conrod 0.46.0

An easy-to-use, 100% Rust, extensible 2D GUI library.
use color::Color;
use event;
use graph::{self, Graph};
use input;
use position::{Align, Direction, Dimensions, Padding, Place, Point, Position, Range, Rect, Scalar};
use render;
use std;
use text;
use theme::Theme;
use utils;
use widget::{self, Widget};

/// A constructor type for building a `Ui` instance with a set of optional parameters.
pub struct UiBuilder {
    /// The initial dimensions of the window in which the `Ui` exists.
    pub window_dimensions: Dimensions,
    /// The theme used to set default styling for widgets.
    /// If this field is `None` when `build` is called, `Theme::default` will be used.
    pub maybe_theme: Option<Theme>,
    /// An estimation of the maximum number of widgets that will be used with this `Ui` instance.
    /// This value is used to determine the size with which various collections should be
    /// reserved. This may make the first cycle of widget instantiations more efficient as the
    /// collections will not be required to grow dynamically. These collections include:
    /// - the widget graph node and edge `Vec`s
    /// - the `HashSet` used to track updated widgets
    /// - the widget `DepthOrder` (a kind of toposort describing the order of widgets in their
    /// rendering order).
    /// If this field is `None` when `build` is called, these collections will be initialised with
    /// no pre-reserved size and will instead grow organically as needed.
    pub maybe_widgets_capacity: Option<usize>

/// `Ui` is the most important type within Conrod and is necessary for rendering and maintaining
/// widget state.
/// # Ui Handles the following:
/// * Contains the state of all widgets which can be indexed via their widget::Id.
/// * Stores rendering state for each widget until the end of each render cycle.
/// * Contains the theme used for default styling of the widgets.
/// * Maintains the latest user input state (for mouse and keyboard).
/// * Maintains the latest window dimensions.
pub struct Ui {
    /// The theme used to set default styling for widgets.
    pub theme: Theme,
    /// An index into the root widget of the graph, representing the entire window.
    pub window: widget::Id,
    /// Handles aggregation of events and providing them to Widgets
    pub global_input: input::Global,
    /// Manages all fonts that have been loaded by the user.
    pub fonts: text::font::Map,
    /// The Widget cache, storing state for all widgets.
    widget_graph: Graph,
    /// The widget::Id of the widget that was last updated/set.
    maybe_prev_widget_id: Option<widget::Id>,
    /// The widget::Id of the last widget used as a parent for another widget.
    maybe_current_parent_id: Option<widget::Id>,
    /// The number of frames that that will be used for the `redraw_count` when `need_redraw` is
    /// triggered.
    num_redraw_frames: u8,
    /// Whether or not the `Ui` needs to be re-drawn to screen.
    redraw_count: u8,
    /// A background color to clear the screen with before drawing if one was given.
    maybe_background_color: Option<Color>,
    /// The order in which widgets from the `widget_graph` are drawn.
    depth_order: graph::DepthOrder,
    /// The set of widgets that have been updated since the beginning of the `set_widgets` stage.
    updated_widgets: std::collections::HashSet<widget::Id>,
    /// The `updated_widgets` for the previous `set_widgets` stage.
    /// We use this to compare against the newly generated `updated_widgets` to see whether or not
    /// we require re-drawing.
    prev_updated_widgets: std::collections::HashSet<widget::Id>,
    /// Scroll events that have been emitted during a call to `Ui::set_widgets`. These are usually
    /// emitted by some widget like the `Scrollbar`.
    /// These events will be drained and pushed onto the end of the `global_input` event buffer at
    /// the end of the `Ui::set_widgets` method. This ensures that the events are received by the
    /// target widgets during the next call to `Ui::set_widgets`.
    pending_scroll_events: Vec<event::Ui>,

    // TODO: Remove the following fields as they should now be handled by `input::Global`.

    /// Window width.
    pub win_w: f64,
    /// Window height.
    pub win_h: f64,

/// A wrapper around the `Ui` that restricts the user from mutating the `Ui` in certain ways while
/// in the scope of the `Ui::set_widgets` function and within `Widget`s' `update` methods. Using
/// the `UiCell`, users may access the `Ui` immutably (via `Deref`) however they wish, however they
/// may only mutate the `Ui` via the `&mut self` methods provided by the `UiCell`.
/// The name came from its likening to a "jail cell for the `Ui`", as it restricts a user's access
/// to it. However, we realise that the name may also cause ambiguity with the std `Cell` and
/// `RefCell` types (which `UiCell` has nothing to do with). Thus, if you have a better name for
/// this type in mind, please let us know at the github repo via an issue or PR sometime before we
/// hit 1.0.0!
pub struct UiCell<'a> {
    /// A mutable reference to a **Ui**.
    ui: &'a mut Ui,

