consul 0.4.2

Rust client libray for Consul HTTP API
use std::collections::HashMap;
use url::Url;

use std::str;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::time::Instant;

use reqwest::blocking::Client as HttpClient;
use reqwest::blocking::RequestBuilder;
use reqwest::header::HeaderValue;
use reqwest::StatusCode;
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::Serialize;

use crate::errors::{Result, ResultExt};
use crate::{Config, QueryMeta, QueryOptions, WriteMeta, WriteOptions};

fn add_config_options(builder: RequestBuilder, config: &Config) -> RequestBuilder {
    match &config.token {
        Some(val) => builder.header("X-Consul-Token", val),
        None => builder,

pub fn get_vec<R: DeserializeOwned>(
    path: &str,
    config: &Config,
    mut params: HashMap<String, String>,
    options: Option<&QueryOptions>,
) -> Result<(Vec<R>, QueryMeta)> {
    let datacenter: Option<&String> = options
        .and_then(|o| o.datacenter.as_ref())
        .or_else(|| config.datacenter.as_ref());

    if let Some(dc) = datacenter {
        params.insert(String::from("dc"), dc.to_owned());
    if let Some(options) = options {
        if let Some(index) = options.wait_index {
            params.insert(String::from("index"), index.to_string());
        if let Some(wait_time) = options.wait_time {
            params.insert(String::from("wait"), format!("{}s", wait_time.as_secs()));

    let url_str = format!("{}{}", config.address, path);
    let url =
        Url::parse_with_params(&url_str, params.iter()).chain_err(|| "Failed to parse URL")?;
    let start = Instant::now();
    let request_builder = add_config_options(config.http_client.get(url), &config);
    let response = request_builder.send();
        .chain_err(|| "HTTP request to consul failed")
        .and_then(|r| {
            let x: Option<Result<u64>> = r
                .map(|value: &HeaderValue| value.as_bytes())
                .map(|bytes| {
                        .chain_err(|| "Failed to parse valid UT8 for last index")
                        .and_then(|s| {
                                .chain_err(|| "Failed to parse valid number for last index")
            let j = if r.status() != StatusCode::NOT_FOUND {
                r.json().chain_err(|| "Failed to parse JSON response")?
            } else {
            match x {
                Some(r) => Ok((j, Some(r?))),
                None => Ok((j, None)),
        .map(|x: (Vec<R>, Option<u64>)| {
                QueryMeta {
                    last_index: x.1,
                    request_time: Instant::now() - start,

pub fn get<R: DeserializeOwned>(
    path: &str,
    config: &Config,
    mut params: HashMap<String, String>,
    options: Option<&QueryOptions>,
) -> Result<(R, QueryMeta)> {
    let datacenter: Option<&String> = options
        .and_then(|o| o.datacenter.as_ref())
        .or_else(|| config.datacenter.as_ref());

    if let Some(dc) = datacenter {
        params.insert(String::from("dc"), dc.to_owned());
    if let Some(options) = options {
        if let Some(index) = options.wait_index {
            params.insert(String::from("index"), index.to_string());
        if let Some(wait_time) = options.wait_time {
            params.insert(String::from("wait"), format!("{}s", wait_time.as_secs()));

    let url_str = format!("{}{}", config.address, path);
    let url =
        Url::parse_with_params(&url_str, params.iter()).chain_err(|| "Failed to parse URL")?;
    let start = Instant::now();
    let request_builder = add_config_options(config.http_client.get(url), &config);
    let response = request_builder.send();
        .chain_err(|| "HTTP request to consul failed")
        .and_then(|r| {
            let x: Option<Result<u64>> =
                    .map(|bytes: &HeaderValue| -> Result<u64> {
                            .chain_err(|| "Failed to parse valid UT8 for last index")
                            .and_then(|s: &str| -> Result<u64> {
                                    .chain_err(|| "Failed to parse valid number for last index")
            let j = r.json().chain_err(|| "Failed to parse JSON response")?;
            match x {
                Some(r) => Ok((j, Some(r?))),
                None => Ok((j, None)),
        .map(|x: (R, Option<u64>)| {
                QueryMeta {
                    last_index: x.1,
                    request_time: Instant::now() - start,

pub fn delete<R: DeserializeOwned>(
    path: &str,
    config: &Config,
    params: HashMap<String, String>,
    options: Option<&WriteOptions>,
) -> Result<(R, WriteMeta)> {
    let req = |http_client: &HttpClient, url: Url| -> RequestBuilder { http_client.delete(url) };
    write_with_body(path, None as Option<&()>, config, params, options, req)

pub fn post<T: Serialize, R: DeserializeOwned>(path: &str,
                                               body: Option<&T>,
                                               config: &Config,
                                               options: Option<&WriteOptions>)
                                               -> Result<(R, WriteMeta)> {
    let req = |http_client: &HttpClient, url: Url| -> RequestBuilder { };
    write_with_body(path, body, config, options, req)
pub fn put<T: Serialize, R: DeserializeOwned>(
    path: &str,
    body: Option<&T>,
    config: &Config,
    params: HashMap<String, String>,
    options: Option<&WriteOptions>,
) -> Result<(R, WriteMeta)> {
    let req = |http_client: &HttpClient, url: Url| -> RequestBuilder { http_client.put(url) };
    write_with_body(path, body, config, params, options, req)

fn write_with_body<T: Serialize, R: DeserializeOwned, F>(
    path: &str,
    body: Option<&T>,
    config: &Config,
    mut params: HashMap<String, String>,
    options: Option<&WriteOptions>,
    req: F,
) -> Result<(R, WriteMeta)>
    F: Fn(&HttpClient, Url) -> RequestBuilder,
    let start = Instant::now();
    let datacenter: Option<&String> = options
        .and_then(|o| o.datacenter.as_ref())
        .or_else(|| config.datacenter.as_ref());

    if let Some(dc) = datacenter {
        params.insert(String::from("dc"), dc.to_owned());

    let url_str = format!("{}{}", config.address, path);
    let url =
        Url::parse_with_params(&url_str, params.iter()).chain_err(|| "Failed to parse URL")?;
    let builder = req(&config.http_client, url);
    let builder = if let Some(b) = body {
    } else {
    let builder = add_config_options(builder, &config);
        .chain_err(|| "HTTP request to consul failed")
        .and_then(|x| x.json().chain_err(|| "Failed to parse JSON"))
        .map(|x| {
                WriteMeta {
                    request_time: Instant::now() - start,