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Strategies simplifying implementation of CommitEncode trait.

Implemented after concept by Martin Habovštiak martin.habovstiak@gmail.com


  • Commits to the value data by first converting them into confidential version (concealing) by running Conceal::conceal first and returning its result serialized with strict encoding rules.
  • Commits to the value via commitment id of the type, which is serialized into the hasher.
  • Commits to the value by converting it into inner type. Useful for newtypes.
  • Commits to the value by converting it into u8 type. Useful for enum types.
  • Commits to the value by merklizing data provided by MerkleLeaves implementation and serializes merkle root into the hasher.
  • Commits to the value by running strict encoding procedure on the raw data without any pre-processing.