conrod 0.36.1

An easy-to-use, extensible 2D GUI library
//! Conrod's character caching API.
//! Provides types and functionality related character texture caching and text dimensioning.

use {CharacterCache, FontSize, Scalar};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use text;

/// A wrapper over some CharacterCache, exposing it's functionality via a RefCell.
/// The GlyphCache is frequently needed in order to calculate text dimensions. We wrap the
/// CharacterCache in a RefCell in order to avoid ownership issues that this may cause.
pub struct GlyphCache<C> {
    ref_cell: RefCell<C>,

impl<C> GlyphCache<C> {

    /// Construct a new **GlyphCache**.
    pub fn new(cache: C) -> Self {
        GlyphCache {
            ref_cell: RefCell::new(cache),

    /// The width of a single character with the given size.
    pub fn char_width(&self, font_size: FontSize, ch: char) -> Scalar
        where C: CharacterCache,
        self.ref_cell.borrow_mut().character(font_size, ch).width()

    /// Converts the given sequence of `char`s into their Scalar widths.
    pub fn char_widths<I>(&self,
                          font_size: FontSize,
                          chars: I) -> text::char::Widths<I::IntoIter, C>
        where I: IntoIterator<Item=char>,
              C: CharacterCache,
        text::char::widths(chars, self, font_size)

    /// Return the width of the given text.
    pub fn width(&self, font_size: FontSize, text: &str) -> Scalar
        where C: CharacterCache,
        self.ref_cell.borrow_mut().width(font_size, text)


impl<C> ::std::ops::Deref for GlyphCache<C> {
    type Target = RefCell<C>;
    fn deref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<C> {

impl<C> ::std::ops::DerefMut for GlyphCache<C> {
    fn deref_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut RefCell<C> {
        &mut self.ref_cell