cortex-m-semihosting 0.3.5

Semihosting for ARM Cortex-M processors
/// Variable argument version of `syscall`
macro_rules! syscall {
    ($nr:ident) => {
        $crate::syscall1($crate::nr::$nr, 0)
    ($nr:ident, $a1:expr) => {
        $crate::syscall($crate::nr::$nr, &[$a1 as usize])
    ($nr:ident, $a1:expr, $a2:expr) => {
        $crate::syscall($crate::nr::$nr, &[$a1 as usize, $a2 as usize])
    ($nr:ident, $a1:expr, $a2:expr, $a3:expr) => {
        $crate::syscall($crate::nr::$nr, &[$a1 as usize, $a2 as usize,
                                           $a3 as usize])
    ($nr:ident, $a1:expr, $a2:expr, $a3:expr, $a4:expr) => {
        $crate::syscall($crate::nr::$nr, &[$a1 as usize, $a2 as usize,
                                           $a3 as usize, $a4 as usize])

/// Macro version of `syscall1`
macro_rules! syscall1 {
    ($nr:ident, $a1:expr) => {
        $crate::syscall1($crate::nr::$nr, $a1 as usize)

/// Macro for printing to the HOST standard output
/// This macro returns a `Result<(), ()>` value
macro_rules! hprint {
    ($s:expr) => {
    ($($tt:tt)*) => {

/// Macro for printing to the HOST standard output, with a newline.
/// This macro returns a `Result<(), ()>` value
macro_rules! hprintln {
    () => {
    ($s:expr) => {
        $crate::export::hstdout_str(concat!($s, "\n"))
    ($s:expr, $($tt:tt)*) => {
        $crate::export::hstdout_fmt(format_args!(concat!($s, "\n"), $($tt)*))

/// Macro for printing to the HOST standard error
/// This macro returns a `Result<(), ()>` value
macro_rules! heprint {
    ($s:expr) => {
    ($($tt:tt)*) => {

/// Macro for printing to the HOST standard error, with a newline.
/// This macro returns a `Result<(), ()>` value
macro_rules! heprintln {
    () => {
    ($s:expr) => {
        $crate::export::hstderr_str(concat!($s, "\n"))
    ($s:expr, $($tt:tt)*) => {
        $crate::export::hstderr_fmt(format_args!(concat!($s, "\n"), $($tt)*))

/// Macro that prints and returns the value of a given expression
/// for quick and dirty debugging. Works exactly like `dbg!` in
/// the standard library, replacing `eprintln` with `heprintln`,
/// which it unwraps.
macro_rules! dbg {
    () => {
        $crate::heprintln!("[{}:{}]", file!(), line!()).unwrap();
    ($val:expr) => {
        // Use of `match` here is intentional because it affects the lifetimes
        // of temporaries -
        match $val {
            tmp => {
                $crate::heprintln!("[{}:{}] {} = {:#?}",
                    file!(), line!(), stringify!($val), &tmp).unwrap();
    // Trailing comma with single argument is ignored
    ($val:expr,) => { $crate::dbg!($val) };
    ($($val:expr),+ $(,)?) => {