
pub fn free<F, R>(f: F) -> R
    F: FnOnce(&CriticalSection) -> R,
    let primask = crate::register::primask::read();

    // disable interrupts

    let r = f(unsafe { &CriticalSection::new() });

    // If the interrupts were active before our `disable` call, then re-enable
    // them. Otherwise, keep them disabled
    if primask.is_active() {
        unsafe { enable() }
