coi 0.10.1

coi is a Dependency Injection library.
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
//! Coi provides an easy to use dependency injection framework.
//! Currently, this crate provides the following:
//! - **[`coi::Inject` (trait)]** - a marker trait that indicates a trait or struct is injectable.
//! - **[`coi::Provide` (trait)]** - a trait that indicates a struct is capable of providing a specific
//! implementation of some injectable trait. This is generated for you if you use
//! [`coi::Inject` (derive)] or [`coi::Provide` (derive)], but can also be written manually.
//! - **[`coi::Container`]** - a container to manage the lifetime of all dependencies. This is still
//! in its early stages, and currently only supports objects that are recreated with each request to
//! [`coi::Container::resolve`].
//! - **[`coi::ContainerBuilder`]** - a builder for the above container to simplify construction and
//! guarantee immutability after construction.
//! [`coi::Inject` (trait)]: trait.Inject.html
//! [`coi::Inject` (derive)]: derive.Inject.html
//! [`coi::Provide` (trait)]: trait.Provide.html
//! [`coi::Provide` (derive)]: derive.Provide.html
//! [`coi::Container`]: struct.Container.html
//! [`coi::Container::resolve`]: struct.Container.html#method.resolve
//! [`coi::ContainerBuilder`]: struct.ContainerBuilder.html
//! # Example
//! ```rust
//! use coi::{container, Inject};
//! use std::sync::Arc;
//! // Mark injectable traits by inheriting the `Inject` trait.
//! trait Trait1: Inject {
//!     fn describe(&self) -> &'static str;
//! }
//! // For structs that will provide the implementation of an injectable trait, derive `Inject`
//! // and specify which expr will be used to inject which trait. The method can be any path.
//! // The arguments for the method are derived from fields marked with the attribute
//! // `#[coi(inject)]` (See Impl2 below).
//! #[derive(Inject)]
//! #[coi(provides dyn Trait1 with Impl1)]
//! struct Impl1;
//! // Don't forget to actually implement the trait.
//! impl Trait1 for Impl1 {
//!     fn describe(&self) -> &'static str {
//!         "I'm impl1!"
//!     }
//! }
//! // Mark injectable traits by inheriting the `Inject` trait.
//! trait Trait2: Inject {
//!     fn deep_describe(&self) -> String;
//! }
//! // For structs that will provide the implementation of an injectable trait, derive `Inject`
//! // and specify which method will be used to inject which trait. The arguments for the method
//! // are derived from fields marked with the attribute `#[coi(inject)]`, so the parameter name
//! // must match a field name.
//! #[derive(Inject)]
//! #[coi(provides dyn Trait2 with Impl2::new(trait1))]
//! struct Impl2 {
//!     // The name of the field is important! It must match the name that's registered in the
//!     // container when the container is being built! This is similar to the behavior of
//!     // dependency injection libraries in other languages.
//!     #[coi(inject)]
//!     trait1: Arc<dyn Trait1>,
//! }
//! // Implement the provider method
//! impl Impl2 {
//!     // Note: The param name here doesn't actually matter.
//!     fn new(trait1: Arc<dyn Trait1>) -> Self {
//!         Self { trait1 }
//!     }
//! }
//! // Again, don't forget to actually implement the trait.
//! impl Trait2 for Impl2 {
//!     fn deep_describe(&self) -> String {
//!         format!("I'm impl2! and I have {}", self.trait1.describe())
//!     }
//! }
//! // "Provider" structs are automatically generated through the `Inject` attribute. They
//! // append `Provider` to the name of the struct that is being derive (make sure you don't
//! // have any structs with the same name or your code will fail to compile.
//! // Reminder: Make sure you use the same key here as the field names of the structs that
//! // require these impls.
//! let mut container = container! {
//!     trait1 => Impl1Provider,
//!     trait2 => Impl2Provider,
//! };
//! // Once the container is built, you can now resolve any particular instance by its key and
//! // the trait it provides. This crate currently only supports `Arc<dyn Trait>`, but this may
//! // be expanded in a future version of the crate.
//! let trait2 = container
//!     // Note: Getting the key wrong will produce an error telling you which key in the
//!     // chain of dependencies caused the failure (future versions might provider a vec of
