Module conrod::backend::glium::glium::draw_parameters [] [src]

Describes miscellaneous parameters to be used when drawing.


let params = glium::DrawParameters {
    depth: glium::Depth {
        test: glium::draw_parameters::DepthTest::IfLess,
        write: true,
        .. Default::default()
    scissor: Some(glium::Rect { bottom: 0, left: 100, width: 100, height: 200 }),
    .. Default::default()


Query objects allow you to obtain information about the rendering process. For example, a SamplesPassedQuery allows you to know the number of samples that have been drawn.

let query = glium::draw_parameters::SamplesPassedQuery::new(&display).unwrap();
let params = glium::DrawParameters {
    samples_passed_query: Some((&query).into()),
    .. Default::default()

After drawing with these parameters, you can retrieve the value inside the query:

let value = query.get();

This operation will consume the query and block until the GPU has finished drawing. Instead, you can also use the query as a condition for drawing:

let params = glium::DrawParameters {
    condition: Some(glium::draw_parameters::ConditionalRendering {
        query: (&query).into(),
        wait: true,
        per_region: true,
    .. Default::default()

If you use conditional rendering, glium will submit the draw command but the GPU will execute it only if the query contains a value different from 0.

WrongQueryOperation errors

OpenGL puts some restrictions about the usage of queries. If you draw one or several times with a query, then draw without that query, then the query cannot be used again. Trying to draw with it results in a WrongQueryOperation error returned by the draw function.

For the same reasons, as soon as you call is_ready on a query it will stop being usable.



A query type that allows you to know whether any sample has been written to the output during the operations executed with this query.


Blend effect that the GPU will use for blending.


Condition whether to render or not.


Represents the depth parameters of a draw command.


Represents the parameters to use when drawing.


Query that allows you to know the number of primitives generated by the geometry shader. Will stay at 0 if you use it without any active geometry shader.


A query that allows you to know the number of samples written to the output during the draw operations where this query was active.


Describes the parameters that must be used for the stencil operations when drawing.


A query that allows you to know the number of nanoseconds that have elapsed during the draw operations.


Query that allows you to know the number of primitives generated by transform feedback.



Describes how triangles should be filtered before the fragment processing. Backface culling is purely an optimization. If you don't know what this does, just use CullingDisabled.


Function that the GPU will use for blending.


Specifies whether the depth value of samples should be clamped to 0.0 or 1.0.


The function that the GPU will use to determine whether to write over an existing pixel on the target.


Indicates which value to multiply each component with.


Defines how the device should render polygons.


The vertex to use for flat shading.


Error that can happen when creating a query object.


The query to use for samples counting.


Specifies a hint for the smoothing.


Specificies which operation the GPU will do depending on the result of the stencil test.


Specifies which comparison the GPU will do to determine whether a sample passes the stencil test. The general equation is (ref & mask) CMP (stencil & mask), where ref is the reference value (stencil_reference_value_clockwise or stencil_reference_value_counter_clockwise), CMP is the comparison chosen, and stencil is the current value in the stencil buffer.



DEPRECATED. Checks parameters and returns an error if something is wrong.