cortex-m-rt 0.6.14

Minimal runtime / startup for Cortex-M microcontrollers
//! Tests that a crate can still build with all warnings enabled.
//! The code generated by the `cortex-m-rt` macros might need to manually
//! `#[allow]` some of them (even though Rust does that by default for a few
//! warnings too).

#![deny(warnings, missing_docs, rust_2018_idioms)]

extern crate cortex_m_rt;
extern crate panic_halt;

use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception, interrupt, pre_init, ExceptionFrame};

enum interrupt {

extern "C" {
    fn INT();

union Vector {
    handler: unsafe extern "C" fn(),

#[link_section = ".vector_table.interrupts"]
static __INTERRUPTS: [Vector; 1] = [Vector { handler: INT }];

/// Dummy interrupt.
fn INT() {}

fn HardFault(_eh: &ExceptionFrame) -> ! {
    loop {}

fn main() -> ! {
    loop {}

unsafe fn pre_init() {}