//!     // chain that lead to the failure). Getting the type wrong will only tell you which key
//!     // had the wrong type. This is because at runtime, we do not have any type information,
//!     // only unique ids (that change during each compilation).
//!     .resolve::<dyn Trait2>("trait2")
//!     .expect("Should exist");
//! println!("Deep description: {}", trait2.deep_describe());
//! ```
//! # How this crate works in more detail
//! For any trait you wish to abstract over, have it inherit the `Inject` trait. For structs, impl
//! `Inject` for that struct, e.g.
//! ```rust
//! # use coi::Inject;
//! trait Trait1: Inject {}
//! struct Struct1;
//! impl Inject for Struct1 {}
//! ```
//! Then, in order to register the injectable item with the [`coi::ContainerBuilder`], you also
//! need a struct that impls `Provide<Output = T>` where `T` is your trait or struct. `Provide`
//! exposes a `provide` fn that takes `&self` and `&Container`. When manually implementing `Provide`
//! you must resolve all dependencies with `container`. Here's an example below:
//! ```rust
//! # use coi::{Container, Inject, Provide};
//! # use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
//! # trait Trait1: Inject {}
//! #
//! trait Dependency: Inject {}
//! struct Impl1 {
//!     dependency: Arc<dyn Dependency>,
//! }
//! impl Impl1 {
//!     fn new(dependency: Arc<dyn Dependency>) -> Self {
//!         Self { dependency }
//!     }
//! }
//! impl Inject for Impl1 {}
//! impl Trait1 for Impl1 {}
//! struct Trait1Provider;
//! impl Provide for Trait1Provider {
//!     type Output = dyn Trait1;
//!     fn provide(&self, container: &Container) -> coi::Result<Arc<Self::Output>> {
//!         let dependency = container.resolve::<dyn Dependency>("dependency")?;
//!         Ok(Arc::new(Impl1::new(dependency)) as Arc<dyn Trait1>)
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! The `"dependency"` above of course needs to be registered in order for the call
//! to `resolve` to not error out:
//! ```rust
//! # use coi::{container, Container, Inject, Provide};
//! # use std::sync::Arc;
//! # trait Trait1: Inject {}
//! # trait Dependency: Inject {}
//! #
//! # struct Impl1 {
//! #     dependency: Arc<dyn Dependency>,
//! # }
//! # impl Impl1 {
//! #     fn new(dependency: Arc<dyn Dependency>) -> Self {
//! #         Self { dependency }
//! #     }
//! # }
//! # impl Inject for Impl1 {}
//! # impl Trait1 for Impl1 {}
//! #
//! # struct Trait1Provider;
//! #
//! # impl Provide for Trait1Provider {
//! #     type Output = dyn Trait1;
//! #     fn provide(&self, container: &Container) -> coi::Result<Arc<Self::Output>> {
//! #         let dependency = container.resolve::<dyn Dependency>("dependency")?;
//! #         Ok(Arc::new(Impl1::new(dependency)) as Arc<dyn Trait1>)
//! #     }
//! # }
//! struct DepImpl;
//! impl Dependency for DepImpl {}
//! impl Inject for DepImpl {}
//! struct DependencyProvider;
//! impl Provide for DependencyProvider {
//!     type Output = dyn Dependency;
//!     fn provide(&self, _: &Container) -> coi::Result<Arc<Self::Output>> {
//!         Ok(Arc::new(DepImpl) as Arc<dyn Dependency>)
//!     }
//! }
//! let mut container = container! {
//!     trait1 => Trait1Provider,
//!     dependency => DependencyProvider,
//! };
//! let trait1 = container.resolve::<dyn Trait1>("trait1");
//! ```
//! In general, you usually won't want to write all of that. You would instead want to use the
//! procedural macro (see example above).
//! The detailed docs for that are at [`coi::Inject` (derive)]
//! # Debugging
//! To turn on debugging features, enable the `debug` feature (see below), then you'll have access
//! to the following changes:
//! *  Formatting a container with `{:?}` will also list the dependencies (in A: Vec&lt;B&gt; style)
//! *  `Container` will get an [`analyze`] fn, which will return an error if any misconfiguration is
//! detected. See the docs for [`analyze`] for more details.
//! *  `Container` will get a [`dot_graph`] fn, which will return a string that can be passed to
//! [graphviz]'s dot command to generate a graph. The image below was generated with the sample
//! project that's in this crate's repository (output saved to `` then ran
//! `dot -Tsvg -o deps.svg `):
//! <div>
//! <svg width="168pt" height="188pt"
