conrod 0.14.0

An easy-to-use, immediate-mode, 2D GUI library
//! Various utility functions used throughout Conrod.

use num::{Float, NumCast, PrimInt, ToPrimitive};
use position::{Dimensions, Point};
use vecmath::vec2_sub;

/// Compare to PartialOrd values and return the min.
pub fn partial_min<T: PartialOrd>(a: T, b: T) -> T {
    if a <= b { a } else { b }

/// Compare to PartialOrd values and return the min.
pub fn partial_max<T: PartialOrd>(a: T, b: T) -> T {
    if a >= b { a } else { b }

/// Clamp a value between a given min and max.
pub fn clamp<T: PartialOrd>(n: T, min: T, max: T) -> T {
    if n < min { min } else if n > max { max } else { n }

/// Return whether or not a given point is over a rectangle at a given point on a cartesian plane.
pub fn is_over_rect(rect_point: Point, mouse_point: Point, rect_dim: Dimensions) -> bool {
    let point = vec2_sub(rect_point, mouse_point);
    if point[0].abs() < rect_dim[0] / 2.0 && point[1].abs() < rect_dim[1] / 2.0 { true }
    else { false }

/// Get value percentage between max and min.
pub fn percentage<T: Float + NumCast>(value: T, min: T, max: T) -> f32 {
    let v: f32 = NumCast::from(value).unwrap();
    let mn: f32 = NumCast::from(min).unwrap();
    let mx: f32 = NumCast::from(max).unwrap();
    (v - mn) / (mx - mn)

/// Adjust the value to the given percentage.
pub fn value_from_perc<T: Float + NumCast + ToPrimitive>(perc: f32, min: T, max: T) -> T {
    let f: f32 = (max - min).to_f32().unwrap() * perc;
    min + NumCast::from(f).unwrap()

/// Map a value from a given range to a new given range.
pub fn map_range<X: Float + NumCast, Y: Float + NumCast>
(val: X, in_min: X, in_max: X, out_min: Y, out_max: Y) -> Y {
    let val_f: f64 = NumCast::from(val).unwrap();
    let in_min_f: f64 = NumCast::from(in_min).unwrap();
    let in_max_f: f64 = NumCast::from(in_max).unwrap();
    let out_min_f: f64 = NumCast::from(out_min).unwrap();
    let out_max_f: f64 = NumCast::from(out_max).unwrap();
        (val_f - in_min_f) / (in_max_f - in_min_f) * (out_max_f - out_min_f) + out_min_f

/// Get a suitable string from the value, its max and the pixel range.
pub fn val_to_string<T: ToString + NumCast>
(val: T, max: T, val_rng: T, pixel_range: usize) -> String {
    let mut s = val.to_string();
    let decimal = s.chars().position(|ch| ch == '.');
    match decimal {
        None => s,
        Some(idx) => {
            // Find the minimum string length by determing
            // what power of ten both the max and range are.
            let val_rng_f: f64 = NumCast::from(val_rng).unwrap();
            let max_f: f64 = NumCast::from(max).unwrap();
            let mut n: f64 = 0.0;
            let mut pow_ten = 0.0;
            while pow_ten < val_rng_f || pow_ten < max_f {
                pow_ten = (10.0).powf(n);
                n += 1.0
            let min_string_len = n as usize + 1;

            // Find out how many pixels there are to actually use
            // and judge a reasonable precision from this.
            let mut n = 1;
            while 10.pow(n) < pixel_range { n += 1 }
            let precision = n as usize;

            // Truncate the length to the pixel precision as
            // long as this doesn't cause it to be smaller
            // than the necessary decimal place.
            let mut truncate_len = min_string_len + (precision - 1);
            if idx + precision < truncate_len { truncate_len = idx + precision }
            if s.len() > truncate_len { s.truncate(truncate_len) }