/// Each time conrod is required to redraw the GUI, it must draw for at least the next three frames
/// to ensure that, in the case that graphics buffers are being swapped, we have filled each
/// buffer. Otherwise if we don't draw into each buffer, we will probably be subject to flickering.
pub const SAFE_REDRAW_COUNT: u8 = 3;

impl UiBuilder {

    /// Begin building a new `Ui` instance.
    /// Give the initial dimensions of the window within which the `Ui` will be instantiated as a
    /// `Scalar` (DPI agnostic) value.
    pub fn new(window_dimensions: Dimensions) -> Self {
        UiBuilder {
            window_dimensions: window_dimensions,
            maybe_theme: None,
            maybe_widgets_capacity: None

    /// The theme used to set default styling for widgets.
    /// If this field is `None` when `build` is called, `Theme::default` will be used.
    pub fn theme(mut self, value: Theme) -> Self {
        self.maybe_theme = Some(value);

    /// An estimation of the maximum number of widgets that will be used with this `Ui` instance.
    /// This value is used to determine the size with which various collections should be
    /// reserved. This may make the first cycle of widget instantiations more efficient as the
    /// collections will not be required to grow dynamically. These collections include:
    /// - the widget graph node and edge `Vec`s
    /// - the `HashSet` used to track updated widgets
    /// - the widget `DepthOrder` (a kind of toposort describing the order of widgets in their
    /// rendering order).
    /// If this field is `None` when `build` is called, these collections will be initialised with
    /// no pre-reserved size and will instead grow organically as required.
    pub fn widgets_capacity(mut self, value: usize) -> Self {
        self.maybe_widgets_capacity = Some(value);

    /// Build **Ui** from the given builder
    pub fn build(self) -> Ui {


impl Ui {

    /// A new, empty **Ui**.
    fn new(builder: UiBuilder) -> Self {

        let UiBuilder {
        } = builder;

        let (mut widget_graph, depth_order, updated_widgets) =
                || (Graph::new(),
                |n| (Graph::with_node_capacity(n),

        let window = widget_graph.add_placeholder();
        let prev_updated_widgets = updated_widgets.clone();
        Ui {
            widget_graph: widget_graph,
            theme: maybe_theme.unwrap_or_else(|| Theme::default()),
            fonts: text::font::Map::new(),
            window: window,
            win_w: window_dimensions[0],
            win_h: window_dimensions[1],
            maybe_prev_widget_id: None,
            maybe_current_parent_id: None,
            num_redraw_frames: SAFE_REDRAW_COUNT,
            redraw_count: SAFE_REDRAW_COUNT,
            maybe_background_color: None,
            depth_order: depth_order,
            updated_widgets: updated_widgets,
            prev_updated_widgets: prev_updated_widgets,
            global_input: input::Global::new(),
            pending_scroll_events: Vec::new(),

    /// Returns a `input::Widget` for the given widget
    pub fn widget_input(&self, widget: widget::Id) -> input::Widget {
        // If there's no rectangle for a given widget, then we use one with zero area.
        // This means that the resulting `input::Widget` will not include any mouse events
        // unless it has captured the mouse, since none will have occured over that area.
        let rect = self.rect_of(widget).unwrap_or_else(|| {
            let right_edge = self.win_w / 2.0;
            let bottom_edge = self.win_h / 2.0;
            Rect::from_xy_dim([right_edge, bottom_edge], [0.0, 0.0])
        input::Widget::for_widget(widget, rect, &self.global_input)

    /// The **Rect** for the widget at the given index.
    /// Returns `None` if there is no widget for the given index.
    pub fn rect_of(&self, id: widget::Id) -> Option<Rect> {
        self.widget_graph.widget(id).map(|widget| widget.rect)

    /// The absolute width of the widget at the given index.
    /// Returns `None` if there is no widget for the given index.
    pub fn w_of(&self, id: widget::Id) -> Option<Scalar> {
        self.rect_of(id).map(|rect| rect.w())

    /// The absolute height of the widget at the given index.
    /// Returns `None` if there is no widget for the given index.
    pub fn h_of(&self, id: widget::Id) -> Option<Scalar> {
        self.rect_of(id).map(|rect| rect.h())

    /// The absolute dimensions for the widget at the given index.
    /// Returns `None` if there is no widget for the given index.
    pub fn wh_of(&self, id: widget::Id) -> Option<Dimensions> {
        self.rect_of(id).map(|rect| rect.dim())

    /// The coordinates for the widget at the given index.
    /// Returns `None` if there is no widget for the given index.
    pub fn xy_of(&self, id: widget::Id) -> Option<Point> {
        self.rect_of(id).map(|rect| rect.xy())

    /// The `kid_area` of the widget at the given index.
    /// Returns `None` if there is no widget for the given index.
    pub fn kid_area_of(&self, id: widget::Id) -> Option<Rect> {
        self.widget_graph.widget(id).map(|widget| {

    /// An index to the previously updated widget if there is one.
    pub fn maybe_prev_widget(&self) -> Option<widget::Id> {

    /// Borrow the **Ui**'s `widget_graph`.
    pub fn widget_graph(&self) -> &Graph {

    /// Borrow the **Ui**'s set of updated widgets.
    /// This set indicates which widgets have been instantiated since the beginning of the most
    /// recent `Ui::set_widgets` call.
    pub fn updated_widgets(&self) -> &std::collections::HashSet<widget::Id> {

