command-macros 0.1.3

Macros for creating std::process::Command with shell-like syntax


documentation, crate

Macros for creating std::process::Command with shell-like syntax. Created to make using Rust as a scripting language more pleasant.

This crate contains two macros, command!() – fully-featured, but requires nightly, and a simpler cmd!(), built by macro_rules.



This macro requires nighlty Rust and enabling a "nightly" feature. The oldest supported nightly is 2016-03-09. Put the following in your Cargo.toml.

version = "0.1.3"
features = ["nightly"]

And then add on top of your root module:



    ffmpeg -i (file)
    -c:v libx264 -preset (preset) [moreargs]
    -c:a copy

should be roughly equivalent to running

    .args(&["-i", &file])
    .args(&["-c:v", "libx264", "-preset", &preset])
    .args(&["-c:a", "copy"])
    .arg(&format!("file:{}", tmpname))

As you see, you use (expr) to create an argument (or a part of it) from arbitrary Rust expression and [expr] for multiple arguments. The & is added automatically, similarly to how print! works.

Moreover, command! will handle file and tmpname being OsStr correctly, while the manual version would require some modifications.

Additionally, you can use if, if let, match and for. This snippet also showcases (( expr )) feature.

    if let Some(n) = n_cores { -j ((n + 1)) }

Both macros return Command by value, so you can store them in a variable for later:

let cmd = command!(mkv --fs);

If you have partially prepared command (Command or &mut Command), you can also pass it to this macro:

let base: Command = prepare();
let cmd = command!({base} install (package));



Put the following in your Cargo.toml.

command-macros = "0.1"

And then add on top of your root module:

#[macro_use] extern crate command_macros;


This macro is a "lite" version of the command!. Differences:

  • Worse error messages.
  • It is whitespace-insensitive.
  • Creating arguments from arbitrary tokens (such as -c:a) is not supported (only idents). The workaround is to use Rust string as an expression: ("-c:a"). You can also omit the quotes for flag-like arguments: (-c:a) (flag-like means starting with - or + and containing only -=+,.;: and idents).
  • ((expr)) and (expr) always evaluate to full argument (no tricks like file:(filename)).
  • Expressions in if, match and for have to be surrounded by parens.
  • No support for else if (use else { if ... } instead).

Besides, all other features should work.


Examples from command! section rewritten to match cmd! syntax:

    ffmpeg (-i) (file)
    (-c:v) libx264 (-preset) (preset) [moreargs]
    (-c:a) copy
    (format!("file:{}", tmpname))
    if let Some(n) = (n_cores) { (-j) ((n + 1)) }