controlgroup 0.3.0

Native Rust crate for cgroup operations
//! Operations on a net_cls subsystem.
//! [`Subsystem`] implements [`Cgroup`] trait and subsystem-specific operations.
//! For more information about this subsystem, see the kernel's documentation
//! [Documentation/cgroup-v1/net_cls.txt].
//! # Examples
//! ```no_run
//! # fn main() -> controlgroup::Result<()> {
//! use std::path::PathBuf;
//! use controlgroup::{Pid, v1::{self, net_cls, Cgroup, CgroupPath, SubsystemKind}};
//! let mut net_cls_cgroup = net_cls::Subsystem::new(
//!     CgroupPath::new(SubsystemKind::NetCls, PathBuf::from("students/charlie")));
//! net_cls_cgroup.create()?;
//! // Tag network packets from this cgroup with a class ID.
//! net_cls_cgroup.set_classid([0x10, 0x1].into())?;
//! // Add a task to this cgroup.
//! let pid = Pid::from(std::process::id());
//! net_cls_cgroup.add_task(pid)?;
//! // Do something ...
//! net_cls_cgroup.remove_task(pid)?;
//! net_cls_cgroup.delete()?;
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! [`Subsystem`]: struct.Subsystem.html
//! [`Cgroup`]: ../trait.Cgroup.html
//! [Documentation/cgroup-v1/net_cls.txt]:

use std::{fmt, path::PathBuf, str::FromStr};

use crate::{
    v1::{self, Cgroup, CgroupPath},
    Error, Result,

/// Handler of a net_cls subsystem.
pub struct Subsystem {
    path: CgroupPath,

/// Tag network packets from a cgroup with a class ID.
/// See the kernel's documentation for more information about the field.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Resources {
    /// Class ID to be attached to network packets originating from this cgroup.
    pub classid: Option<ClassId>,

/// Class ID.
/// Besides writing a struct literal, `ClassId` can be instantiated by [`parse`]-ing a class ID
/// string. If failed, `parse` returns an error with kind [`ErrorKind::Parse`].
/// ```
/// use controlgroup::v1::net_cls::ClassId;
/// assert_eq!("0x100001".parse::<ClassId>().unwrap(), ClassId { major: 0x10, minor: 0x1});
/// assert_eq!("0X0123ABCD".parse::<ClassId>().unwrap(), ClassId { major: 0x0123, minor: 0xABCD});
/// ```
/// `ClassId` implements [`Display`]. The result is a hexadecimal string, same as one written to
/// `net_cls.classid` file.
/// ```
/// use std::string::ToString;
/// use controlgroup::v1::net_cls::ClassId;
/// assert_eq!(ClassId { major: 0x10, minor: 0x1}.to_string(), "0x100001");
/// assert_eq!(ClassId { major: 0x0123, minor: 0xABCD}.to_string(), "0x123ABCD");
/// ```
/// `ClassId` also supports conversion from/into [`u32`] and from/into `[`[`u16`]`; 2]`.
/// ```
/// use controlgroup::v1::net_cls::ClassId;
/// assert_eq!(ClassId::from(0x10_0001), ClassId { major: 0x10, minor: 0x1});
/// assert_eq!(ClassId::from(0x0123_ABCD), ClassId { major: 0x0123, minor: 0xABCD});
/// let id: u32 = ClassId { major: 0x10, minor: 0x1}.into();
/// assert_eq!(id, 0x10_0001);
/// let id: u32 = ClassId { major: 0x0123, minor: 0xABCD}.into();
/// assert_eq!(id, 0x0123_ABCD);
/// ```
/// ```
/// use controlgroup::v1::net_cls::ClassId;
/// assert_eq!(ClassId::from([0x10, 0x1]), ClassId { major: 0x10, minor: 0x1});
/// assert_eq!(ClassId::from([0x0123, 0xABCD]), ClassId { major: 0x0123, minor: 0xABCD});
/// let id: [u16; 2] = ClassId { major: 0x10, minor: 0x1}.into();
/// assert_eq!(id, [0x10, 0x1]);
/// let id: [u16; 2] = ClassId { major: 0x0123, minor: 0xABCD}.into();
/// assert_eq!(id, [0x0123, 0xABCD]);
/// ```
/// [`parse`]:
/// [`ErrorKind::Parse`]: ../../enum.ErrorKind.html#variant.Parse
/// [`Display`]:
/// [`u32`]:
/// [`u16`]:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct ClassId {
    /// Major number.
    pub major: u16,
    /// Minor number.
    pub minor: u16,

impl_cgroup! {
    Subsystem, NetCls,

    /// Applies `resources.net_cls.classid` if it is `Some`.
    fn apply(&mut self, resources: &v1::Resources) -> Result<()> {
        if let Some(id) = resources.net_cls.classid {


const CLASSID: &str = "net_cls.classid";

impl Subsystem {
    with_doc! { concat!(
            "the class ID of network packets from this cgroup,"
        gen_doc!(see; classid),
        gen_doc!(err_read; "net_cls.classid"),
        gen_doc!(eg_read; net_cls, classid)),
        pub fn classid(&self) -> Result<ClassId> {
            let raw: u32 = self.open_file_read(CLASSID).and_then(parse)?;

    with_doc! { concat!(
            "a class ID to network packets from this cgroup,"
        gen_doc!(see; classid),
        gen_doc!(err_write; "net_cls.classid"),
        gen_doc!(eg_write; net_cls, set_classid, [0x10, 0x1].into())),
        pub fn set_classid(&mut self, id: ClassId) -> Result<()> {
            let raw: u32 = id.into();
            std::fs::write(self.path().join(CLASSID), format!("{:#08X}", raw)).map_err(Into::into)

impl Into<v1::Resources> for Resources {
    fn into(self) -> v1::Resources {
        v1::Resources {
            net_cls: self,

impl FromStr for ClassId {
    type Err = Error;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self> {
        let len = s.len();
        if len < 7 || len > 10 || (&s[0..2] != "0x" && &s[0..2] != "0X") {

        let major = u16::from_str_radix(&s[2..(len - 4)], 16)?;
        let minor = u16::from_str_radix(&s[(len - 4)..len], 16)?;

        Ok(ClassId { major, minor })

impl fmt::Display for ClassId {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{:#X}{:04X}", self.major, self.minor)

impl From<u32> for ClassId {
    fn from(id: u32) -> Self {
        Self {
            major: ((id & 0xffff_0000) >> 16) as u16,
            minor: (id & 0xffff) as u16,

impl From<[u16; 2]> for ClassId {
    fn from(id: [u16; 2]) -> Self {
        Self {
            major: id[0],
            minor: id[1],

impl Into<u32> for ClassId {
    fn into(self) -> u32 {
        (u32::from(self.major) << 16) | u32::from(self.minor)

impl Into<[u16; 2]> for ClassId {
    fn into(self) -> [u16; 2] {
        [self.major, self.minor]

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_subsystem_create_file_exists() -> Result<()> {
        gen_subsystem_test!(NetCls, ["classid"])

    fn test_subsystem_apply() -> Result<()> {
            Resources {
                classid: Some([0x10, 0x1].into()),
            (classid, [0x10, 0x1].into()),

    fn test_subsystem_classid() -> Result<()> {
            ClassId { major: 0, minor: 0 },
            ClassId {
                major: 0x10,
                minor: 0x1

    fn err_class_id_from_str() {
        for case in &[
        ] {