    /// Borrow the **Ui**'s set of updated widgets.
    /// This set indicates which widgets have were instantiated during the previous call to
    /// `Ui::set_widgets`.
    pub fn prev_updated_widgets(&self) -> &std::collections::HashSet<widget::Id> {

    /// Produces a type that may be used to generate new unique `widget::Id`s.
    /// See the [**widget::id::Generator**](../widget/id/struct.Generator.html) docs for details on
    /// how to use this correctly.
    pub fn widget_id_generator(&mut self) -> widget::id::Generator {
        widget::id::Generator::new(&mut self.widget_graph)

    /// Scroll the widget at the given index by the given offset amount.
    /// The produced `Scroll` event will be applied upon the next call to `Ui::set_widgets`.
    pub fn scroll_widget(&mut self, widget_id: widget::Id, offset: [Scalar; 2]) {
        let (x, y) = (offset[0], offset[1]);

        if x != 0.0 || y != 0.0 {
            let event = event::Ui::Scroll(Some(widget_id), event::Scroll {
                x: x,
                y: y,
                modifiers: self.global_input.current.modifiers,

    /// Handle raw window events and update the `Ui` state accordingly.
    /// This occurs within several stages:
    /// 1. Convert the user's given `event` to a `RawEvent` so that the `Ui` may use it.
    /// 2. Interpret the `RawEvent` for higher-level `Event`s such as `DoubleClick`,
    ///    `WidgetCapturesKeyboard`, etc.
    /// 3. Update the `Ui`'s `global_input` `State` accordingly, depending on the `RawEvent`.
    /// 4. Store newly produced `event::Ui`s within the `global_input` so that they may be filtered
    ///    and fed to `Widget`s next time `Ui::set_widget` is called.
    /// This method *drives* the `Ui` forward, and is what allows for using conrod's `Ui` with any
    /// window event stream.
    /// The given `event` must implement the **ToRawEvent** trait so that it can be converted to a
    /// `RawEvent` that can be used by the `Ui`.
    pub fn handle_event(&mut self, event: event::Input) {
        use event::{self, Input, Motion};
        use input::{Button, Key, ModifierKey};
        use input::state::mouse::Button as MouseButton;

        // Determines which widget is currently under the mouse and sets it within the `Ui`'s
        // `input::Global`'s `input::State`.
        // If the `widget_under_mouse` has changed, this function will also update the
        // `widget_capturing_mouse`.
        // If the left mouse button is up, we assume that the widget directly under the
        // mouse cursor captures all input from the mouse.
        // If the left mouse button is down, we assume that the widget that was clicked
        // remains "pinned" and will continue to capture the mouse until it is
        // released.
        // Note: This function expects that `ui.global_input.current.mouse.xy` is up-to-date.
        fn track_widget_under_mouse_and_update_capturing(ui: &mut Ui) {
            ui.global_input.current.widget_under_mouse =
                                          .next(&ui.widget_graph, &ui.depth_order.indices);

            // If MouseButton::Left is up and `widget_under_mouse` has changed, capture new widget
            // under mouse.
            if ui.global_input.current.mouse.buttons.left().is_up() {
                let widget_under_mouse = ui.global_input.current.widget_under_mouse;

                // Check to see if we need to uncapture a widget.
                if let Some(idx) = ui.global_input.current.widget_capturing_mouse {
                    if widget_under_mouse != Some(idx) {
                        let event = event::Ui::WidgetUncapturesMouse(idx).into();
                        ui.global_input.current.widget_capturing_mouse = None;

                // Check to see if there is a new widget capturing the mouse.
                if ui.global_input.current.widget_capturing_mouse.is_none() {
                    if let Some(idx) = widget_under_mouse {
                        let event = event::Ui::WidgetCapturesMouse(idx).into();
                        ui.global_input.current.widget_capturing_mouse = Some(idx);

        // A function for filtering `ModifierKey`s.
        fn filter_modifier(key: Key) -> Option<ModifierKey> {
            use input::keyboard::{CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, GUI};
            match key {
                Key::LCtrl | Key::RCtrl => Some(CTRL),
                Key::LShift | Key::RShift => Some(SHIFT),
                Key::LAlt | Key::RAlt => Some(ALT),
                Key::LGui | Key::RGui => Some(GUI),
                _ => None

        // Here we handle all user input given to conrod.
        // Not only do we store the `Input` event as an `Event::Raw`, we also use them to
        // interpret higher level events such as `Click` or `Drag`.
        // Finally, we also ensure that the `current_state` is up-to-date.
        match event {

            // Some button was pressed, whether keyboard, mouse or some other device.
            Input::Press(button_type) => match button_type {

                // Check to see whether we need to (un)capture the keyboard or mouse.
                Button::Mouse(mouse_button) => {

