cortex-m-rt 0.6.13

Minimal runtime / startup for Cortex-M microcontrollers
//! This is not an example; this is a linker overflow detection test
//! which should fail to link due to .data overflowing FLASH.


extern crate cortex_m_rt as rt;
extern crate panic_halt;

use core::ptr;

use rt::entry;

// This large static array uses most of .rodata
static RODATA: [u8; 48*1024] = [1u8; 48*1024];

// This large mutable array causes .data to use the rest of FLASH
// without also overflowing RAM.
static mut DATA: [u8; 16*1024] = [1u8; 16*1024];

fn main() -> ! {
    unsafe {
        let _bigdata = ptr::read_volatile(&RODATA as *const u8);
        let _bigdata = ptr::read_volatile(&DATA as *const u8);

    loop {}