colored-diff 0.1.1

Format the difference between two strings with ANSI colors


Show colored differences between source strings!

Inspired by / extracted from pretty-assertions and difference's github-style example

Powershell Example

Command Prompt:
Command Prompt Example

(Now accepting PRs for a macOS Terminal and/or Ubuntu (whatever console window) examples!)

Poem Example:

let expected = "\
    Roses are red, violets are blue,\n\
    I wrote this library here,\n\
    just for you.\n\
    (It's true).\n\
let actual = "\
    Roses are red, violets are blue,\n\
    I wrote this documentation here,\n\
    just for you.\n\
    (It's quite true).\n\

println!("{}", colored_diff::PrettyDifference { expected, actual })

Pretty-Assertions Example:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Foo {
    lorem: &'static str,
    ipsum: u32,
    dolor: Result<String, String>,

let x = Some(Foo { lorem: "Hello World!", ipsum: 42, dolor: Ok("hey".to_string())});
let y = Some(Foo { lorem: "Hello Wrold!", ipsum: 42, dolor: Ok("hey ho!".to_string())});

let x = format!("{:#?}", x);
let y = format!("{:#?}", y);

println!("{}", colored_diff::PrettyDifference { expected: &x, actual: &y })