content-tree 0.2.0

An efficient data structure for compacted RLE data
#![allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes)] // Clippy doesn't understand the need for some lifetimes below

use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::{Deref, AddAssign, DerefMut};
use rle::Searchable;

use super::*;

/// This file provides the safe implementation methods for cursors.

impl<'a, E: ContentTraits, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> Cursor<'a, E, I, IE, LE> {
    pub unsafe fn unchecked_from_raw(_tree: &'a ContentTreeRaw<E, I, IE, LE>, cursor: UnsafeCursor<E, I, IE, LE>) -> Self {
        Cursor {
            inner: cursor,
            marker: PhantomData,

    // TODO: Implement from_raw as well, where we walk up the tree to check the root.

impl<R, E: ContentTraits, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> SafeCursor<R, E, I, IE, LE> {
    // pub fn old_count_pos(&self) -> I::IndexValue {
    //     unsafe { self.inner.old_count_pos() }
    // }

    pub fn count_pos_raw<Out, F, G, H>(&self, offset_to_num: F, entry_len: G, entry_len_at: H) -> Out
        where Out: AddAssign + Default, F: Fn(I::Value) -> Out, G: Fn(&E) -> Out, H: Fn(&E, usize) -> Out
        unsafe { self.inner.count_pos_raw(offset_to_num, entry_len, entry_len_at) }

impl<R, E: ContentTraits, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> From<SafeCursor<R, E, I, IE, LE>> for UnsafeCursor<E, I, IE, LE> {
    fn from(c: SafeCursor<R, E, I, IE, LE>) -> Self {

impl<'a, E: ContentTraits, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> Deref for Cursor<'a, E, I, IE, LE> {
    type Target = UnsafeCursor<E, I, IE, LE>;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

impl<'a, E: ContentTraits, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> DerefMut for Cursor<'a, E, I, IE, LE> {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
        &mut self.inner

impl<'a, E: ContentTraits, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> Deref for MutCursor<'a, E, I, IE, LE> {
    type Target = Cursor<'a, E, I, IE, LE>;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
        unsafe { std::mem::transmute(self) }

impl<'a, E: ContentTraits, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> DerefMut for MutCursor<'a, E, I, IE, LE> {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
        unsafe { std::mem::transmute(self) }

impl<'a, E: ContentTraits, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> Iterator for Cursor<'a, E, I, IE, LE> {
    type Item = E;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        // When the cursor is past the end, idx is an invalid value.
        if self.inner.idx == usize::MAX {
            return None;

        // The cursor is at the end of the current element. Its a bit dirty doing this twice but
        // This will happen for a fresh cursor in an empty document, or when iterating using a
        // cursor made by some other means.
        if self.inner.idx >= unsafe { self.inner.node.as_ref() }.len_entries() {
            let has_next = self.inner.next_entry();
            if !has_next {
                self.inner.idx = usize::MAX;
                return None;

        let current = *self.inner.get_raw_entry();
        // Move the cursor forward preemptively for the next call to next().
        let has_next = self.inner.next_entry();
        if !has_next {
            self.inner.idx = usize::MAX;

impl<'a, E: ContentTraits, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> MutCursor<'a, E, I, IE, LE> {
    pub unsafe fn unchecked_from_raw(_tree: &mut Pin<Box<ContentTreeRaw<E, I, IE, LE>>>, cursor: UnsafeCursor<E, I, IE, LE>) -> Self {
        // TODO: Check that this is free.
        Self {
            inner: cursor,
            marker: PhantomData,

    pub fn insert_notify<F>(&mut self, new_entry: E, notify: F)
        where F: FnMut(E, NonNull<NodeLeaf<E, I, IE, LE>>) {

        unsafe {
            ContentTreeRaw::unsafe_insert_notify(&mut self.inner, new_entry, notify);

    pub fn insert(&mut self, new_entry: E) {
        unsafe {
            ContentTreeRaw::unsafe_insert_notify(&mut self.inner, new_entry, null_notify);

    pub fn replace_range_notify<N>(&mut self, new_entry: E, notify: N)
        where N: FnMut(E, NonNull<NodeLeaf<E, I, IE, LE>>) {
        unsafe {
            ContentTreeRaw::unsafe_replace_range_notify(&mut self.inner, new_entry, notify);

    pub fn replace_range(&mut self, new_entry: E) {
        unsafe {
            ContentTreeRaw::unsafe_replace_range_notify(&mut self.inner, new_entry, null_notify);

    pub fn delete_notify<F>(&mut self, del_items: usize, notify: F)
        where F: FnMut(E, NonNull<NodeLeaf<E, I, IE, LE>>) {
        unsafe {
            ContentTreeRaw::unsafe_delete_notify(&mut self.inner, del_items, notify);

    pub fn delete(&mut self, del_items: usize) {
        unsafe {
            ContentTreeRaw::unsafe_delete_notify(&mut self.inner, del_items, null_notify);

