core_extensions 0.1.13

This crate provides many extensions to core/std library types.
//! This crate provides:
//! - Extension traits for many standard/core library types/traits.
//! - SelfOps:to extend all types with generic operations.
//! - Type-level representations of bool and unsafe  .
//! - Marker traits to encode invariants about types.
//! - etc.
//! # no-std support
//! To use this crate in no_std contexts disable the default-feature.
//! # Supported Rust versions
//! This crate support Rust back to 1.20,
//! using a build script to automatically enable features from newer versions.
//! # Cargo Features
//! "std":Enables standard library support.Enabled by default.
//! "serde_":Enables serde support.Disabled by default.
//! "typenum":Enables trait impls for typenum types.Disabled by default.
//! "colltraits":Enables trait impls for the collection traits in the collection_traits module.
//! <br></br>
//! # **Contents**
//! ## Extension trait:[SelfOps](./trait.SelfOps.html)
//! This is implemented for all types.
//! The most importand methods in this are:
//! - [piped](./trait.SelfOps.html#method.piped):
//!      Allows emulating the pipeline operator.
//! - [mutated](./trait.SelfOps.html#method.mutated):
//!      Allows mutating `self` with a closure passing it along the method chain
//! - [observe](./trait.SelfOps.html#method.observe):
//!     Observes the value of `self` with a closure passing
//!     it along the method chain unmodified.
//! - [into_](./trait.SelfOps.html#method.into_),
//!   [as_ref_](./trait.SelfOps.html#method.as_ref_),
//!   [as_mut_](./trait.SelfOps.html#method.as_mut_):
//!      Alternative syntax for the standard conversion methods.
//! ## Other extension traits
//! [ResultExt](./option_result_ext/trait.ResultExt.html)::Extension trait for [Result].
//! [OptionExt](./option_result_ext/trait.OptionExt.html)::Extension trait for [Option].
//! [BoolExt](./bool_extensions/trait.BoolExt.html):Extension trait for bool.
//! [IntegerExt](./integer_extensions/trait.IntegerExt.html):Extension trait for integers.
//! [ToTime](./integer_extensions/trait.ToTime.html):Extension trait for integers, to create
//! [Duration](::std::time::Duration)s of a certain unit.
//! [StringExt](./strings/trait.StringExt.html)Extension trait for `str`.
//! ## Marker traits
//! [MarkerType](./marker_traits/trait.MarkerType.html):
//! Represents a zero-sized marker type.
//! ## Other traits
//! [ResultLike](./option_result_ext/trait.ResultLike.html):
//! Trait for types with item/error values,like Option and Result.
//! [TransparentNewtype](./transparent_newtype/trait.TransparentNewtype.html)
//! Represents a newtype that is safe to transmute to and/from its only non-zero-sized field.
//! ## Iteration
//! [IteratorExt](./iterators/trait.IteratorExt.html)
//! Extension trait for [Iterator] implementors.
//! ### Factories
//! [IterCloner](./iterators/struct.IterCloner.html):
//!     Constructs [Iterator]s by cloning the one it references,only possible if it is Clone.
//! [IterConstructor](./iterators/struct.IterConstructor.html):
//! Constructs [Iterator]s using a closure,this can be done multiple times if the closure it Copy.
//! ### Iterators
//! [Loop](./iterators/struct.Loop.html):
//! Iterator that infinitely produces a value by calling an impl FnMut()->T
//! [LazyOnce](./iterators/struct.LazyOnce.html):
//! Lazy version of [::std::iter::Once],only evaluating the item when
//! [Iterator::next] is called.
//! ## Type-level stuff
//! ### Type-Level bool
//! This crate contains
//! [types and operations using type-level `bool`s](./type_level_bool/index.html).
//! [Boolean](./type_level_bool/trait.Boolean.html):
//! Trait representing `bool`.
//! [True](./type_level_bool/struct.True.html)/
//! [False](./type_level_bool/struct.False.html):
//! Types representing `true`/`false`.
//! ### Type equality
//! [TypeIdentity](./trait.TypeIdentity.html)
//! Allows converting a type back to itself.Useful in generic contexts.
//! ### Empty type
//! [Void](./void/enum.Void.html):
//! Uninstantiable Type for statically impossible situations.
//! Useful as a type parameter/associated type.
//! ### (Un)safety represented as type
//! [maybe_unsafe](./maybe_unsafe/index.html) emulates a safe/unsafe effect using types.
//! Allows having traits whose implementations can choose whether their methods/functions
//! are safe to call or not.


pub extern crate std as std_;

pub extern crate core as std_;

#[cfg(all(rust_1_36,feature = "alloc"))]
pub extern crate alloc;

#[cfg(all(not(feature = "std"),rust_1_36,feature = "alloc"))]
pub use alloc as alloc_;

    all(not(rust_1_36),feature = "alloc"),
    all(rust_1_36,feature = "std"),
pub use std_ as alloc_;

#[cfg(feature = "serde_")]
extern crate serde;

#[cfg(feature = "typenum")]
extern crate typenum;

extern crate rand;

extern crate rand_derive;

mod internal_macros;

pub mod bool_extensions;
pub mod callable;
pub mod collection_traits;
pub mod integer_extensions;
pub mod iterators;
pub mod macros;
pub mod marker_traits;
pub mod maybe_unsafe;
#[cfg(any(enable_duration, feature = "std"))]
pub mod measure_time;
pub mod option_result_ext;
pub mod phantom_variances;
mod self_ops;
pub mod slices;
pub mod strings;
pub mod transparent_newtype;
pub mod try_from;
mod type_panic;
mod type_identity;
pub mod type_asserts;
pub mod type_level_bool;
pub mod utils;
pub mod void;

/// The items from this crate which are almost always used.
pub mod prelude {
    pub use self_ops::SelfOps;

    pub use strings::StringExt;

    pub use marker_traits::MarkerType;

    pub use type_identity::{TIdentity, TypeIdentity};

    pub use phantom_variances::VariantPhantom;

    pub use type_panic::TypePanic;

pub use self::callable::{CallInto, CallMut, CallRef};
pub use self::self_ops::SelfOps;
pub use self::strings::StringExt;

pub use type_panic::TypePanic;

pub use self::bool_extensions::BoolExt;
pub use self::integer_extensions::IntegerExt;
#[cfg(any(enable_duration, feature = "std"))]
pub use self::integer_extensions::ToTime;
pub use self::iterators::{IterCloner, IterConstructor, IteratorExt, LazyOnce};
pub use self::marker_traits::MarkerType;
pub use self::option_result_ext::{OptionExt, ResultExt, ResultLike};
pub use self::phantom_variances::{
    InvariantPhantom, InvariantRefPhantom, VariantDropPhantom, VariantPhantom,
pub use self::slices::{ValSliceExt,SliceExt};
pub use self::transparent_newtype::TransparentNewtype;
pub use self::try_from::{TryFrom, TryInto};
pub use self::type_identity::{TIdentity, TypeIdentity};
pub use self::void::Void;