concrete-csprng 0.4.1

Cryptographically Secure PRNG used in the TFHE-rs library.
name = "concrete-csprng"
version = "0.4.1"
edition = "2021"
license = "BSD-3-Clause-Clear"
description = "Cryptographically Secure PRNG used in the TFHE-rs library."
homepage = ""
documentation = ""
repository = ""
readme = ""
keywords = ["fully", "homomorphic", "encryption", "fhe", "cryptography"]
rust-version = "1.72"

aes = "0.8.2"
rayon = { version = "1.5.0", optional = true }

[target.'cfg(target_os = "macos")'.dependencies]
libc = "0.2.133"

rand = "0.8.3"
criterion = "0.5.1"
clap = "=4.4.4"

parallel = ["rayon"]
seeder_x86_64_rdseed = []
seeder_unix = []
generator_x86_64_aesni = []
generator_fallback = []
generator_aarch64_aes = []

x86_64 = [
x86_64-unix = ["x86_64", "seeder_unix"]
aarch64 = ["parallel", "generator_aarch64_aes", "generator_fallback"]
aarch64-unix = ["aarch64", "seeder_unix"]

name = "benchmark"
path = "benches/"
harness = false
required-features = ["seeder_x86_64_rdseed", "generator_x86_64_aesni"]

name = "generate"
path = "examples/"
required-features = ["seeder_unix", "generator_fallback"]