                    // Create a mouse `Press` event.
                    let mouse_xy = self.global_input.current.mouse.xy;
                    let press = event::Press {
                        button: event::Button::Mouse(mouse_button, mouse_xy),
                        modifiers: self.global_input.current.modifiers,
                    let widget = self.global_input.current.widget_capturing_mouse;
                    let press_event = event::Ui::Press(widget, press).into();

                    if let MouseButton::Left = mouse_button {
                        // Check to see if we need to uncapture the keyboard.
                        if let Some(idx) = self.global_input.current.widget_capturing_keyboard {
                            if Some(idx) != self.global_input.current.widget_under_mouse {
                                let event = event::Ui::WidgetUncapturesKeyboard(idx).into();
                                self.global_input.current.widget_capturing_keyboard = None;

                        // Check to see if we need to capture the keyboard.
                        if let Some(idx) = self.global_input.current.widget_under_mouse {
                            let event = event::Ui::WidgetCapturesKeyboard(idx).into();
                            self.global_input.current.widget_capturing_keyboard = Some(idx);

                    // Keep track of pressed buttons in the current input::State.
                    let xy = self.global_input.current.mouse.xy;
                    let widget = self.global_input.current.widget_under_mouse;
          , xy, widget);

                Button::Keyboard(key) => {

                    // Create a keyboard `Press` event.
                    let press = event::Press {
                        button: event::Button::Keyboard(key),
                        modifiers: self.global_input.current.modifiers,
                    let widget = self.global_input.current.widget_capturing_keyboard;
                    let press_event = event::Ui::Press(widget, press).into();

                    // If some modifier key was pressed, add it to the current modifiers.
                    if let Some(modifier) = filter_modifier(key) {

                    // If `Esc` was pressed, check to see if we need to cancel a `Drag` or
                    // uncapture a widget.
                    if let Key::Escape = key {
                        // TODO:
                        // 1. Cancel `Drag` if currently under way.
                        // 2. If mouse is captured due to pinning widget with left mouse button,
                        //    cancel capturing.

                _ => {}

            // Some button was released.
            // Checks for events in the following order:
            // 1. Click
            // 2. DoubleClick
            // 2. WidgetUncapturesMouse
            Input::Release(button_type) => match button_type {
                Button::Mouse(mouse_button) => {

                    // Create a `Release` event.
                    let mouse_xy = self.global_input.current.mouse.xy;
                    let release = event::Release {
                        button: event::Button::Mouse(mouse_button, mouse_xy),
                        modifiers: self.global_input.current.modifiers,
                    let widget = self.global_input.current.widget_capturing_mouse;
                    let release_event = event::Ui::Release(widget, release).into();

                    // Check for `Click` and `DoubleClick` events.
                    let down = self.global_input.current.mouse.buttons[mouse_button].if_down();
                    if let Some((_, widget)) = down {

                        // The widget that's being clicked.
                        let clicked_widget = self.global_input.current.widget_under_mouse
                            .and_then(|released| widget.and_then(|pressed| {
                                if pressed == released { Some(released) } else { None }

                        let click = event::Click {
                            button: mouse_button,
                            xy: self.global_input.current.mouse.xy,
                            modifiers: self.global_input.current.modifiers,

                        let click_event = event::Ui::Click(clicked_widget, click).into();

                        let now = std::time::Instant::now();
                        let double_click = self.global_input.last_click
                            .and_then(|(last_time, last_click)| {

                                // If the button of this click is different to the button
                                // of last click, don't create a `DoubleClick`.
                                if click.button != last_click.button {
                                    return None;

                                // If the mouse has moved since the last click, don't
                                // create a `DoubleClick`.
                                if click.xy != last_click.xy {
                                    return None;

                                // If the duration since the last click is longer than the
                                // double_click_threshold, don't create a `DoubleClick`.
                                let duration = now.duration_since(last_time);
                                // TODO: Work out how to get this threshold from the user's
                                // system preferences.
                                let threshold = self.theme.double_click_threshold;
                                if duration >= threshold {
                                    return None;

                                Some(event::DoubleClick {
                                    button: click.button,
                                    xy: click.xy,
                                    modifiers: click.modifiers,

                        if let Some(double_click) = double_click {
                            // Reset the `last_click` to `None`, as to not register another
                            // `DoubleClick` on the next consecutive `Click`.
                            self.global_input.last_click = None;
                            let double_click_event =
                                event::Ui::DoubleClick(clicked_widget, double_click).into();

                        } else {
                            // Set the `Click` that we just stored as the `last_click`.
                            self.global_input.last_click = Some((now, click));

                    // Uncapture widget capturing mouse if MouseButton::Left is down and
                    // widget_under_mouse != capturing widget.
                    if let MouseButton::Left = mouse_button {
                        if let Some(idx) = self.global_input.current.widget_capturing_mouse {
                            if Some(idx) != self.global_input.current.widget_under_mouse {
                                let event = event::Ui::WidgetUncapturesMouse(idx).into();
                                self.global_input.current.widget_capturing_mouse = None;

                    // Release the given mouse_button from the input::State.

