configster 0.1.1

Rust library for parsing configuration files
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};

/// Returns the library version
pub fn get_ver() -> String {

/// The type for each Option; holds the information
/// for each element of a line in a config file.
/// # Examples
/// A function argument:
/// ```text
/// fn assign_properties(st_option_props: &configster::OptionProperties, homedir: &str) {
///     let mut value = "$HOME/Documents";
///     value = st_option_props.value.primary.replace("$HOME", &homedir);
/// }
/// ```
/// A return type:
/// ```text
/// fn parse(
///     opt_cfg: Option<String>,
///     homedir: String,
/// ) -> io::Result<Vec<configster::OptionProperties>> {
///     // ...
///     Ok(config_vec)
/// }
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct OptionProperties {
    pub option: String,
    pub value: Value,

/// The type holding the primary value and the attributes; this is a nested type
/// within [OptionProperties](struct.OptionProperties.html).
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Value {
    /// A string following the option and an '=' sign in a [configuration file](
    /// (e.g. "directory = /home/foo")
    pub primary: String,
    /// A list separated by a delimiter, which is specified as a parameter in
    /// [parse_file](fn.parse_file.html).
    pub attributes: Vec<String>,

impl OptionProperties {
    fn new(option: String, primary: String, attributes: Vec<String>) -> Self {
        Self {
            value: Value {

/// Parses a configuration file. The second parameter sets the delimiter for the
/// attribute list of the primary value. The return value is an [OptionProperties](struct.OptionProperties.html)
/// type vector wrapped in an io::Result type. Details about the configuration file format are in the project's
/// [](
/// # Examples
/// Accessing the Parsed Data:
/// ```
/// use std::io;
/// fn main() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
///     let config_vec = configster::parse_file("./config_test.conf", ',')?;
///     for i in &config_vec {
///         println!("Option:'{}' | value '{}'", i.option, i.value.primary);
///         for j in &i.value.attributes {
///             println!("attr:'{}`", j);
///         }
///         println!();
///     }
///     Ok(())
/// }
/// ```
pub fn parse_file(filename: &str, attr_delimit_char: char) -> io::Result<Vec<OptionProperties>> {
    let file = File::open(filename)?;
    let reader = BufReader::new(file);
    let mut vec: Vec<OptionProperties> = Vec::new();

    for (line_num, line) in reader.lines().enumerate() {
        // Parse the line, return the properties
        let (option, primary_value, attr_vec) =
            parse_line(&(line?), attr_delimit_char, line_num + 1);

        if !option.is_empty() {
            let opt_props = OptionProperties::new(option, primary_value, attr_vec);

        // Show the line and its number.
        // println!("{}. {}", index + 1, l);

/// Returns the properties of the option, derived from
/// a line in the configuration file.
fn parse_line(l: &str, attr_delimit_char: char, ln: usize) -> (String, String, Vec<String>) {
    let line = l.trim();
    if line.is_empty() || line.as_bytes()[0] == b'#' {
        return ("".to_string(), "".to_string(), vec![]);

    let mut i = line.find('=');
    let (mut option, value) = match i.is_some() {
        true => (
            line[i.unwrap() + 1..].trim().to_string(),
        false => (line.to_string(), String::new()),

    // An Equal sign is required after 'Option'; spaces within 'Option' is invalid.
    let o = &option;
    for c in o.chars() {
        if c.is_whitespace() {
            option = format!("{}_on_Line{}", "InvalidOption".to_string(), ln);
            return (option, "".to_string(), vec![]);

    i = value.find(attr_delimit_char);
    let primary_value;
    let mut tmp_attr_vec: Vec<&str> = Vec::new();
    let attributes;
    match i.is_some() {
        true => {
            primary_value = value[..i.unwrap()].trim().to_string();
            attributes = value[i.unwrap() + 1..].to_string();
            tmp_attr_vec = attributes.split(attr_delimit_char).collect();
        false => primary_value = value,

    let mut attr_vec: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
    for a in &tmp_attr_vec {

    (option, primary_value, attr_vec)

fn test_parse_file() {
    let line1 = OptionProperties::new(
        vec!["light".to_string(), "shiny".to_string()],
    let line2 = OptionProperties::new("max_users".to_string(), "30".to_string(), vec![]);
    let line3 = OptionProperties::new("DelayOff".to_string().to_string(), "".to_string(), vec![]);
    let invalid_option = OptionProperties::new(

        parse_file("./config_test.conf", ',').unwrap(),
        vec![line1, line2, line3, invalid_option]

fn test_parse_line() {
    // Test with no attributes
        parse_line("Option = /home/foo", ',', 0),
        ("Option".to_string(), "/home/foo".to_string(), vec![])

    // Test with 5 attributes and several spaces
        parse_line("Option=/home/foo , another  ,   test,1,2,3", ',', 0),

    // Test with leading '#' sign
        parse_line("#Option = /home/foo", ',', 0),
        ("".to_string(), "".to_string(), vec![])

    // Test with two attributes, a single space after the commas
        parse_line("Option = /home/foo, removable, test", ',', 0),
            vec!["removable".to_string(), "test".to_string()]

    // Test for blank line
        parse_line("        ", ',', 0),
        ("".to_string(), "".to_string(), vec![])

    // Test for whitespace in Option
        parse_line("Option  /home/foo", ',', 28),

    // Test for '=' after Option has already been marked as invalid.
        parse_line("Option  /home/foo = value", ',', 9),
        ("InvalidOption_on_Line9".to_string(), "".to_string(), vec![])