conch-parser 0.1.1

A library for parsing programs written in the shell programming language.
use ast::*;
use ast::builder::*;
use std::default::Default;
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::Arc;
use void::Void;

/// A macro for defining a default builder, its boilerplate, and delegating
/// the `Builder` trait to its respective `CoreBuilder` type.
/// This allows us to create concrete atomic/non-atomic builders which
/// wrap a concrete `CoreBuilder` implementation so we can hide its type
/// complexity from the consumer.
/// We could accomplish this by using a public type alias to the private
/// builder type, however, rustdoc will only generate docs for the alias
/// definition is, and the docs for the inner builder will be rendered in
/// their entire complexity.
// FIXME: might be good to revisit this complexity/indirection
macro_rules! default_builder {
     pub struct $Builder:ident,
    ) => {
        pub struct $Builder<T>($CoreBuilder<T, $Word<T>, $Cmd<T>>);

        impl<T> $Builder<T> {
            /// Constructs a builder.
            pub fn new() -> Self {

        impl<T> fmt::Debug for $Builder<T> {
            fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

        impl<T> Default for $Builder<T> {
            fn default() -> Self {

        // See
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(expl_impl_clone_on_copy))]
        impl<T> Clone for $Builder<T> {
            fn clone(&self) -> Self {

        impl<T> Copy for $Builder<T> {}

        impl<T: From<String>> Builder for $Builder<T> {
            type Command         = $Cmd<T>;
            type CommandList     = AndOrList<Self::ListableCommand>;
            type ListableCommand = ListableCommand<Self::PipeableCommand>;
            type PipeableCommand = $PipeableCmd<T, Self::Word, Self::Command>;
            type CompoundCommand = ShellCompoundCommand<T, Self::Word, Self::Command>;
            type Word            = $Word<T>;
            type Redirect        = Redirect<Self::Word>;
            type Error           = Void;

            fn complete_command(&mut self,
                                pre_cmd_comments: Vec<Newline>,
                                list: Self::CommandList,
                                separator: SeparatorKind,
                                cmd_comment: Option<Newline>)
                -> Result<Self::Command, Self::Error>
                self.0.complete_command(pre_cmd_comments, list, separator, cmd_comment)

            fn and_or_list(&mut self,
                      first: Self::ListableCommand,
                      rest: Vec<(Vec<Newline>, AndOr<Self::ListableCommand>)>)
                -> Result<Self::CommandList, Self::Error>
                self.0.and_or_list(first, rest)

            fn pipeline(&mut self,
                        bang: bool,
                        cmds: Vec<(Vec<Newline>, Self::PipeableCommand)>)
                -> Result<Self::ListableCommand, Self::Error>
                self.0.pipeline(bang, cmds)

            fn simple_command(
                &mut self,
                redirects_or_env_vars: Vec<RedirectOrEnvVar<Self::Redirect, String, Self::Word>>,
                redirects_or_cmd_words: Vec<RedirectOrCmdWord<Self::Redirect, Self::Word>>
            ) -> Result<Self::PipeableCommand, Self::Error>
                self.0.simple_command(redirects_or_env_vars, redirects_or_cmd_words)

            fn brace_group(&mut self,
                           cmds: CommandGroup<Self::Command>,
                           redirects: Vec<Self::Redirect>)
                -> Result<Self::CompoundCommand, Self::Error>
                self.0.brace_group(cmds, redirects)

            fn subshell(&mut self,
                        cmds: CommandGroup<Self::Command>,
                        redirects: Vec<Self::Redirect>)
                -> Result<Self::CompoundCommand, Self::Error>
                self.0.subshell(cmds, redirects)

            fn loop_command(&mut self,
                            kind: LoopKind,
                            guard_body_pair: GuardBodyPairGroup<Self::Command>,
                            redirects: Vec<Self::Redirect>)
                -> Result<Self::CompoundCommand, Self::Error>
                self.0.loop_command(kind, guard_body_pair, redirects)

            fn if_command(&mut self,
                          fragments: IfFragments<Self::Command>,
                          redirects: Vec<Self::Redirect>)
                -> Result<Self::CompoundCommand, Self::Error>
                self.0.if_command(fragments, redirects)