//! viewBox="0.00 0.00 167.89 188.00" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
//! <g id="graph0" class="graph" transform="scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 184)">
//! <title>%3</title>
//! <polygon fill="#ffffff" stroke="transparent" points="-4,4 -4,-184 163.8858,-184 163.8858,4 -4,4"/>
//! <!-- 0 -->
//! <g id="node1" class="node">
//! <title>0</title>
//! <ellipse fill="none" stroke="#000000" cx="79.9429" cy="-18" rx="67.6881" ry="18"/>
//! <text text-anchor="middle" x="79.9429" y="-14.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">Singleton &#45; pool</text>
//! </g>
//! <!-- 1 -->
//! <g id="node2" class="node">
//! <title>1</title>
//! <ellipse fill="none" stroke="#000000" cx="79.9429" cy="-90" rx="79.8859" ry="18"/>
//! <text text-anchor="middle" x="79.9429" y="-86.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">Scoped &#45; repository</text>
//! </g>
//! <!-- 1&#45;&gt;0 -->
//! <g id="edge1" class="edge">
//! <title>1&#45;&gt;0</title>
//! <path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M79.9429,-71.8314C79.9429,-64.131 79.9429,-54.9743 79.9429,-46.4166"/>
//! <polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="83.443,-46.4132 79.9429,-36.4133 76.443,-46.4133 83.443,-46.4132"/>
//! </g>
//! <!-- 2 -->
//! <g id="node3" class="node">
//! <title>2</title>
//! <ellipse fill="none" stroke="#000000" cx="79.9429" cy="-162" rx="69.5877" ry="18"/>
//! <text text-anchor="middle" x="79.9429" y="-158.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">Scoped &#45; service</text>
//! </g>
//! <!-- 2&#45;&gt;1 -->
//! <g id="edge2" class="edge">
//! <title>2&#45;&gt;1</title>
//! <path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M79.9429,-143.8314C79.9429,-136.131 79.9429,-126.9743 79.9429,-118.4166"/>
//! <polygon fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" points="83.443,-118.4132 79.9429,-108.4133 76.443,-118.4133 83.443,-118.4132"/>
//! </g>
//! </g>
//! </svg>
//! </div>
//! [`analyze`]: struct.Container.html#method.analyze
//! [`dot_graph`]: struct.Container.html#method.dot_graph
//! [graphviz]:
//! # Features
//! Compilation taking too long? Turn off features you're not using.
//! To not use the default:
//! ```toml
//! # Cargo.toml
//! [dependencies]
//! coi = { version = "...", default-features = false }
//! ```
//! Why the #$*%T won't my container work!?
//! To turn on debugging features:
//! ```toml
//! # Cargo.toml
//! [dependencies]
//! coi = { version = "...", default-features = false, features = ["debug"] }
//! ```
//! - default: `derive` - Procedural macros are re-exported.
//! - debug: `Debug` impl
//! - None - Procedural macros are not re-exported.
//! # Help
//! ## External traits
//! Want to inject a trait that's not marked `Inject`? There's a very simple solution!
//! It works even if the intended trait is not part of your crate.
//! ```rust
//! # use coi::Inject;
//! //
//! pub trait Trait {
//! # /*
//!     ...
//! # */
//! }
//! //
//! # /*
//! use coi::Inject;
//! use other::Trait;
//! # */
//! // Just inherit the intended trait and `Inject` on a trait in your crate,
//! // and make sure to also impl both traits for the intended provider.
//! pub trait InjectableTrait : Trait + Inject {}
//! #[derive(Inject)]
//! #[coi(provides pub dyn InjectableTrait with Impl{})]
//! struct Impl {
//! # /*
//!     ...
//! # */
//! }
//! impl Trait for Impl {
//! # /*
//!     ...
//! # */
//! }
//! impl InjectableTrait for Impl {}
//! ```
//! ## Where are the factory registrations!?
//! If you're familiar with dependency injection in other languages, you might
//! be used to factory registration where you can provide a method/closure/lambda/etc.
//! during registration. Since the crate works off of the `Provide` trait, you would
//! have to manually implement `Provide` for your factory method. This would also
//! require you to manually retrieve your dependencies from the passed in `Container`
//! as shown in the docs above.
//! ## Why can't I derive `Inject` when my struct contains a reference?
//! In order to store all of the resolved types, we have to use
//! [`std::any::Any`], which, unfortunately, has the restriction `Any: 'static`.
//! This is because it's not yet known if there's a safe way to downcast to a
//! type with a reference (See the comments in this [tracking issue]).
//! [`std::any::Any`]:
//! [tracking issue]:

use rustc_hash::FxHashMap as HashMap;
use std::any::Any;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

#[cfg(any(feature = "derive", feature = "debug"))]
pub use coi_derive::*;
#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
use petgraph::{
    graph::{DiGraph, NodeIndex},
#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
use std::fmt::{self, Debug};

/// Errors produced by this crate
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
    /// This key was not found in the container. Either the requested resource was never registered
    /// with this container, or there is a typo in the register or resolve calls.
    #[error("Key not found: {0}")]
    /// The requested key was found in the container, but its type did not match the requested type.
    #[error("Type mismatch for key: {0}")]
    /// Wrapper around errors produced by `Provider`s.
    #[error("Inner error: {0}")]
    Inner(#[from] Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>),

/// Type alias to `Result<T, coi::Error>`.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;

/// A marker trait for injectable traits and structs.
pub trait Inject: Send + Sync + 'static {}

impl<T: Inject + ?Sized> Inject for Arc<T> {}

/// Control when `Container` will call `Provide::provide`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum RegistrationKind {
    /// `Container` will construct a new instance of `T` for every invocation
    /// of `Container::resolve`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// # use coi::{container, Inject, Result};
    /// # use std::ops::Deref;
    /// # trait Trait: Inject {}
    /// # #[derive(Inject)]
    /// # #[coi(provides dyn Trait with Impl)]
    /// # struct Impl;
    /// # impl Trait for Impl {}
    /// # fn the_test() -> Result<()> {
    /// let mut container = container! {
    ///     // same as trait => ImplProvider.transient
    ///     trait => ImplProvider
    /// };
    /// let instance_1 = container.resolve::<dyn Trait>("trait")?;
    /// let instance_2 = container.resolve::<dyn Trait>("trait")?;
    /// // Every instance resolved from the container will be a distinct instance.
    /// assert_ne!(
    ///     instance_1.deref() as &dyn Trait as *const _,
    ///     instance_2.deref() as &dyn Trait as *const _
    /// );
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// # the_test().unwrap()
    /// ```
    /// `Container` will construct a new instance of `T` for each scope
    /// container created through `Container::scoped`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// # use coi::{container, Inject, Result};
    /// # use std::{ops::Deref, sync::{Arc, Mutex}};
    /// # trait Trait: Inject {}
    /// # #[derive(Inject)]
    /// # #[coi(provides dyn Trait with Impl)]
    /// # struct Impl;
    /// # impl Trait for Impl {}
    /// # fn the_test() -> Result<()> {
    /// let container = container! {
    ///     trait => ImplProvider; scoped
    /// };
    /// // Every instance resolved within the same scope will be the same instance.
    /// let instance_1 = container.resolve::<dyn Trait>("trait")?;
    /// let instance_2 = container.resolve::<dyn Trait>("trait")?;
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     instance_1.deref() as &dyn Trait as *const _,
    ///     instance_2.deref() as &dyn Trait as *const _
    /// );
    /// {
    ///     let scoped = container.scoped();
    ///     let instance_3 = scoped.resolve::<dyn Trait>("trait")?;
    ///     // Since these two were resolved in different scopes, they will never be the
    ///     // same instance.
    ///     assert_ne!(
    ///         instance_1.deref() as &dyn Trait as *const _,
    ///         instance_3.deref() as &dyn Trait as *const _
    ///     );
    /// }
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// # the_test().unwrap()
    /// ```
    /// The container will construct a single instance of `T` and reuse it
    /// throughout all scopes.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// # use coi::{container, Inject, Result};
    /// # use std::{ops::Deref, sync::{Arc, Mutex}};
    /// # trait Trait: Inject {}
    /// # #[derive(Inject)]
    /// # #[coi(provides dyn Trait with Impl)]
    /// # struct Impl;
    /// # impl Trait for Impl {}
    /// # fn the_test() -> Result<()> {
    /// let container = container! {
    ///     trait => ImplProvider; singleton
    /// };
    /// let instance_1 = container.resolve::<dyn Trait>("trait")?;
    /// let instance_2 = container.resolve::<dyn Trait>("trait")?;
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     instance_1.deref() as &dyn Trait as *const _,
    ///     instance_2.deref() as &dyn Trait as *const _
    /// );
    /// {
    ///     let scoped = container.scoped();
    ///     let instance_3 = scoped.resolve::<dyn Trait>("trait")?;
    ///     // Regardless of what scope the instance was resolved it, it will always
    ///     // be the same instance.
    ///     assert_eq!(
    ///         instance_1.deref() as &dyn Trait as *const _,
    ///         instance_3.deref() as &dyn Trait as *const _
    ///     );
    /// }
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// # the_test().unwrap()
    /// ```

