connection-string 0.2.0

Connection string parsing in Rust (and WebAssembly)
<h1 align="center">connection-string</h1>
<div align="center">
  <strong> and JDBC connection string parsing in Rust and JavaScript

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      API Docs
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## Installation for Rust
$ cargo add connection-string

## Usage for JavaScript
The crate is available in npm as `@pimeys/connection-string`. Usage patters try
to follow the Rust version as close as possible. Please see the [Rust
docs]( for more information.


``` javascript
const j = new JdbcString("jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\\INSTANCE:1433;database=master;user=SA;password={my_password;123}");

console.log(j.server_name()); // "localhost"
console.log(j.port()); // 1433
console.log(j.instance_name()); // "INSTANCE"
console.log(j.get("database")); // "master"
console.log(j.get("password")); // "my_password;123" (see escaping)
console.log(j.keys()); // ["database", "user", "password"]
console.log(j.set("password", "a;;new;;password")); // "my_password;123" (returns the old value, if available)

// "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\INSTANCE:1433;user=SA;database=master;password=a{;;}new{;;}password"

``` javascript
const a = new AdoNetString("server=tcp:localhost,1433;user=SA;password=a{;;}new{;;}password");

console.log(a.get("password")); // a;;new;;password
console.log(a.set("user", "john")); // "SA" (returns the old value, if available)

// "server=tcp:localhost,1433;user=john;password=a{;;}new{;;}password"

## Safety
This crate uses ``#![deny(unsafe_code)]`` to ensure everything is implemented in
100% Safe Rust.

## Contributing
Want to join us? Check out our ["Contributing" guide][contributing] and take a
look at some of these issues:

- [Issues labeled "good first issue"][good-first-issue]
- [Issues labeled "help wanted"][help-wanted]


## Building

The build procedure and dependencies are defined in the provided
[flake.nix](flake.nix) file. Please install the unstable Nix with flakes support
([Linux](, [macOS](

The WASM module can be built with:

nix build

This creates a link `result` to the current directory, containing a NodeJS
package with the Rust code compiled as WASM bytecode.

## Testing

Run the tests with the nix subcommand:

nix run .#test

## Publishing

The `updatePackageVersion` command changes the package version to the Rust `Cargo.toml` and
JavaScript `package.json` at the same time:

nix run .#updatePackageVersion 0.1.14

Don't forget to add the tag before publishing the library:

git tag v0.1.14

The publishing can be done separately or together with the `publish` command:

nix run .#publishRust
nix run .#publishJavascript


nix run .#publish

Please be sure you have the corresponding publishing rights in crates and npmjs.

## License

Licensed under either of <a href="LICENSE-APACHE">Apache License, Version
2.0</a> or <a href="LICENSE-MIT">MIT license</a> at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall
be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.