            fn for_command(&mut self,
                           fragments: ForFragments<Self::Word, Self::Command>,
                           redirects: Vec<Self::Redirect>)
                -> Result<Self::CompoundCommand, Self::Error>
                self.0.for_command(fragments, redirects)

            fn case_command(&mut self,
                            fragments: CaseFragments<Self::Word, Self::Command>,
                            redirects: Vec<Self::Redirect>)
                -> Result<Self::CompoundCommand, Self::Error>
                self.0.case_command(fragments, redirects)

            fn compound_command_into_pipeable(&mut self,
                                              cmd: Self::CompoundCommand)
                -> Result<Self::PipeableCommand, Self::Error>

            fn function_declaration(&mut self,
                                    name: String,
                                    post_name_comments: Vec<Newline>,
                                    body: Self::CompoundCommand)
                -> Result<Self::PipeableCommand, Self::Error>
                self.0.function_declaration(name, post_name_comments, body)

            fn comments(&mut self,
                        comments: Vec<Newline>)
                -> Result<(), Self::Error>

            fn word(&mut self,
                    kind: ComplexWordKind<Self::Command>)
                -> Result<Self::Word, Self::Error>

            fn redirect(&mut self,
                        kind: RedirectKind<Self::Word>)
                -> Result<Self::Redirect, Self::Error>

type RcCoreBuilder<T, W, C> = CoreBuilder<T, W, C, Rc<ShellCompoundCommand<T, W, C>>>;
type ArcCoreBuilder<T, W, C> = CoreBuilder<T, W, C, Arc<ShellCompoundCommand<T, W, C>>>;

default_builder! {
    /// A `Builder` implementation which builds shell commands
    /// using the (non-atomic) AST definitions in the `ast` module.
    pub struct DefaultBuilder,

default_builder! {
    /// A `Builder` implementation which builds shell commands
    /// using the (atomic) AST definitions in the `ast` module.
    pub struct AtomicDefaultBuilder,

/// A `DefaultBuilder` implementation which uses regular `String`s when
/// representing shell words.
pub type StringBuilder = DefaultBuilder<String>;

/// A `DefaultBuilder` implementation which uses `Rc<String>`s when
/// representing shell words.
pub type RcBuilder = DefaultBuilder<Rc<String>>;

/// A `DefaultBuilder` implementation which uses `Arc<String>`s when
/// representing shell words.
pub type ArcBuilder = AtomicDefaultBuilder<Arc<String>>;

/// The actual provided `Builder` implementation.
/// The various type parameters are used to swap out atomic/non-atomic AST versions.
pub struct CoreBuilder<T, W, C, F> {
    phantom_data: PhantomData<(T, W, C, F)>,

impl<T, W, C, F> fmt::Debug for CoreBuilder<T, W, C, F> {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

// See
#[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(expl_impl_clone_on_copy))]
impl<T, W, C, F> Clone for CoreBuilder<T, W, C, F> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {

impl<T, W, C, F> Copy for CoreBuilder<T, W, C, F> {}

impl<T, W, C, F> Default for CoreBuilder<T, W, C, F> {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl<T, W, C, F> CoreBuilder<T, W, C, F> {
    /// Constructs a builder.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        CoreBuilder {
            phantom_data: PhantomData,

type BuilderPipeableCommand<T, W, C, F> = PipeableCommand<
    Box<SimpleCommand<T, W, Redirect<W>>>,
    Box<ShellCompoundCommand<T, W, C>>,

impl<T, W, C, F> Builder for CoreBuilder<T, W, C, F>
    where T: From<String>,
          W: From<ShellWord<T, W, C>>,
          C: From<Command<AndOrList<ListableCommand<BuilderPipeableCommand<T, W, C, F>>>>>,
          F: From<ShellCompoundCommand<T, W, C>>,
    type Command         = C;
    type CommandList     = AndOrList<Self::ListableCommand>;
    type ListableCommand = ListableCommand<Self::PipeableCommand>;
    type PipeableCommand = BuilderPipeableCommand<T, W, C, F>;
    type CompoundCommand = ShellCompoundCommand<T, Self::Word, Self::Command>;
    type Word            = W;
    type Redirect        = Redirect<Self::Word>;
    type Error           = Void;