/// A struct used to provide a registration to a container. It wraps a registration kind and
/// a provider.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Registration<T> {
    kind: RegistrationKind,
    provider: T,

impl<T> Registration<T> {
    /// Constructor for `Registration`. For it to be useful, `T` should impl `Provide`.
    pub fn new(kind: RegistrationKind, provider: T) -> Self {
        Self { kind, provider }

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct InnerContainer {
    provider_map: HashMap<&'static str, Registration<Arc<dyn Any + Send + Sync>>>,
    resolved_map: HashMap<&'static str, Arc<dyn Any + Send + Sync>>,
    parent: Option<Container>,
    #[cfg(feature = "debug")]
    dependency_map: HashMap<&'static str, &'static [&'static str]>,

impl InnerContainer {
    fn check_resolved<T>(&self, key: &'static str) -> Option<Result<Arc<T>>>
        T: Inject + ?Sized,
        self.resolved_map.get(key).map(|v| {
                .ok_or_else(|| Error::TypeMismatch(key.to_owned()))

/// A struct that manages all injected types.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Container(Arc<Mutex<InnerContainer>>);

/// Possible errors generated when running [`Container::analyze`].
/// [`Container::analyze`]: struct.Container.html#method.analyze
#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "debug")))]
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum AnalysisError {
    // FIXME(pfaria), it would be better if we could trace the
    // entire cycle and store a Vec<String> here. Might require
    // manually calling petgraph::visit::depth_first_search
    /// There is a cyclic dependency within the container
    #[error("Cycle detected at node `{0}`")]
    Cycle(&'static str),
    /// There is a missing dependency. Param 0 depends on Param 1, and Param 1 is missing.
    #[error("Node `{0}` depends on `{1}`, the latter of which is not registered")]
    Missing(&'static str, &'static str),

#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct AnalysisNode {
    registration: Option<RegistrationKind>,
    id: &'static str,

#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
impl fmt::Display for AnalysisNode {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self.registration {
            Some(reg) => match reg {
                RegistrationKind::Transient => write!(f, "Transient - {}",,
                RegistrationKind::Singleton => write!(f, "Singleton - {}",,
                RegistrationKind::Scoped => write!(f, "Scoped - {}",,
            None => write!(f, "MISSING - {}",,

impl Container {
    fn new(container: InnerContainer) -> Self {

    /// Resolve an `Arc<T>` whose provider was previously registered with `key`.
    pub fn resolve<T>(&self, key: &'static str) -> Result<Arc<T>>
        T: Inject + ?Sized,
        let (kind, provider) = {
            let container = self.0.lock().unwrap();
            // If we already have a resolved version, return it.
            if let Some(resolved) = container.check_resolved::<T>(key) {
                return resolved;

