colorspace 0.1.0

A crate for colorimetry covering spectral, RGB, XYZ, L*a'b' and conversions thereof
use super::chromatic_adaptation::*;
use super::chromaticity::*;
use super::color_space_rgb::*;
use super::math::*;
use super::rgb::*;
use super::xyz::*;

/// Create a matrix to go from XYZ to the given colour space, assuming `xyz_white`
/// is the reference white of the XYZ. CAT02 is used for the CAT.
pub fn xyz_to_rgb_matrix<T>(
    xyz_white: XYY<T>,
    color_space_rgb: &ColorSpaceRGB<T>,
) -> Matrix33<T>
    T: Real,
    color_space_rgb.xf_xyz_to_rgb * cat02(xyz_white, color_space_rgb.white)

/// Create a matrix to go from XYZ to the given colour space, using the given CAT
/// matrix
pub fn xyz_to_rgb_matrix_with_cat<T>(
    cat_mtx: &Matrix33<T>,
    color_space_rgb: &ColorSpaceRGB<T>,
) -> Matrix33<T>
    T: Real,
    color_space_rgb.xf_xyz_to_rgb * (*cat_mtx)

/// Create a mtrix to go from the given RGB space to XYZ, with the given XYZ
/// white point.
pub fn rgb_to_xyz_matrix<T>(
    xyz_white: XYY<T>,
    color_space_rgb: &ColorSpaceRGB<T>,
) -> Matrix33<T>
    T: Real,
    cat02(color_space_rgb.white, xyz_white) * color_space_rgb.xf_rgb_to_xyz

/// Convert `xyz` to RGB using the given matrix
pub fn xyz_to_rgb<T>(mtx: &Matrix33<T>, xyz: XYZ<T>) -> RGBf<T>
    T: Real,
    let x = *mtx * (xyz / XYZ::<T>::from_scalar(T::from(100.0).unwrap()));
    rgbf(x.x, x.y, x.z)

/// Convert a slice of XYZ to RGB with the given matrix
pub fn xyz_slice_to_rgb<T>(mtx: &Matrix33<T>, xyzs: &[XYZ<T>]) -> Vec<RGBf<T>>
    T: Real,
    let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(xyzs.len());
    for xyz in xyzs {
        let x = *mtx * (*xyz / XYZ::<T>::from_scalar(T::from(100.0).unwrap()));
        result.push(rgbf(x.x, x.y, x.z))


/// Convert a single [RGBf] to [XYZ] using the given [Matrix33]
pub fn rgb_to_xyz<T>(mtx: &Matrix33<T>, rgb: RGBf<T>) -> XYZ<T>
    T: Real,
    let x = *mtx * rgb;
    XYZ::new(x.r, x.g, x.b) * XYZ::from_scalar(T::from(100.0).unwrap())

/// Create a [Matrix33] that will convert between the two given color spaces.
/// This includes chromatic adaptation between the white points specified in
/// the color spaces provided.
pub fn rgb_to_rgb_matrix<T>(
    from_space: &ColorSpaceRGB<T>,
    to_space: &ColorSpaceRGB<T>,
) -> Matrix33<T>
    T: Real,
        * cat02(from_space.white, to_space.white)
        * from_space.xf_rgb_to_xyz

/// Convert the [RGBf] in `from_space` to `to_space`, reading from `from` and
/// writing to `to`.
pub fn rgb_to_rgb<T, U>(
    from_space: &ColorSpaceRGB<T>,
    to_space: &ColorSpaceRGB<T>,
    from: &[RGBf<T>],
    to: &mut [U],
) -> usize
    T: Real,
    U: From<RGBf<T>>,
    let xf = rgb_to_rgb_matrix(from_space, to_space);
        .map(|(t, f)| {
            let f = from_space.decode(*f);
            *t = to_space.encode(xf * f).into();