    /// Constructs a `Command::Job` node with the provided inputs if the command
    /// was delimited by an ampersand or the command itself otherwise.
    fn complete_command(&mut self,
                        _pre_cmd_comments: Vec<Newline>,
                        list: Self::CommandList,
                        separator: SeparatorKind,
                        _cmd_comment: Option<Newline>)
        -> Result<Self::Command, Self::Error>
        let cmd = match separator {
            SeparatorKind::Semi  |
            SeparatorKind::Other |
            SeparatorKind::Newline => Command::List(list),
            SeparatorKind::Amp => Command::Job(list),


    /// Constructs a `Command::List` node with the provided inputs.
    fn and_or_list(&mut self,
              first: Self::ListableCommand,
              rest: Vec<(Vec<Newline>, AndOr<Self::ListableCommand>)>)
        -> Result<Self::CommandList, Self::Error>
        Ok(AndOrList {
            first: first,
            rest: rest.into_iter().map(|(_, c)| c).collect(),

    /// Constructs a `Command::Pipe` node with the provided inputs or a `Command::Simple`
    /// node if only a single command with no status inversion is supplied.
    fn pipeline(&mut self,
                bang: bool,
                cmds: Vec<(Vec<Newline>, Self::PipeableCommand)>)
        -> Result<Self::ListableCommand, Self::Error>
        debug_assert_eq!(cmds.is_empty(), false);
        let mut cmds: Vec<_> = cmds.into_iter().map(|(_, c)| c).collect();

        // Pipe is the only AST node which allows for a status
        // negation, so we are forced to use it even if we have a single
        // command. Otherwise there is no need to wrap it further.
        if bang || cmds.len() > 1 {
            Ok(ListableCommand::Pipe(bang, cmds))
        } else {

    /// Constructs a `Command::Simple` node with the provided inputs.
    fn simple_command(
        &mut self,
        redirects_or_env_vars: Vec<RedirectOrEnvVar<Self::Redirect, String, Self::Word>>,
        mut redirects_or_cmd_words: Vec<RedirectOrCmdWord<Self::Redirect, Self::Word>>
    ) -> Result<Self::PipeableCommand, Self::Error>
        let redirects_or_env_vars = redirects_or_env_vars.into_iter()
            .map(|roev| match roev {
                RedirectOrEnvVar::Redirect(red) => RedirectOrEnvVar::Redirect(red),
                RedirectOrEnvVar::EnvVar(k, v) => RedirectOrEnvVar::EnvVar(k.into(), v),


        Ok(PipeableCommand::Simple(Box::new(SimpleCommand {
            redirects_or_env_vars: redirects_or_env_vars,
            redirects_or_cmd_words: redirects_or_cmd_words,

    /// Constructs a `CompoundCommand::Brace` node with the provided inputs.
    fn brace_group(&mut self,
                   cmd_group: CommandGroup<Self::Command>,
                   mut redirects: Vec<Self::Redirect>)
        -> Result<Self::CompoundCommand, Self::Error>
        let mut cmds = cmd_group.commands;
        Ok(CompoundCommand {
            kind: CompoundCommandKind::Brace(cmds),
            io: redirects,

    /// Constructs a `CompoundCommand::Subshell` node with the provided inputs.
    fn subshell(&mut self,
                cmd_group: CommandGroup<Self::Command>,
                mut redirects: Vec<Self::Redirect>)
        -> Result<Self::CompoundCommand, Self::Error>
        let mut cmds = cmd_group.commands;
        Ok(CompoundCommand {
            kind: CompoundCommandKind::Subshell(cmds),
            io: redirects,

    /// Constructs a `CompoundCommand::Loop` node with the provided inputs.
    fn loop_command(&mut self,
                    kind: LoopKind,
                    guard_body_pair: GuardBodyPairGroup<Self::Command>,
                    mut redirects: Vec<Self::Redirect>)
        -> Result<Self::CompoundCommand, Self::Error>
        let mut guard = guard_body_pair.guard.commands;
        let mut body = guard_body_pair.body.commands;


        let guard_body_pair = GuardBodyPair {
            guard: guard,
            body: body,

        let loop_cmd = match kind {
            LoopKind::While => CompoundCommandKind::While(guard_body_pair),
            LoopKind::Until => CompoundCommandKind::Until(guard_body_pair),

