coffer 1.0.1

A lightweight and fast library for reading and writing Java classes
    This file is part of Coffer.

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//! The error module contains errors that may be raised when invalid data is encountered.

use thiserror::Error;
use std::borrow::Cow;

/// The base error type.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum ErrorBase {
    /// I/O error. This indicates the underlying `Read`/`Write` instance has raised an error.
    IO(#[from] std::io::Error),

    /// Error when it encountered invalid data. This can be an invalid tag for an enum (which is raised from the derive macro).
    #[error("Invalid {0}: {1}")]
    Invalid(&'static str, Cow<'static, str>),

    /// Error raised from the [`mod_utf8`] module.
    /// [`mod_utf8`]: crate::mod_utf8
    MUTF(#[from] crate::mod_utf8::MUTFError),

    /// This error indicates that when reading the attribute, the data didn't conform to the set of the fields,
    /// therefore resulting in parts of the data not transformed to actual information.
    /// This error is raised from the derive macro.
    #[error("Attribute length mismatch: actual length ({0}) is greater than length consumed ({1}) for variant ${2}")]
    AttributeLength(u32, u32, &'static str),

    /// A custom error type.
    Custom(#[from] Box<dyn std::error::Error>)

/// The backtrace module containing an error type that holds a backtrace.
#[cfg(any(feature = "backtrace", test, doc))]
pub mod backtrace {
    use std::backtrace::Backtrace;
    use std::borrow::Cow;
    use crate::error::ErrorBase;
    use std::error::Error;
    use std::fmt::Formatter;

    impl<T> From<T> for ErrorTrace where ErrorBase: From<T> {
        fn from(t: T) -> Self {
            Self {
                inner: t.into(),
                trace: Backtrace::force_capture()

    /// The error type, but contains a backtrace. Useful when debugging.
    pub struct ErrorTrace {
        /// The inner error.
        pub inner: ErrorBase,
        trace: Backtrace

    impl std::fmt::Display for ErrorTrace {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            write!(f, "{}\nBacktrace:\n{}", self.inner, self.trace)

    impl Error for ErrorTrace {
        fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {

        fn backtrace(&self) -> Option<&Backtrace> {
    macro_rules! functions {
        ($($(#[$doc:meta])* $i: ident($($arg_i: ident: $ty: ty),*)),*) => {
                pub fn $i($($arg_i: $ty),*) -> ErrorTrace {
                    ErrorTrace {
                        inner: ErrorBase::$i($($arg_i),*),
                        trace: Backtrace::force_capture()

    impl ErrorTrace {
            /// Creates a new instance of [`ErrorTrace`].
            /// This is intentionally named the same as the [ErrorBase enum variant] so one can use `Error::IO` in any context.
            /// [`ErrorTrace`]: ErrorTrace
            /// [ErrorBase enum variant]: ErrorBase::IO
            IO(e: std::io::Error),
            /// Creates a new instance of [`ErrorTrace`].
            /// This is intentionally named the same as the [ErrorBase enum variant] so one can use `Error::Invalid` in any context.
            /// [`ErrorTrace`]: ErrorTrace
            /// [ErrorBase enum variant]: ErrorBase::Invalid
            Invalid(st: &'static str, cow: Cow<'static, str>),
            /// Creates a new instance of [`ErrorTrace`].
            /// This is intentionally named the same as the [ErrorBase enum variant] so one can use `Error::MUTF` in any context.
            /// [`ErrorTrace`]: ErrorTrace
            /// [ErrorBase enum variant]: ErrorBase::MUTF
            MUTF(e: crate::mod_utf8::MUTFError),
            /// Creates a new instance of [`ErrorTrace`].
            /// This is intentionally named the same as the [ErrorBase enum variant] so one can use `Error::AttributeLength` in any context.
            /// [`ErrorTrace`]: ErrorTrace
            /// [ErrorBase enum variant]: ErrorBase::AttributeLength
            AttributeLength(act: u32, exp: u32, var: &'static str),
            /// Creates a new instance of [`ErrorTrace`].
            /// This is intentionally named the same as the [ErrorBase enum variant] so one can use `Error::Custom` in any context.
            /// [`ErrorTrace`]: ErrorTrace
            /// [ErrorBase enum variant]: ErrorBase::Custom
            Custom(b: Box<dyn std::error::Error>)

/// The error type.
/// When the `backtrace` feature is enabled, `ErrorTrace` is used instead of `ErrorBase`.
#[cfg(any(feature = "backtrace", test, doc))]
pub type Error = backtrace::ErrorTrace;

/// The error type.
/// When the `backtrace` feature is enabled, `ErrorTrace` is used instead of `ErrorBase`.
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "backtrace", test, doc)))]
pub type Error = ErrorBase;

/// The Result type. The default error type is [`crate::Error`].
/// [`crate::Error`]: crate::Error
pub type Result<T, E = Error> = std::result::Result<T, E>;