                Button::Keyboard(key) => {

                    // Create a `Release` event.
                    let release = event::Release {
                        button: event::Button::Keyboard(key),
                        modifiers: self.global_input.current.modifiers,
                    let widget = self.global_input.current.widget_capturing_keyboard;
                    let release_event = event::Ui::Release(widget, release).into();

                    // If a modifier key was released, remove it from the current set.
                    if let Some(modifier) = filter_modifier(key) {

                _ => (),

            // The window was resized.
            Input::Resize(w, h) => {
                // Create a `WindowResized` event.
                let (w, h) = (w as Scalar, h as Scalar);
                let window_resized = event::Ui::WindowResized([w, h]).into();

                self.win_w = w;
                self.win_h = h;

            // The mouse cursor was moved to a new position.
            // Checks for events in the following order:
            // 1. `Drag`
            // 2. `WidgetUncapturesMouse`
            // 3. `WidgetCapturesMouse`
            Input::Move(motion) => {

                // Create a `Move` event.
                let move_ = event::Move {
                    motion: motion,
                    modifiers: self.global_input.current.modifiers,
                let widget = self.global_input.current.widget_capturing_mouse;
                let move_event = event::Ui::Move(widget, move_).into();

                match motion {

                    Motion::MouseCursor(x, y) => {

                        // Check for drag events.
                        let last_mouse_xy = self.global_input.current.mouse.xy;
                        let mouse_xy = [x, y];
                        let delta_xy = utils::vec2_sub(mouse_xy, last_mouse_xy);
                        let distance = (delta_xy[0] + delta_xy[1]).abs().sqrt();
                        if distance > self.theme.mouse_drag_threshold {
                            // For each button that is down, trigger a drag event.
                            let buttons = self.global_input.current.mouse.buttons.clone();
                            for (btn, btn_xy, widget) in buttons.pressed() {
                                let total_delta_xy = utils::vec2_sub(mouse_xy, btn_xy);
                                let event = event::Ui::Drag(widget, event::Drag {
                                    button: btn,
                                    origin: btn_xy,
                                    from: last_mouse_xy,
                                    to: mouse_xy,
                                    delta_xy: delta_xy,
                                    total_delta_xy: total_delta_xy,
                                    modifiers: self.global_input.current.modifiers,

                        // Update the position of the mouse within the global_input's
                        // input::State.
                        self.global_input.current.mouse.xy = mouse_xy;


                    // The mouse was scrolled.
                    Motion::MouseScroll(x, y) => {

                        let mut scrollable_widgets = {
                            let depth_order = &self.depth_order.indices;
                            let mouse_xy = self.global_input.current.mouse.xy;
                            graph::algo::pick_scrollable_widgets(depth_order, mouse_xy)

                        // Iterate through the scrollable widgets from top to bottom.
                        // A scroll event will be created for the first scrollable widget
                        // that hasn't already reached the bound of the scroll event's
                        // direction.
                        while let Some(idx) =

                            let (kid_area, maybe_x_scroll, maybe_y_scroll) =
                                match self.widget_graph.widget(idx) {
                                    Some(widget) => {
                                    None => continue,

                            fn offset_is_at_bound<A>(scroll: &widget::scroll::State<A>,
                                                     additional_offset: Scalar) -> bool
                                use utils;

                                fn approx_eq(a: Scalar, b: Scalar) -> bool {
                                    (a - b).abs() < 0.000001

                                if additional_offset.is_sign_positive() {
                                    let max = utils::partial_max(scroll.offset_bounds.start,
                                    approx_eq(scroll.offset, max)
                                } else {
                                    let min = utils::partial_min(scroll.offset_bounds.start,
                                    approx_eq(scroll.offset, min)

                            let mut scroll_x = false;
                            let mut scroll_y = false;

                            // Check whether the x axis is scrollable.
                            if x != 0.0 {
                                let new_scroll =
                                    widget::scroll::State::update(self, idx, &kid_area,
                                                                  maybe_x_scroll, x);
                                if let Some(prev_scroll) = maybe_x_scroll {
                                    let (prev_is_at_bound, new_is_at_bound) =
                                        (offset_is_at_bound(&prev_scroll, x),
                                         offset_is_at_bound(&new_scroll, x));
                                    scroll_x = !prev_is_at_bound || !new_is_at_bound;

                            // Check whether the y axis is scrollable.
                            if y != 0.0 {
                                let new_scroll =
                                    widget::scroll::State::update(self, idx, &kid_area,
                                                                  maybe_y_scroll, y);
                                if let Some(prev_scroll) = maybe_y_scroll {
                                    let (prev_is_at_bound, new_is_at_bound) =
                                        (offset_is_at_bound(&prev_scroll, y),
                                         offset_is_at_bound(&new_scroll, y));
                                    scroll_y = !prev_is_at_bound || !new_is_at_bound;

                            // Create a `Scroll` event if either axis is scrollable.
                            if scroll_x || scroll_y {
                                let event = event::Ui::Scroll(Some(idx), event::Scroll {
                                    x: x,
                                    y: y,
                                    modifiers: self.global_input.current.modifiers,

                                // Now that we've scrolled the top, scrollable widget,
                                // we're done with the loop.

