coqui-stt 1.0.2

Safe wrapper around the Coqui STT C library
//! A safe wrapper around the [Coqui STT]( API
//! Typically, to use this,
//! * start by creating a [`Model`](Model),
//! * if you have a scorer to load, call [`enable_external_scorer`](Model::enable_external_scorer),
//! * then call [`speech_to_text`](Model::speech_to_text) to run the algorithm.
//! # Features
//! No features are enabled by default.
//! * `raw-bindings`: exposes the [`coqui-stt-sys`](coqui_stt_sys) crate at the root under the same name.

mod helpers;

mod candidate_transcript;
#[cfg(feature = "deadpool_integration")]
mod deadpool_integration;
mod errors;
mod metadata;
mod model;
mod stream;
mod token_metadata;

pub use candidate_transcript::{CandidateTranscript, OwnedCandidateTranscript};
#[cfg(feature = "deadpool_integration")]
pub use deadpool_integration::*;
pub use errors::{Error, Result};
pub use metadata::{Metadata, OwnedMetadata};
pub use model::Model;
pub use stream::Stream;
pub use token_metadata::{OwnedTokenMetadata, TokenMetadata};

#[cfg(feature = "raw_bindings")]
pub use coqui_stt_sys;