const-gen 0.2.5

A crate for generating (relatively) complex compile-time constants in rust.
#[cfg(feature = "phf")]
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::HashSet;

#[cfg(feature = "derive")]
pub use const_gen_derive::*;

mod test;

/// A macro to help in the creation of const definitions. Allows this syntax:
/// `const_definition!(#[attribute1] #[attributeN] TypeName)`
/// This is syntactic sugar for calling the `CompileConst::const_definition`
/// function.
macro_rules! const_definition
    ( $(#[$attr:meta])* $ty:ty) => 

/// A macro to help in the creation of const declarations. Allows this syntax:
/// `const_declaration!(VAR_NAME = value)`
/// This is syntactic sugar for calling the `CompileConst::const_declaration`
/// function.
macro_rules! const_declaration
    ($name:ident = $($val:tt)*) => 

/// Trait which defines how a type should be represented as a constant
pub trait CompileConst
    /// Get a string representation of a type. This must be implemented for each
    /// type. Types with generics may need to be able to access an instance of 
    /// one of its generic members and call this function in order to properly
    /// represent the type. Note that this is not necessarily a representation 
    /// of the ACTUAL type, but rather the type that should be used if this data
    /// is going to be represented as a compile-time constant.
    fn const_type() -> String;
    /// Get a string representation of the current value in constant form. This 
    /// method is where the real magic happens, but self.const_declaration() is
    /// likely the only one you need to call.
    fn const_val(&self) -> String;
    /// Takes a string (a SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE string is preferred) to use as a
    /// constant name, then calls self.const_type() and self.const_val() in order
    /// to generate a Rust compile-time constant declaration statement.
    fn const_declaration(&self, name: &str) -> String 
        format!("const {}: {} = {};", name, Self::const_type(), self.const_val())
    /// Return a const definition for this type. Attributes may be included, and 
    /// must be formatted as the compiler would expect to see them (including
    /// the pound sign and square brackets `"#[...]"`). Always returns an empty 
    /// string for types defined in the standard library. Typically this is
    /// easier to call instead through the const_definition! macro.
    fn const_definition(_attrs: &str) -> String

macro_rules! numerics
    ( $($t:ty),* ) => 
        $(impl CompileConst for $t
            fn const_type() -> String 

            fn const_val(&self) -> String 
                format!("{}{}", self, stringify!($t))
numerics!(u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize, f32, f64);

macro_rules! strings
    ( $($t:ty),* ) => 
        $(impl CompileConst for $t
            fn const_type() -> String 
                "&'static str".to_string()
            fn const_val(&self) -> String 
                format!("\"{}\"", self)
strings!(String, &str, str);

macro_rules! arrays
    ( $($t:ty),* ) => 
        $(impl<T: CompileConst> CompileConst for $t
            fn const_type() -> String 
                format!("&'static [{}]", T::const_type())
            fn const_val(&self) -> String 
                format!("&[{}]", self
                    .map(|e| e.const_val())
arrays!(Vec<T>, &[T]);

macro_rules! derefs
    ( $($t:ty $(=> $bound:tt)?),* ) => 
        $(impl<T: CompileConst $(+ $bound)? > CompileConst for $t
            fn const_type() -> String 
            fn const_val(&self) -> String 
    std::borrow::Cow<'_, T> => Clone, 

#[cfg(feature = "phf")]
impl<K: CompileConst, V: CompileConst> CompileConst for HashMap<K,V>
    fn const_type() -> String 
        format!("phf::Map<{}, {}>", K::const_type(), V::const_type())

    fn const_val(&self) -> String 
        format!("phf::phf_map!{{{}}}", self
            .map(|(k,v)| format!("{} => {}", k.const_val(), v.const_val()))

#[cfg(feature = "phf")]
impl<E: CompileConst> CompileConst for HashSet<E>
    fn const_type() -> String 
        format!("phf::Set<{}>", E::const_type())

    fn const_val(&self) -> String 
        format!("phf::phf_set!{{{}}}", self
            .map(|e| format!("{}", e.const_val()))

// Implementation for various-sized tuples

impl CompileConst for ()
    fn const_type() -> String 

    fn const_val(&self) -> String 

impl<T: CompileConst, U: CompileConst> CompileConst for (T, U)
    fn const_type() -> String 
        format!("({}, {})", T::const_type(), U::const_type())

    fn const_val(&self) -> String 
        format!("({},{})", self.0.const_val(), self.1.const_val())

impl<T, U, V> CompileConst for (T, U, V)
    where T: CompileConst, U: CompileConst, V: CompileConst
    fn const_type() -> String 
        format!("({}, {}, {})", T::const_type(), U::const_type(), 

    fn const_val(&self) -> String 
        format!("({},{},{})", self.0.const_val(), 
            self.1.const_val(), self.2.const_val())

impl<T, U, V, W> CompileConst for (T, U, V, W)
    where T: CompileConst, U: CompileConst, V: CompileConst,
          W: CompileConst
    fn const_type() -> String 
        format!("({}, {}, {}, {})", T::const_type(), U::const_type(), 
            V::const_type(), W::const_type())

    fn const_val(&self) -> String 
        format!("({},{},{},{})", self.0.const_val(), 
            self.1.const_val(), self.2.const_val(), 

impl<T, U, V, W, X> CompileConst for (T, U, V, W, X)
    where T: CompileConst, U: CompileConst, V: CompileConst,
          W: CompileConst, X: CompileConst
    fn const_type() -> String 
        format!("({}, {}, {}, {}, {})", T::const_type(), U::const_type(), 
            V::const_type(), W::const_type(), X::const_type())

    fn const_val(&self) -> String 
        format!("({},{},{},{},{})", self.0.const_val(), 
            self.1.const_val(), self.2.const_val(), 
            self.3.const_val(), self.4.const_val())

impl<T, U, V, W, X, Y> CompileConst for (T, U, V, W, X, Y)
    where T: CompileConst, U: CompileConst, V: CompileConst,
          W: CompileConst, X: CompileConst, Y: CompileConst
    fn const_type() -> String 
        format!("({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})", T::const_type(), U::const_type(), 
            V::const_type(), W::const_type(), X::const_type(), Y::const_type())

    fn const_val(&self) -> String 
        format!("({},{},{},{},{},{})", self.0.const_val(), 
            self.1.const_val(), self.2.const_val(), 
            self.3.const_val(), self.4.const_val(), 

impl<T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z> CompileConst for (T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z)
    where T: CompileConst, U: CompileConst, V: CompileConst,
          W: CompileConst, X: CompileConst, Y: CompileConst, 
          Z: CompileConst
    fn const_type() -> String 
        format!("({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})", T::const_type(), U::const_type(), 
            V::const_type(), W::const_type(), X::const_type(), Y::const_type(), 

    fn const_val(&self) -> String 
        format!("({},{},{},{},{},{},{})", self.0.const_val(), 
            self.1.const_val(), self.2.const_val(), 
            self.3.const_val(), self.4.const_val(), 
            self.5.const_val(), self.6.const_val())