commit_verify 0.9.0

Commit-verify API for client-side validation
// LNP/BP client-side-validation foundation libraries implementing LNPBP
// specifications & standards (LNPBP-4, 7, 8, 9, 42, 81)
// Written in 2019-2022 by
//     Dr. Maxim Orlovsky <>
// To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
// copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
// the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
// any warranty.
// You should have received a copy of the Apache 2.0 License along with this
// software. If not, see <>.

//! Convolved commitments (convolve-commit-verify scheme).

use crate::embed_commit::VerifyEq;
use crate::{CommitEncode, CommitmentProtocol};

/// Proof type used by [`ConvolveCommitVerify`] protocol.
pub trait ConvolveCommitProof<Msg, Source, Protocol>
    Self: Sized + VerifyEq,
    Source: ConvolveCommitVerify<Msg, Self, Protocol>,
    Msg: CommitEncode,
    Protocol: CommitmentProtocol,
    /// Supplement is a part of the proof data provided during commitment
    /// procedure.
    type Suppl;

    /// Restores the original source before the commitment from the supplement
    /// (the `self`) and commitment.
    fn restore_original(&self, commitment: &Source::Commitment) -> Source;

    /// Extract supplement from the proof.
    fn extract_supplement(&self) -> &Self::Suppl;

    /// Verifies commitment using proof (the `self`) against the message.
    /// Default implementation repeats [`ConvolveCommitVerify::convolve_commit`]
    /// procedure, restoring the original value out of proof data, checking
    /// that the resulting commitment matches the provided one in the
    /// `commitment` parameter.
    /// Errors if the commitment can't be created, i.e. the
    /// [`ConvolveCommitVerify::convolve_commit`] procedure for the original,
    /// restored from the proof, can't be performed. This means that the
    /// verification has failed and the commitment and/or the proof are
    /// invalid. The function returns error in this case (ano not simply
    /// `false`) since this usually means the software error in managing
    /// container and proof data, or selection of a different commitment
    /// protocol parameters comparing to the ones used during commitment
    /// creation. In all these cases we'd like to provide devs with more
    /// information for debugging.
    /// The proper way of using the function in a well-debugged software should
    /// be `if commitment.verify(...).expect("proof managing system") { .. }`.
    /// However if the proofs are provided by some sort of user/network input
    /// from an untrusted party, a proper form would be
    /// `if commitment.verify(...).unwrap_or(false) { .. }`.
    fn verify(
        msg: &Msg,
        commitment: Source::Commitment,
    ) -> Result<bool, Source::CommitError>
        Self: VerifyEq,
        let original = self.restore_original(&commitment);
        let suppl = self.extract_supplement();
        let (commitment_prime, proof) = original.convolve_commit(suppl, msg)?;
        Ok(commitment.verify_eq(&commitment_prime) && self.verify_eq(&proof))

/// Trait for *convolve-commit-verify scheme*, where some data structure (named
/// *container*) may commit to existing *message* using *supplement* and
/// producing final *commitment* value. The commitment can't be used to restore
/// original message, however the fact of the commitment may be
/// deterministically *verified* when the message and the supplement (now acting
/// as a *proof*) proof are *revealed*.
/// In other words, *convolve-commit* takes an object (`self`), a *supplement*,
/// convolves them in certain way together and than uses the result to produce a
/// commitment to a *message* and a *proof*:
/// - `self + supplement -> internal_repr`;
/// - `internal_repr + msg -> (commitment, proof)`.
/// Later on, a verifier presented with a message and the proof may do the
/// commitment verification in the following way:
/// `msg, proof, commitment -> bool`.
/// To use *convolve-commit-verify scheme* one needs to implement this trait for
/// a data structure acting as a container for a specific commitment under
/// certain protocol, specified as generic parameters. The container type must
/// specify commitment types as associated type [`Self::Commitment`]. The
/// commitment type in certain cases may be equal to the original container
/// type; when the commitment represents internally modified container.
/// The difference between *convolve-commit-verify* and *embed-commit-verify*
/// schemes is in the fact that unlike embed-commit, convolve-commit does not
/// produce a proof external to the commitment, but instead requires additional
/// immutable supplement information which is not a part of the container
/// converted into the commitment. As an example one may consider procedures of
/// homomorphic public key tweaking with the hash of the message, which is
/// a case of embed-commit procedure, producing original public key as a proof
/// and tweaked public key as a commitment -- and procedure of pay-to-contract
/// commitment in scriptPubkey of a transaction output, which requires
/// additional information about the public key or scripts present in the
/// scriptPubkey only in hashed form (this is *supplement*), and producing just
/// a modified version of the scriptPubkey (commitment) without any additional
/// proof data.
/// Operations with *convolve-commit-verify scheme* may be represented in form
/// of `ConvolveCommit: (Container, Supplement, Message) -> Commitment` (see
/// [`Self::convolve_commit`] and
/// `Verify: (Container', Supplement, Message) -> bool` (see
/// [`ConvolveCommitProof::verify`]).
/// This trait is heavily used in **deterministic bitcoin commitments**.
/// # Protocol definition
/// Generic parameter `Protocol` provides context & configuration for commitment
/// scheme protocol used for this container type.
/// Introduction of this generic allows to:
/// - implement trait for foreign data types;
/// - add multiple implementations under different commitment protocols to the
///   combination of the same message and container type (each of each will have
///   its own `Proof` type defined as an associated generic).
/// Usually represents an uninstantiable type, but may be a structure
/// containing commitment protocol configuration or context objects.
/// ```
/// # use bitcoin_hashes::sha256::Midstate;
/// # use lnpbp_secp256k1zkp::Secp256k1;
/// # use commit_verify::CommitmentProtocol;
/// // Uninstantiable type
/// pub enum Lnpbp6 {}
/// impl CommitmentProtocol for Lnpbp6 {
///     const HASH_TAG_MIDSTATE: Option<Midstate> = Some(Midstate(
///         [0u8; 32], // replace with the actual midstate constant
///     ));
/// }
/// // Protocol definition containing context object
/// pub struct Lnpbp1 {
///     pub secp: Secp256k1,
/// }
/// // ...
/// ```
pub trait ConvolveCommitVerify<Msg, Proof, Protocol>
    Self: Sized,
    Msg: CommitEncode,
    Proof: ConvolveCommitProof<Msg, Self, Protocol>,
    Protocol: CommitmentProtocol,
    /// Commitment type produced as a result of [`Self::convolve_commit`]
    /// procedure.
    type Commitment: Sized + VerifyEq;

    /// Error type that may be reported during [`Self::convolve_commit`]
    /// procedure. It may also be returned from [`ConvolveCommitProof::verify`]
    /// in case the proof data are invalid and the commitment can't be
    /// re-created.
    type CommitError: std::error::Error;

    /// Takes the `supplement` to unparse the content of this container (`self`)
    /// ("convolves" these two data together) and uses them to produce a final
    /// [`Self::Commitment`] to the message `msg`.
    /// Implementations must error with a dedicated error type enumerating
    /// commitment procedure mistakes.
    fn convolve_commit(
        supplement: &Proof::Suppl,
        msg: &Msg,
    ) -> Result<(Self::Commitment, Proof), Self::CommitError>;

    /// Phantom method used to add `Protocol` generic parameter to the trait.
    /// # Panics
    /// Always panics when called.
    fn _phantom(_: Protocol) {
            "EmbedCommitVerify::_phantom is a marker method which must not be \