    /// Replace the current entry with the items passed via items[]. Items.len must be <= 3. The
    /// cursor offset is ignored. This is a fancy method - use sparingly.
    pub fn replace_entry(&mut self, items: &[E]) {
        unsafe {
            ContentTreeRaw::unsafe_replace_entry_notify(&mut self.inner, items, null_notify);

    pub fn replace_entry_simple(&mut self, new_item: E) {
        unsafe {
            ContentTreeRaw::unsafe_replace_entry_simple_notify(&mut self.inner, new_item, null_notify);

    /// Mutate a single entry in-place. The entry to be modified is whatever is at this cursor, and
    /// up to replace_max size.
    /// The function will be modified by the (passed) map_fn.
    /// Returns a tuple of (actual length replaced, map_fn return value).
    pub fn mutate_single_entry_notify<MapFn, R, N>(&mut self, replace_max: usize, notify: N, map_fn: MapFn) -> (usize, R)
    where N: FnMut(E, NonNull<NodeLeaf<E, I, IE, LE>>), MapFn: FnOnce(&mut E) -> R {
        unsafe {
            ContentTreeRaw::unsafe_mutate_single_entry_notify(map_fn, self, replace_max, notify)

impl<E: ContentTraits, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> ContentTreeRaw<E, I, IE, LE> {
    pub fn cursor_at_start(&self) -> Cursor<E, I, IE, LE> {
        unsafe {
            Cursor::unchecked_from_raw(self, self.unsafe_cursor_at_start())

    pub fn cursor_at_end(&self) -> Cursor<E, I, IE, LE> {
        unsafe {
            Cursor::unchecked_from_raw(self, self.unsafe_cursor_at_end())

    pub fn cursor_at_query<F, G>(&self, raw_pos: usize, stick_end: bool, offset_to_num: F, entry_to_num: G) -> Cursor<E, I, IE, LE>
    where F: Fn(I::Value) -> usize, G: Fn(E) -> usize {
        unsafe {
            Cursor::unchecked_from_raw(self, self.unsafe_cursor_at_query(raw_pos, stick_end, offset_to_num, entry_to_num))

    // And the mut variants...
    pub fn mut_cursor_at_start<'a>(self: &'a mut Pin<Box<Self>>) -> MutCursor<'a, E, I, IE, LE> {
        unsafe {
            MutCursor::unchecked_from_raw(self, self.unsafe_cursor_at_start())

    pub fn mut_cursor_at_end<'a>(self: &'a mut Pin<Box<Self>>) -> MutCursor<'a, E, I, IE, LE> {
        unsafe {
            MutCursor::unchecked_from_raw(self, self.unsafe_cursor_at_end())

    pub fn mut_cursor_at_query<'a, F, G>(self: &'a mut Pin<Box<Self>>, raw_pos: usize, stick_end: bool, offset_to_num: F, entry_to_num: G) -> MutCursor<'a, E, I, IE, LE>
        where F: Fn(I::Value) -> usize, G: Fn(E) -> usize {
        unsafe {
            MutCursor::unchecked_from_raw(self, self.unsafe_cursor_at_query(raw_pos, stick_end, offset_to_num, entry_to_num))

impl<R, E: ContentTraits + ContentLength, I: FindContent<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> SafeCursor<R, E, I, IE, LE> {
    pub fn count_content_pos(&self) -> usize {
        unsafe { self.inner.unsafe_count_content_pos() }
        // I::index_to_content(self.old_count_pos())

impl<R, E: ContentTraits, I: FindOffset<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> SafeCursor<R, E, I, IE, LE> {
    pub fn count_offset_pos(&self) -> usize {
        unsafe { self.inner.unsafe_count_offset_pos() }
        // I::index_to_offset(self.old_count_pos())

impl<R, E: ContentTraits, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> PartialEq for SafeCursor<R, E, I, IE, LE> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {

impl<R, E: ContentTraits, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> Eq for SafeCursor<R, E, I, IE, LE> {}

/// NOTE: This comparator will panic when cursors from different range trees are compared.
/// Also beware: A cursor pointing to the end of a leaf entry will be considered less than a cursor
/// pointing to the subsequent entry in the next leaf.
impl<R, E: ContentTraits + Eq, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> Ord for SafeCursor<R, E, I, IE, LE> {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
        unsafe { self.inner.unsafe_cmp(&other.inner) }

impl<R, E: ContentTraits + Eq, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> PartialOrd<SafeCursor<R, E, I, IE, LE>> for SafeCursor<R, E, I, IE, LE> {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

impl<R, E: ContentTraits + Searchable, I: TreeMetrics<E>, const IE: usize, const LE: usize> SafeCursor<R, E, I, IE, LE> {
    pub fn get_item(&self) -> Option<E::Item> {
        unsafe { self.inner.unsafe_get_item() }