compute 0.2.3

A crate for statistical computing.
//! Gamma and related functions.


use std::f64::consts::PI;

const G: f64 = 4.7421875 + 1.;

/// Coefficients from [here](
const GAMMA_COEFFS: [f64; 14] = [

/// Calculates the [Gamma function]( using the [Lanczos
/// approximation]( It obeys the equation
/// `gamma(x+1) = gamma(x) * x`. This approximation uses the reflection formula to extend the
/// calculation to the entire complex plane.
pub fn gamma(z: f64) -> f64 {
    if z < 0.5 {
        PI / ((PI * z).sin() * gamma(1. - z))
    } else {
        let mut x = 0.99999999999999709182;
        for (idx, val) in GAMMA_COEFFS.iter().enumerate() {
            x += val / ((z - 1.) + (idx as f64) + 1.);
        let t = (z - 1.) + G - 0.5;
        ((2. * PI) as f64).sqrt() * t.powf((z - 1.) + 0.5) * (-t).exp() * x

/// Calculates the [beta function]( using the
/// relationship between the beta function and the gamma function.
pub fn beta(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64 {
    gamma(a) * gamma(b) / gamma(a + b)

/// Calculates the [digamma function](, which is the
/// logarithmic derivative of the gamma function. It obeys the equation `digamma(x+1) = digamma(x)
/// + 1/x`. The approximation works better for large values. If the value is small, this function
/// will shift it up using the digamma recurrence relation.
pub fn digamma(x: f64) -> f64 {
    if x < 6. {
        digamma(x + 1.) - 1. / x
    } else {
        x.ln() - 1. / (2. * x) - 1. / (12. * x.powi(2)) + 1. / (120. * x.powi(4))
            - 1. / (252. * x.powi(6))
            + 1. / (240. * x.powi(8))
            - 5. / (660. * x.powi(10))
            + 691. / (32760. * x.powi(12))
            - 1. / (12. * x.powi(14))

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use approx_eq::assert_approx_eq;

    fn test_gamma() {
        assert_approx_eq!(gamma(0.1), 9.513507698668731836292487);
        assert_approx_eq!(gamma(0.5), 1.7724538509551602798167);
        assert_approx_eq!(gamma(6.), 120.);
        assert_approx_eq!(gamma(20.), 121645100408832000.);
        assert_approx_eq!(gamma(-0.5), -3.54490770181103205459);

    fn test_beta() {
        assert_approx_eq!(beta(1., 3.12345), 1. / 3.12345);
        assert_approx_eq!(beta(2.1313, 1. - 2.1313), PI / (PI * 2.1313).sin());
            beta(7.2, 0.23) * beta(7.2 + 0.23, 1. - 0.23),
            PI / (7.2 * (PI * 0.23).sin())

    fn test_digamma() {
        assert_approx_eq!(digamma(21. + 1.), digamma(21.) + 1. / 21.);
        assert_approx_eq!(digamma(2. + 1.), digamma(2.) + 1. / 2.);
        assert_approx_eq!(digamma(0.5), -1.96351002602142347944097633);
        assert_approx_eq!(digamma(-0.5), 0.036489973978576520559023667);
        assert_approx_eq!(digamma(1.), -0.57721566490153286060651209);