        Ok(CompoundCommand {
            kind: loop_cmd,
            io: redirects,

    /// Constructs a `CompoundCommand::If` node with the provided inputs.
    fn if_command(&mut self,
                  fragments: IfFragments<Self::Command>,
                  mut redirects: Vec<Self::Redirect>)
        -> Result<Self::CompoundCommand, Self::Error>
        let IfFragments { conditionals, else_branch } = fragments;

        let conditionals = conditionals.into_iter()
            .map(|gbp| {
                let mut guard = gbp.guard.commands;
                let mut body = gbp.body.commands;


                GuardBodyPair {
                    guard: guard,
                    body: body,

        let else_branch =|CommandGroup { commands: mut els, .. }| {


        Ok(CompoundCommand {
            kind: CompoundCommandKind::If {
                conditionals: conditionals,
                else_branch: else_branch,
            io: redirects,

    /// Constructs a `CompoundCommand::For` node with the provided inputs.
    fn for_command(&mut self,
                   fragments: ForFragments<Self::Word, Self::Command>,
                   mut redirects: Vec<Self::Redirect>)
        -> Result<Self::CompoundCommand, Self::Error>
        let words =|(_, mut words, _)| {

        let mut body = fragments.body.commands;

        Ok(CompoundCommand {
            kind: CompoundCommandKind::For {
                var: fragments.var.into(),
                words: words,
                body: body,
            io: redirects

    /// Constructs a `CompoundCommand::Case` node with the provided inputs.
    fn case_command(&mut self,
                    fragments: CaseFragments<Self::Word, Self::Command>,
                    mut redirects: Vec<Self::Redirect>)
        -> Result<Self::CompoundCommand, Self::Error>
        let arms = fragments.arms.into_iter().map(|arm| {
            let mut patterns = arm.patterns.pattern_alternatives;

            let mut body = arm.body.commands;

            PatternBodyPair {
                patterns: patterns,
                body: body,

        Ok(CompoundCommand {
            kind: CompoundCommandKind::Case {
                word: fragments.word,
                arms: arms,
            io: redirects,

    /// Converts a `CompoundCommand` into a `PipeableCommand`.
    fn compound_command_into_pipeable(&mut self,
                                      cmd: Self::CompoundCommand)
        -> Result<Self::PipeableCommand, Self::Error>

    /// Constructs a `Command::FunctionDef` node with the provided inputs.
    fn function_declaration(&mut self,
                            name: String,
                            _post_name_comments: Vec<Newline>,
                            body: Self::CompoundCommand)
        -> Result<Self::PipeableCommand, Self::Error>
        Ok(PipeableCommand::FunctionDef(name.into(), body.into()))

    /// Ignored by the builder.
    fn comments(&mut self, _comments: Vec<Newline>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {

    /// Constructs a `ast::Word` from the provided input.
    fn word(&mut self, kind: ComplexWordKind<Self::Command>) -> Result<Self::Word, Self::Error>
        macro_rules! map {
            ($pat:expr) => {
                match $pat {
                    Some(w) => Some(try!(self.word(w))),
                    None => None,