                        // If no scrollable widgets could be scrolled, emit the event to
                        // the widget that currently captures the mouse.
                        if x != 0.0 || y != 0.0 {
                            let widget = self.global_input.current.widget_capturing_mouse;
                            if let Some(idx) = widget {
                                if let Some(widget) = self.widget_graph.widget(idx) {
                                    // Only create the event if the widget is not
                                    // scrollable, as the event would have already been
                                    // created within the above loop.
                                    if widget.maybe_x_scroll_state.is_none()
                                    && widget.maybe_y_scroll_state.is_none() {
                                        let scroll = event::Scroll {
                                            x: x,
                                            y: y,
                                            modifiers: self.global_input.current.modifiers,
                                        let event = event::Ui::Scroll(Some(idx), scroll);

                        // Now that there might be a different widget under the mouse, we
                        // must update the capturing state.

                    _ => (),


            Input::Text(string) => {
                // Create a `Text` event.
                let text = event::Text {
                    string: string,
                    modifiers: self.global_input.current.modifiers,
                let widget = self.global_input.current.widget_capturing_keyboard;
                let text_event = event::Ui::Text(widget, text).into();

            _ => (),

    /// Get the centred xy coords for some given `Dimension`s, `Position` and alignment.
    /// If getting the xy for a specific widget, its `widget::Id` should be specified so that we
    /// can also consider the scroll offset of the scrollable parent widgets.
    /// The `place_on_kid_area` argument specifies whether or not **Place** **Position** variants
    /// should target a **Widget**'s `kid_area`, or simply the **Widget**'s total area.
    pub fn calc_xy(&self,
                   maybe_id: Option<widget::Id>,
                   x_position: Position,
                   y_position: Position,
                   dim: Dimensions,
                   place_on_kid_area: bool) -> Point
        use utils::vec2_add;

        // Retrieves the absolute **Scalar** position from the given position for a single axis.
        // The axis used is specified by the given range_from_rect function which, given some
        // **Rect**, returns the relevant **Range**.
        fn abs_from_position<R, P>(ui: &Ui,
                                   position: Position,
                                   dim: Scalar,
                                   place_on_kid_area: bool,
                                   range_from_rect: R,
                                   start_and_end_pad: P) -> Scalar
            where R: FnOnce(Rect) -> Range,
                  P: FnOnce(Padding) -> Range,
            match position {

                Position::Absolute(abs) => abs,

                Position::Relative(rel, maybe_id) =>
                        .and_then(|idx| ui.rect_of(idx).map(range_from_rect))
                        .map(|other_range| other_range.middle() + rel)

                Position::Direction(direction, amt, maybe_id) =>
                        .and_then(|idx| ui.rect_of(idx).map(range_from_rect))
                        .map(|other_range| {
                            let range = Range::from_pos_and_len(0.0, dim);
                            match direction {
                                Direction::Forwards => range.align_after(other_range).middle() + amt,
                                Direction::Backwards => range.align_before(other_range).middle() - amt,
                        .unwrap_or_else(|| match direction {
                            Direction::Forwards => amt,
                            Direction::Backwards => -amt,

                Position::Align(align, maybe_id) =>
                        .and_then(|idx| ui.rect_of(idx).map(range_from_rect))
                        .map(|other_range| {
                            let range = Range::from_pos_and_len(0.0, dim);
                            match align {
                                Align::Start => range.align_start_of(other_range).middle(),
                                Align::Middle => other_range.middle(),
                                Align::End => range.align_end_of(other_range).middle(),

                Position::Place(place, maybe_id) => {
                    let parent_id = maybe_id
                    let maybe_area = match place_on_kid_area {
                        true => ui.widget_graph.widget(parent_id)
                            .map(|w| w.kid_area)
                            .map(|k| (range_from_rect(k.rect), start_and_end_pad(k.pad))),
                        false => ui.rect_of(parent_id)
                            .map(|rect| (range_from_rect(rect), Range::new(0.0, 0.0))),
                        .map(|(parent_range, pad)| {
                            let range = Range::from_pos_and_len(0.0, dim);
                            let parent_range = parent_range.pad_start(pad.start).pad_end(pad.end);
                            match place {
                                Place::Start(maybe_mgn) =>
                                    range.align_start_of(parent_range).middle() + maybe_mgn.unwrap_or(0.0),
                                Place::Middle =>
                                Place::End(maybe_mgn) =>
                                    range.align_end_of(parent_range).middle() - maybe_mgn.unwrap_or(0.0),


        fn x_range(rect: Rect) -> Range { rect.x }
        fn y_range(rect: Rect) -> Range { rect.y }
        fn x_pad(pad: Padding) -> Range { pad.x }
        fn y_pad(pad: Padding) -> Range { pad.y }
        let x = abs_from_position(self, x_position, dim[0], place_on_kid_area, x_range, x_pad);
        let y = abs_from_position(self, y_position, dim[1], place_on_kid_area, y_range, y_pad);
        let xy = [x, y];

        // Add the widget's parents' total combined scroll offset to the given xy.
            .map(|idx| vec2_add(xy, graph::algo::scroll_offset(&self.widget_graph, idx)))

    /// A function within which all widgets are instantiated by the user, normally situated within
    /// the "update" stage of an event loop.
    pub fn set_widgets(&mut self) -> UiCell {
        self.maybe_prev_widget_id = None;
        self.maybe_current_parent_id = None;