            // Try to find the provider
            let registration = match container.provider_map.get(key) {
                Some(provider) => provider,
                None => {
                    // If the key is not found, then we might be a child container. If we have a
                    // parent, then search it for a possibly valid provider.
                    return match &container.parent {
                        Some(parent) => {
                            let parent = parent.clone();
                            // Release the lock so we don't deadlock, this container isn't
                            // needed anymore
                        None => Err(Error::KeyNotFound(key.to_owned())),

                    .downcast_ref::<Arc<dyn Provide<Output = T> + Send + Sync + 'static>>()
                    .ok_or_else(|| Error::TypeMismatch(key.to_owned()))?,
        let provided = provider.provide(self);

        match kind {
            RegistrationKind::Transient => provided,
            RegistrationKind::Scoped | RegistrationKind::Singleton => {
                let mut container = self.0.lock().unwrap();
                // Since there's a possibility for a deadlock right now, we want to make sure
                // no one else already inserted into the resolved map (hence the call to entry).

    /// Produce a child container that only contains providers for scoped registrations
    /// Any calls to resolve from the returned container can still use the `self` container
    /// to resolve any other kinds of registrations.
    pub fn scoped(&self) -> Container {
        let container: &InnerContainer = &self.0.lock().unwrap();
        Container::new(InnerContainer {
            provider_map: container
                .filter_map(|(k, v)| match v.kind {
                    kind @ RegistrationKind::Scoped | kind @ RegistrationKind::Transient => Some((
                        Registration {
                            provider: Arc::clone(&v.provider),
                    _ => None,
            resolved_map: HashMap::default(),
            // FIXME(pfaria) no clone here
            #[cfg(feature = "debug")]
            dependency_map: container.dependency_map.clone(),
            parent: Some(self.clone()),

    #[cfg(feature = "debug")]
    fn dependency_graph(&self) -> DiGraph<AnalysisNode, AnalysisNode> {
        let container = self.0.lock().unwrap();
        let mut graph = DiGraph::<AnalysisNode, AnalysisNode>::new();
        let mut key_to_node = container
            .map(|k| -> (&'static str, NodeIndex) {
                let kind = container.provider_map[k].kind;
                let n = graph.add_node(AnalysisNode {
                    registration: Some(kind),
                    id: k,
                (k, n)
            .collect::<HashMap<&str, _>>();
        for (k, deps) in &container.dependency_map {
            let kn = key_to_node[k as &str];
            let edges = deps
                .map(|dep| {
                    let vn = match key_to_node.get(dep) {
                        Some(vn) => *vn,
                        None => {
                            let vn = graph.add_node(AnalysisNode {
                                registration: None,
                                id: dep,
                            key_to_node.insert(dep, vn);
                    (kn, vn)


    // FIXME(pfaria): Add analysis on singleton registrations that depend on
    // non-singleton registration.
    /// Run an analysis on a container and return any issues detected.
    /// Current analysis performed:
    /// - Missing dependencies
    /// - Cyclic dependencies
    #[cfg(feature = "debug")]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "debug")))]
    pub fn analyze(&self) -> std::result::Result<(), Vec<AnalysisError>> {
        use petgraph::Direction;
        let graph = self.dependency_graph();
        let mut errors = graph
            .filter(|i| graph[*i].registration.is_none())
            .flat_map(|i| {
                let to = &graph[i].id;
                    .neighbors_directed(i, Direction::Incoming)
                    .map(|from| AnalysisError::Missing(graph[from].id, to))

        // Do any cycles exist?
        if let Err(cycle) = toposort(&graph, None) {

        if !errors.is_empty() {
        } else {

    /// Produces a dot format output that can be processed by the [graphviz] [`dot` (pdf)]
    /// program to generate a graphical representation of the dependency graph.
    /// [graphviz]:
    /// [`dot` (pdf)]:
    #[cfg(feature = "debug")]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "debug")))]
    pub fn dot_graph(&self) -> String {
        use petgraph::dot::{Config, Dot};
        let graph = self.dependency_graph();
        format!("{}", Dot::with_config(&graph, &[Config::EdgeNoLabel]))