        fn map_arith<T: From<String>>(kind: DefaultArithmetic) -> Arithmetic<T> {
            use ast::Arithmetic::*;
            match kind {
                Var(v)           => Var(v.into()),
                Literal(l)       => Literal(l.into()),
                Pow(a, b)        => Pow(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                PostIncr(p)      => PostIncr(p.into()),
                PostDecr(p)      => PostDecr(p.into()),
                PreIncr(p)       => PreIncr(p.into()),
                PreDecr(p)       => PreDecr(p.into()),
                UnaryPlus(a)     => UnaryPlus(Box::new(map_arith(*a))),
                UnaryMinus(a)    => UnaryMinus(Box::new(map_arith(*a))),
                LogicalNot(a)    => LogicalNot(Box::new(map_arith(*a))),
                BitwiseNot(a)    => BitwiseNot(Box::new(map_arith(*a))),
                Mult(a, b)       => Mult(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                Div(a, b)        => Div(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                Modulo(a, b)     => Modulo(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                Add(a, b)        => Add(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                Sub(a, b)        => Sub(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                ShiftLeft(a, b)  => ShiftLeft(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                ShiftRight(a, b) => ShiftRight(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                Less(a, b)       => Less(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                LessEq(a, b)     => LessEq(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                Great(a, b)      => Great(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                GreatEq(a, b)    => GreatEq(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                Eq(a, b)         => Eq(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                NotEq(a, b)      => NotEq(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                BitwiseAnd(a, b) => BitwiseAnd(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                BitwiseXor(a, b) => BitwiseXor(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                BitwiseOr(a, b)  => BitwiseOr(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                LogicalAnd(a, b) => LogicalAnd(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                LogicalOr(a, b)  => LogicalOr(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b))),
                Ternary(a, b, c) =>
                    Ternary(Box::new(map_arith(*a)), Box::new(map_arith(*b)), Box::new(map_arith(*c))),
                Assign(v, a) => Assign(v.into(), Box::new(map_arith(*a))),
                Sequence(ariths) => Sequence(ariths.into_iter().map(map_arith).collect()),

        let map_param = |kind: DefaultParameter| -> Parameter<T> {
            use ast::Parameter::*;
            match kind {
                At            => At,
                Star          => Star,
                Pound         => Pound,
                Question      => Question,
                Dash          => Dash,
                Dollar        => Dollar,
                Bang          => Bang,
                Positional(p) => Positional(p),
                Var(v)        => Var(v.into()),

        let mut map_simple = |kind| {
            use ast::builder::ParameterSubstitutionKind::*;

            let simple = match kind {
                SimpleWordKind::Literal(s)      => SimpleWord::Literal(s.into()),
                SimpleWordKind::Escaped(s)      => SimpleWord::Escaped(s.into()),
                SimpleWordKind::Param(p)        => SimpleWord::Param(map_param(p)),
                SimpleWordKind::Star            => SimpleWord::Star,
                SimpleWordKind::Question        => SimpleWord::Question,
                SimpleWordKind::SquareOpen      => SimpleWord::SquareOpen,
                SimpleWordKind::SquareClose     => SimpleWord::SquareClose,
                SimpleWordKind::Tilde           => SimpleWord::Tilde,
                SimpleWordKind::Colon           => SimpleWord::Colon,

                SimpleWordKind::CommandSubst(c) => SimpleWord::Subst(

                SimpleWordKind::Subst(s) => {
                    // Force a move out of the boxed substitution. For some reason doing
                    // the deref in the match statment gives a strange borrow failure
                    let s = *s;
                    let subst = match s {
                        Len(p) => ParameterSubstitution::Len(map_param(p)),
                        Command(c) => ParameterSubstitution::Command(c.commands),
                        Arith(a) => ParameterSubstitution::Arith(,
                        Default(c, p, w) =>
                            ParameterSubstitution::Default(c, map_param(p), map!(w)),
                        Assign(c, p, w) =>
                            ParameterSubstitution::Assign(c, map_param(p), map!(w)),
                        Error(c, p, w) =>
                            ParameterSubstitution::Error(c, map_param(p), map!(w)),
                        Alternative(c, p, w) =>
                            ParameterSubstitution::Alternative(c, map_param(p), map!(w)),
                        RemoveSmallestSuffix(p, w) =>
                            ParameterSubstitution::RemoveSmallestSuffix(map_param(p), map!(w)),
                        RemoveLargestSuffix(p, w)  =>
                            ParameterSubstitution::RemoveLargestSuffix(map_param(p), map!(w)),
                        RemoveSmallestPrefix(p, w) =>
                            ParameterSubstitution::RemoveSmallestPrefix(map_param(p), map!(w)),
                        RemoveLargestPrefix(p, w)  =>
                            ParameterSubstitution::RemoveLargestPrefix(map_param(p), map!(w)),

        let mut map_word = |kind| {
            let word = match kind {
                WordKind::Simple(s)       => Word::Simple(try!(map_simple(s))),
                WordKind::SingleQuoted(s) => Word::SingleQuoted(s.into()),
                WordKind::DoubleQuoted(v) => Word::DoubleQuoted(try!(
                     .map(&mut map_simple)
                     .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()

        let word = match compress(kind) {
            ComplexWordKind::Single(s)     => ComplexWord::Single(try!(map_word(s))),
            ComplexWordKind::Concat(words) => ComplexWord::Concat(try!(
                         .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()