        // Move the previous `updated_widgets` to `prev_updated_widgets` and clear
        // `updated_widgets` so that we're ready to store the newly updated widgets.
            let Ui { ref mut updated_widgets, ref mut prev_updated_widgets, .. } = *self;
            std::mem::swap(updated_widgets, prev_updated_widgets);

        let mut ui_cell = UiCell { ui: self };

        // Instantiate the root `Window` `Widget`.
        // This widget acts as the parent-most widget and root node for the Ui's `widget_graph`,
        // upon which all other widgets are placed.
            use {color, Colorable, Borderable, Positionable, Widget};
            type Window = widget::BorderedRectangle;
            Window::new([ui_cell.win_w, ui_cell.win_h])
                .x_y(0.0, 0.0)
                .set(ui_cell.window, &mut ui_cell);

        ui_cell.ui.maybe_current_parent_id = Some(ui_cell.window.into());


    /// Set the number of frames that the `Ui` should draw in the case that `needs_redraw` is
    /// called. The default is `3` (see the SAFE_REDRAW_COUNT docs for details).
    pub fn set_num_redraw_frames(&mut self, num_frames: u8) {
        self.num_redraw_frames = num_frames;

    /// Tells the `Ui` that it needs to be re-draw everything. It does this by setting the redraw
    /// count to `num_redraw_frames`. See the docs for `set_num_redraw_frames`, SAFE_REDRAW_COUNT
    /// or `draw_if_changed` for more info on how/why the redraw count is used.
    pub fn needs_redraw(&mut self) {
        self.redraw_count = self.num_redraw_frames;

    /// The first of the `Primitivees` yielded by `Ui::draw` or `Ui::draw_if_changed` will always
    /// be a `Rectangle` the size of the window in which conrod is hosted.
    /// This method sets the colour with which this `Rectangle` is drawn (the default being
    /// `conrod::color::TRANSPARENT`.
    pub fn clear_with(&mut self, color: Color) {
        self.maybe_background_color = Some(color);

    /// Draw the `Ui` in it's current state.
    /// NOTE: If you don't need to redraw your conrod GUI every frame, it is recommended to use the
    /// `Ui::draw_if_changed` method instead.
    pub fn draw(&mut self) -> render::Primitives {
        let Ui {
            ref mut redraw_count,
            ref widget_graph,
            ref depth_order,
            ref theme,
            ref fonts,
            win_w, win_h,
        } = *self;

        // Use the depth_order indices as the order for drawing.
        let indices = &depth_order.indices;

        // We're about to draw everything, so take one from the redraw count.
        if *redraw_count > 0 {
            *redraw_count -= 1;

        render::Primitives::new(widget_graph, indices, theme, fonts, [win_w, win_h])

    /// Same as the `Ui::draw` method, but *only* draws if the `redraw_count` is greater than 0.
    /// The `redraw_count` is set to `SAFE_REDRAW_COUNT` whenever a `Widget` indicates that it
    /// needs to be re-drawn.
    /// It can also be triggered manually by the user using the `Ui::needs_redraw` method.
    /// This method is generally preferred over `Ui::draw` as it requires far less CPU usage, only
    /// redrawing to the screen if necessary.
    /// Note that when `Ui::needs_redraw` is triggered, it sets the `redraw_count` to 3 by default.
    /// This ensures that conrod is drawn to each buffer in the case that there is buffer swapping
    /// happening. Let us know if you need finer control over this and we'll expose a way for you
    /// to set the redraw count manually.
    pub fn draw_if_changed(&mut self) -> Option<render::Primitives> {
        if self.redraw_count > 0 {
            return Some(self.draw())


    /// The **Rect** that bounds the kids of the widget with the given index.
    pub fn kids_bounding_box(&self, id: widget::Id) -> Option<Rect> {
        graph::algo::kids_bounding_box(&self.widget_graph, &self.prev_updated_widgets, id)

    /// The **Rect** that represents the maximum fully visible area for the widget with the given
    /// index, including consideration of cropped scroll area.
    /// Otherwise, return None if the widget is not visible.
    pub fn visible_area(&self, id: widget::Id) -> Option<Rect> {
        graph::algo::cropped_area_of_widget(&self.widget_graph, id)


impl<'a> UiCell<'a> {

    /// A reference to the `Theme` that is currently active within the `Ui`.
    pub fn theme(&self) -> &Theme { &self.ui.theme }

    /// A convenience method for borrowing the `Font` for the given `Id` if it exists.
    pub fn font(&self, id: text::font::Id) -> Option<&text::Font> {

    /// Returns the dimensions of the window
    pub fn window_dim(&self) -> Dimensions {
        [self.ui.win_w, self.ui.win_h]

    /// Returns an immutable reference to the `input::Global` of the `Ui`.
    /// All coordinates here will be relative to the center of the window.
    pub fn global_input(&self) -> &input::Global {

    /// Returns a `input::Widget` with input events for the widget.
    /// All coordinates in the `input::Widget` will be relative to the widget at the given index.
    pub fn widget_input(&self, id: widget::Id) -> input::Widget {

