const_closure 0.3.0

Helpers for creating const callable closures.
#![warn(clippy::pedantic, clippy::nursery)]

This crate allows you to create types which represent closures in const contexts.

To do this simply create an instance of the provided closure helper: `ConstClosure`
with the associated `new` function.

A closure helper instance gets the data to capture as a tuple of same ownership (Owned, Mut or ref) and the implementation function to execute.

The implementation function must be a `const fn` that gets the captured state (a tuple of: owned values for `FnOnce`, `&mut` for `FnMut` and `&` for `Fn`)
and a tuple representing the arguments of the closure.

A closure helper instance returns the return value of the closure function on call.

## Example
#![feature(const_mut_refs)] // Only required for the FnMut example

use const_closure::ConstClosure;

// FnOnce:
const _: () = {
  const fn imp((state,): (i32,), (arg,): (i32,)) -> i32 {
    state + arg
  let cl = ConstClosure::new((5,), imp);
  assert!(7 == cl(2));

// FnMut:
const _: () = {
  const fn imp((state,): (&mut i32,), (arg,): (i32,)) -> i32 {
    *state += arg;
  let mut i = 5;
  let mut cl = ConstClosure::new((&mut i,), imp);

  assert!(7 == cl(2));
  assert!(8 == cl(1));

// Fn:
const _: () = {
  const fn imp((state,): (&i32,), (arg,): (i32,)) -> i32 {
    *state + arg
  let i = 5;
  let mut cl = ConstClosure::new((&i,), imp);
  assert!(7 == cl(2));
  assert!(8 == cl(3));
  assert!(6 == cl(1));

Note: The `const_closure` macro has been removed in favour of the new generic based approach.


[raldone01]( and [onestacked]( are the primary authors and maintainers of this library.


This project is released under either:

- [MIT License](
- [Apache License (Version 2.0)](

at your choosing.

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally
submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0
license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or

mod closure_type;
pub use closure_type::ConstClosure;

mod test;