    /// Constructs a `ast::Redirect` from the provided input.
    fn redirect(&mut self,
                kind: RedirectKind<Self::Word>)
        -> Result<Self::Redirect, Self::Error>
        let io = match kind {
            RedirectKind::Read(fd, path)      => Redirect::Read(fd, path),
            RedirectKind::Write(fd, path)     => Redirect::Write(fd, path),
            RedirectKind::ReadWrite(fd, path) => Redirect::ReadWrite(fd, path),
            RedirectKind::Append(fd, path)    => Redirect::Append(fd, path),
            RedirectKind::Clobber(fd, path)   => Redirect::Clobber(fd, path),
            RedirectKind::Heredoc(fd, body)   => Redirect::Heredoc(fd, body),
            RedirectKind::DupRead(src, dst)   => Redirect::DupRead(src, dst),
            RedirectKind::DupWrite(src, dst)  => Redirect::DupWrite(src, dst),


#[must_use = "iterator adaptors are lazy and do nothing unless consumed"]
struct Coalesce<I: Iterator, F> {
    iter: I,
    cur: Option<I::Item>,
    func: F,

impl<I: Iterator, F> Coalesce<I, F> {
    fn new<T>(iter: T, func: F) -> Self
        where T: IntoIterator<IntoIter = I, Item = I::Item>
        Coalesce {
            iter: iter.into_iter(),
            cur: None,
            func: func,

type CoalesceResult<T> = Result<T, (T, T)>;
impl<I, F> Iterator for Coalesce<I, F>
    where I: Iterator,
          F: FnMut(I::Item, I::Item) -> CoalesceResult<I::Item>
    type Item = I::Item;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let cur = self.cur.take().or_else(||;
        let (mut left, mut right) = match (cur, {
            (Some(l), Some(r)) => (l, r),
            (Some(l), None) |
            (None, Some(l)) => return Some(l),
            (None, None) => return None,

        loop {
            match (self.func)(left, right) {
                Ok(combined) => match {
                    Some(next) => {
                        left = combined;
                        right = next;
                    None => return Some(combined),

                Err((left, right)) => {
                    self.cur = Some(right);
                    return Some(left);

fn compress<C>(word: ComplexWordKind<C>) -> ComplexWordKind<C> {
    use ast::builder::ComplexWordKind::*;
    use ast::builder::SimpleWordKind::*;
    use ast::builder::WordKind::*;

    fn coalesce_simple<C>(a: SimpleWordKind<C>, b: SimpleWordKind<C>)
        -> CoalesceResult<SimpleWordKind<C>>
        match (a, b) {
            (Literal(mut a), Literal(b)) => {
            (a, b) => Err((a, b)),

    fn coalesce_word<C>(a: WordKind<C>, b: WordKind<C>) -> CoalesceResult<WordKind<C>> {
        match (a, b) {
            (Simple(a), Simple(b)) => coalesce_simple(a, b)
                .map_err(|(a, b)| (Simple(a), Simple(b))),
            (SingleQuoted(mut a), SingleQuoted(b)) => {
            (DoubleQuoted(a), DoubleQuoted(b)) => {
                let quoted = Coalesce::new(a.into_iter().chain(b), coalesce_simple).collect();
            (a, b) => Err((a, b)),

    match word {
        Single(s) => Single(match s {
            s@Simple(_) |
            s@SingleQuoted(_) => s,
            DoubleQuoted(v) => DoubleQuoted(Coalesce::new(v, coalesce_simple).collect()),
        Concat(v) => {
            let mut body: Vec<_> = Coalesce::new(v.into_iter(), coalesce_word).collect();
            if body.len() == 1 {
            } else {