#[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_feature = "avx"))]
pub fn xyz_slice_to_rgb_avx_planes<S: simdeez::Simd>(
    mtx: &M3f32,
    xs: &[f32],
    ys: &[f32],
    zs: &[f32],
) -> (Vec<f32>, Vec<f32>, Vec<f32>) {
    let mut result_r = vec![0.0f32; xs.len()];
    let mut result_g = vec![0.0f32; xs.len()];
    let mut result_b = vec![0.0f32; xs.len()];
    let num_iters = xs.len() / S::VF32_WIDTH;
    let start_remaining = xs.len() - num_iters;

    let m0 = unsafe { S::set1_ps(mtx.x[0]) };
    let m1 = unsafe { S::set1_ps(mtx.x[1]) };
    let m2 = unsafe { S::set1_ps(mtx.x[2]) };
    let m3 = unsafe { S::set1_ps(mtx.x[3]) };
    let m4 = unsafe { S::set1_ps(mtx.x[4]) };
    let m5 = unsafe { S::set1_ps(mtx.x[5]) };
    let m6 = unsafe { S::set1_ps(mtx.x[6]) };
    let m7 = unsafe { S::set1_ps(mtx.x[7]) };
    let m8 = unsafe { S::set1_ps(mtx.x[8]) };

    let scale = unsafe { S::set1_ps(0.01) };

    for i in 0..num_iters {
        unsafe {
            // First calculate memory indices for this loop operation
            // Gather memory to registers
            let x = S::loadu_ps(xs.get_unchecked(i * S::VF32_WIDTH)) * scale;
            let y = S::loadu_ps(ys.get_unchecked(i * S::VF32_WIDTH)) * scale;
            let z = S::loadu_ps(zs.get_unchecked(i * S::VF32_WIDTH)) * scale;

            // Matrix multiplication
            let r = m0 * x;
            let r = S::fmadd_ps(m1, y, r);
            let r = S::fmadd_ps(m2, z, r);

            let g = m3 * x;
            let g = S::fmadd_ps(m4, y, g);
            let g = S::fmadd_ps(m5, z, g);

            let b = m6 * x;
            let b = S::fmadd_ps(m7, y, b);
            let b = S::fmadd_ps(m8, z, b);

            // Store results
            S::storeu_ps(result_r.get_unchecked_mut(i * S::VF32_WIDTH), r);
            S::storeu_ps(result_g.get_unchecked_mut(i * S::VF32_WIDTH), g);
            S::storeu_ps(result_b.get_unchecked_mut(i * S::VF32_WIDTH), b);

    use itertools::izip;
    for (r, g, b, x, y, z) in izip!(
    ) {
        let x = *mtx * XYZf32::new(*x * 0.01, *y * 0.01, *z * 0.01);
        *r = x.x;
        *g = x.y;
        *b = x.z;

    (result_r, result_g, result_b)

#[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_feature = "avx"))]
fn test_checker_xyz_to_rgb_avx_planes() {
    use crate::colorchecker;
    use crate::math::*;
    use float_cmp::{ApproxEq, F32Margin};
    use simdeez::avx2::*;

    let xyz_to_rgb_mtx: M3f32 =
        xyz_to_rgb_matrix(model_f64::SRGB.white, &model_f64::SRGB).into();

    let xs = colorchecker::NAMES
        .map(|n| colorchecker::XYZ_D65[*n].x as f32)
    let ys = colorchecker::NAMES
        .map(|n| colorchecker::XYZ_D65[*n].y as f32)
    let zs = colorchecker::NAMES
        .map(|n| colorchecker::XYZ_D65[*n].z as f32)

    let (rr, rg, rb) =
        xyz_slice_to_rgb_avx_planes::<Avx2>(&xyz_to_rgb_mtx, &xs, &ys, &zs);

    use itertools::izip;
    for (r, g, b, name) in izip!(
    ) {
        let rgb = rgbf32(r, g, b);
        let rgb_ref = RGBf32::from(colorchecker::SRGB_LINEAR[*name]);
        println!("{} rgb: {}", name, rgb);
        println!("{} ref: {}", name, rgb_ref);
            F32Margin {
                epsilon: 1e-7,
                ulps: 2