/// A builder used to construct a `Container`.
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct ContainerBuilder {
    provider_map: HashMap<&'static str, Registration<Arc<dyn Any + Send + Sync>>>,
    #[cfg(feature = "debug")]
    dependency_map: HashMap<&'static str, &'static [&'static str]>,

impl ContainerBuilder {
    /// Constructor for `ContainerBuilder`.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            provider_map: HashMap::default(),
            #[cfg(feature = "debug")]
            dependency_map: HashMap::default(),

    /// Register a `Provider` for `T` with identifier `key`.
    pub fn register<P, T>(self, key: &'static str, provider: P) -> Self
        T: Inject + ?Sized,
        P: Provide<Output = T> + Send + Sync + 'static,
            Registration::new(RegistrationKind::Transient, provider),

    fn get_arc<P, T>(provider: P) -> Arc<dyn Provide<Output = T> + Send + Sync>
        T: Inject + ?Sized,
        P: Provide<Output = T> + Send + Sync + 'static,

    /// Register a `Provider` for `T` with identifier `key`, while also specifying the resolution
    /// behavior.
    pub fn register_as<P, T>(mut self, key: &'static str, registration: Registration<P>) -> Self
        T: Inject + ?Sized,
        P: Provide<Output = T> + Send + Sync + 'static,
        #[cfg(feature = "debug")]
        let deps = registration.provider.dependencies();
            Registration {
                kind: registration.kind,
                provider: Arc::new(Self::get_arc(registration.provider))
                    as Arc<dyn Any + Send + Sync>,
        #[cfg(feature = "debug")]
        self.dependency_map.insert(key, deps);

    /// Consume this builder to produce a `Container`.
    pub fn build(self) -> Container {
        Container::new(InnerContainer {
            provider_map: self.provider_map,
            resolved_map: HashMap::default(),
            parent: None,
            #[cfg(feature = "debug")]
            dependency_map: self.dependency_map,

/// A trait to manage the construction of an injectable trait or struct.
pub trait Provide {
    /// The type that this provider will produce when resolved from a [`Container`].
    /// [`Container`]: struct.Container.html
    type Output: Inject + ?Sized;

    /// Only intended to be used internally
    fn provide(&self, container: &Container) -> Result<Arc<Self::Output>>;

    /// Return list of dependencies
    #[cfg(feature = "debug")]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "debug")))]
    fn dependencies(&self) -> &'static [&'static str];

#[cfg(not(feature = "debug"))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(not(feature = "debug"))))]
impl<T, F> Provide for F
    F: Fn(&Container) -> Result<Arc<T>>,
    T: Inject + ?Sized,
    type Output = T;

    fn provide(&self, container: &Container) -> Result<Arc<Self::Output>> {

#[cfg(not(feature = "debug"))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(not(feature = "debug"))))]
impl<T> Provide for dyn Fn(&Container) -> Result<Arc<T>>
    T: Inject + ?Sized,
    type Output = T;

    fn provide(&self, container: &Container) -> Result<Arc<Self::Output>> {

#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "debug")))]
impl<T, F> Provide for (&'static [&'static str], F)
    F: Fn(&Container) -> Result<Arc<T>>,
    T: Inject + ?Sized,
    type Output = T;

    fn provide(&self, container: &Container) -> Result<Arc<Self::Output>> {

    fn dependencies(&self) -> &'static [&'static str] {

#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "debug")))]
impl<T> Provide
    for (
        &'static [&'static str],
        dyn Fn(&Container) -> Result<Arc<T>>,
    T: Inject + ?Sized,
    type Output = T;