    /// Produces a type that may be used to generate new unique `widget::Id`s.
    /// See the [**widget::id::Generator**](../widget/id/struct.Generator.html) docs for details on
    /// how to use this correctly.
    pub fn widget_id_generator(&mut self) -> widget::id::Generator {

    /// The **Rect** that bounds the kids of the widget with the given index.
    /// Returns `None` if the widget has no children or if there's is no widget for the given index.
    pub fn kids_bounding_box(&self, id: widget::Id) -> Option<Rect> {

    /// Scroll the widget at the given index by the given offset amount.
    /// The produced `Scroll` event will be pushed to the `pending_scroll_events` and will be
    /// applied to the widget during the next call to `Ui::set_widgets`.
    pub fn scroll_widget(&mut self, id: widget::Id, offset: [Scalar; 2]) {
        let (x, y) = (offset[0], offset[1]);

        if x != 0.0 || y != 0.0 {
            let event = event::Ui::Scroll(Some(id), event::Scroll {
                x: x,
                y: y,
                modifiers: self.ui.global_input.current.modifiers,


impl<'a> Drop for UiCell<'a> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // We'll need to re-draw if we have gained or lost widgets.
        if self.ui.updated_widgets != self.ui.prev_updated_widgets {

        // Update the **DepthOrder** so that it reflects the **Graph**'s current state.
            let Ui {
                ref widget_graph,
                ref mut depth_order,
                ref updated_widgets,
            } = *self.ui;

            depth_order.update(widget_graph, window, updated_widgets);

        // Reset the global input state. Note that this is the **only** time this should be called.

        // Move all pending `Scroll` events that have been produced since the start of this method
        // into the `global_input` event buffer.
        for scroll_event in self.ui.pending_scroll_events.drain(0..) {

impl<'a> ::std::ops::Deref for UiCell<'a> {
    type Target = Ui;
    fn deref(&self) -> &Ui {

impl<'a> AsRef<Ui> for UiCell<'a> {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &Ui {

/// A function for retrieving the `&mut Ui<B>` from a `UiCell<B>`.
/// This function is only for internal use to allow for some `Ui` type acrobatics in order to
/// provide a nice *safe* API for the user.
pub fn ref_mut_from_ui_cell<'a, 'b: 'a>(ui_cell: &'a mut UiCell<'b>) -> &'a mut Ui {

/// A mutable reference to the given `Ui`'s widget `Graph`.
pub fn widget_graph_mut(ui: &mut Ui) -> &mut Graph {
    &mut ui.widget_graph

/// Infer a widget's `Depth` parent by examining it's *x* and *y* `Position`s.
/// When a different parent may be inferred from either `Position`, the *x* `Position` is favoured.
pub fn infer_parent_from_position(ui: &Ui, x: Position, y: Position) -> Option<widget::Id> {
    use Position::{Place, Relative, Direction, Align};
    match (x, y) {
        (Place(_, maybe_parent_id), _) | (_, Place(_, maybe_parent_id)) =>
        (Direction(_, _, maybe_id), _) | (_, Direction(_, _, maybe_id)) |
        (Align(_, maybe_id), _)        | (_, Align(_, maybe_id))        |
        (Relative(_, maybe_id), _)     | (_, Relative(_, maybe_id))     =>
                .and_then(|idx| ui.widget_graph.depth_parent(idx)),
        _ => None,

/// Attempts to infer the parent of a widget from its *x*/*y* `Position`s and the current state of
/// the `Ui`.
/// If no parent can be inferred via the `Position`s, the `maybe_current_parent_id` will be used.
/// If `maybe_current_parent_id` is `None`, the `Ui`'s `window` widget will be used.
/// **Note:** This function does not check whether or not using the `window` widget would cause a
/// cycle.
pub fn infer_parent_unchecked(ui: &Ui, x_pos: Position, y_pos: Position) -> widget::Id {
    infer_parent_from_position(ui, x_pos, y_pos)

/// Cache some `PreUpdateCache` widget data into the widget graph.
/// Set the widget that is being cached as the new `prev_widget`.
/// Set the widget's parent as the new `current_parent`.
pub fn pre_update_cache(ui: &mut Ui, widget: widget::PreUpdateCache) {
    ui.maybe_prev_widget_id = Some(;
    ui.maybe_current_parent_id = widget.maybe_parent_id;
    let widget_id =;
    ui.widget_graph.pre_update_cache(ui.window, widget, ui.updated_widgets.len());

    // Add the widget's `widget::Id` to the set of updated widgets.

/// Cache some `PostUpdateCache` widget data into the widget graph.
/// Set the widget that is being cached as the new `prev_widget`.
/// Set the widget's parent as the new `current_parent`.
pub fn post_update_cache<W>(ui: &mut Ui, widget: widget::PostUpdateCache<W>)
    where W: Widget,
          W::State: 'static,
          W::Style: 'static,
    ui.maybe_prev_widget_id = Some(;
    ui.maybe_current_parent_id = widget.maybe_parent_id;