    fn provide(&self, container: &Container) -> Result<Arc<Self::Output>> {

    fn dependencies(&self) -> &'static [&'static str] {

/// A macro to simplify building of `Container`s.
/// It takes a list of key-value pairs, where the keys are converted to string
/// keys, and the values are converted into registrations. Transient, singleton
/// and scoped registrations are possible, with transient being the default:
/// ```rust
/// use coi::{container, Inject};
/// trait Dep: Inject {}
/// #[derive(Inject)]
/// #[coi(provides dyn Dep with Impl)]
/// struct Impl;
/// impl Dep for Impl {}
/// let mut container = container! {
///     dep => ImplProvider,
///     transient_dep => ImplProvider; transient,
///     singleton_dep => ImplProvider; singleton,
///     scoped_dep => ImplProvider; scoped
/// };
/// ```
/// For details on how each registration works, see [`coi::Registration`]
/// [`coi::Registration`]: enum.Registration.html
macro_rules! container {
    (@registration $provider:expr; scoped) => {
    (@registration $provider:expr; singleton) => {
    (@registration $provider:expr; transient) => {
    (@registration $provider:expr) => {
    (@line $builder:ident $key:ident $provider:expr $(; $call:ident)?) => {
        $builder = $builder.register_as(stringify!($key), container!(@registration $provider $(; $call)?));
    ($($key:ident => $provider:expr $(; $call:ident)?),+) => {
        container!{ $( $key => $provider $(; $call)?, )+ }
    ($($key:ident => $provider:expr $(; $call:ident)?,)+) => {
            let mut builder = ::coi::ContainerBuilder::new();
            $(container!(@line builder $key $provider $(; $call)?);)+

/// Helper macro to ease use of "debug" feature when providing closures
macro_rules! provide_closure {
    // Support any comma format
    ($($move:ident)? |$($arg:ident: Arc<$ty:ty>),*| $(-> $res:ty)? $block:block) => {
        provide_closure!($($move)? |$($arg: Arc<$ty>,)*| $(-> $res)? $block)
    // actual macro
    ($($move:ident)? |$($arg:ident: Arc<$ty:ty>,)*| $(-> $res:ty)? $block:block) => {
            use $crate::__provide_closure_impl;
            __provide_closure_impl!($($move)? |$($arg: $ty,)*| $(-> $res)? $block)
    // handle case of missing argument types
    ($($move:ident)? |$($arg:ident),*| $(-> $res:ty)? $block:block) => {
        compile_error!("this macro requires closure arguments to have explicitly defined parameter types")

#[cfg(not(feature = "debug"))]
macro_rules! __provide_closure_impl {
    ($($move:ident)? |$($arg:ident: $ty:ty,)*| $(-> $res:ty)? $block:block) => {
        $($move)? |_container: &$crate::Container| $(-> $res)? {
            $(let $arg = _container.resolve::<$ty>(stringify!($arg))?;)*

#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
macro_rules! __provide_closure_impl {
    ($($move:ident)? |$($arg:ident: $ty:ty,)*| $(-> $res:ty)? $block:block) => {
            $($move)? |_container: &$crate::Container| $(-> $res)? {
                $(let $arg = _container.resolve::<$ty>(stringify!($arg))?;)*

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn ensure_display() {
        use std::io;

        let error = Error::KeyNotFound("S".to_owned());
        let displayed = format!("{}", error);
        assert_eq!(displayed, "Key not found: S");

        let error = Error::TypeMismatch("S2".to_owned());
        let displayed = format!("{}", error);
        assert_eq!(displayed, "Type mismatch for key: S2");

        let error = Error::Inner(Box::new(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::NotFound, "oh no!")));
        let displayed = format!("{}", error);
        assert_eq!(displayed, "Inner error: oh no!");

    fn ensure_debug() {
        let error = Error::KeyNotFound("S".to_owned());
        let debugged = format!("{:?}", error);
        assert_eq!(debugged, "KeyNotFound(\"S\")");

        let error = Error::TypeMismatch("S2".to_owned());
        let debugged = format!("{:?}", error);
        assert_eq!(debugged, "TypeMismatch(\"S2\")");

    fn conainer_builder_is_clonable() {
        let builder = ContainerBuilder::new();
        for _ in 0..2 {
            let builder = builder.clone();
            let _container =;

    fn container_is_clonable() {
        let container = ContainerBuilder::new().build();
        let _container = container.clone();