codegenta 0.0.1

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Generate source code for your models which corresponds from the database tables.

Codegenta complements well with rustorm to provide a more ergonomic way of manipulating data


Terminology and tables

  • Product table holds the list of products in our example app.
  • Users is a user table (plural due to user being a reserved keyword in most databases).
  • Category - categories of products, items etc.
  • Photos - product/item listing would be much more pleasing if it has pictures.
  • Reviews - a review of users for a certain product.
  • ProductAvailability - determines office time of the seller when a certain product is availability. Anouncement of product before it is available. This is much more applicable to services.

Code to look at

  • Take a look at examples/ This generates a source code that is comparible to what you could have written as a model code of your project.

  • The source code generated is located at ./gen folder

CREATE TABLE bazaar.product
  product_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
  name character varying,
  description character varying,
  price numeric,
  currency_id uuid,
  unit character varying,
  barcode character varying,
  owner_id uuid,
  currency_id uuid,
  CONSTRAINT product_pkey PRIMARY KEY (product_id),
  CONSTRAINT product_currency_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (currency_id)
      REFERENCES payment.currency (currency_id) MATCH SIMPLE
  CONSTRAINT product_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (owner_id)
      REFERENCES bazaar.users (user_id) MATCH SIMPLE

The generated model code

#[derive(RustcDecodable, RustcEncodable)]
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Product {
    pub product_id:Uuid,
    pub name:Option<String>,
    pub description:Option<String>,
    pub barcode:Option<String>,
    pub currency_id:Option<Uuid>,
    pub owner_id:Option<Uuid>,
    pub price:Option<f64>,
    pub unit:Option<String>,

    pub owner: Option<Users>,
    pub currency: Option<Currency>,
    pub availability: Option<Box<ProductAvailability>>,
    pub category: Vec<Category>,
    pub photo: Vec<Photo>,
    pub review: Vec<Review>,

  • pub product_id:Uuid, marked the column product as NOT NULL therefore it will always have value.

  • pub name:Option<String> is an option since, we did not specify that this non nullable. Same as descrption and etc.

  • pub owner: Option<Users>, base on the foreign key constraint, codegenta is smart enough to recognize that a product has an owner based on the owner_id which references Users table. Codegenta then add an optional field owner:Option, which you can then later use in you app to hold an additional info about the seller of a certain product.

  • pub currency: Option<Currency>, currency_id specifies which currency a product is using. You can put the used currency in the product in your controller code to include a more detailed information about the currency used without having make additional container structs.

More advance features

Take a look at the table schema used in these examples provided by the project.

  • pub category: Vec<Category>, - the codegenta is also smart to recognize that product table is referred by Category table with a linker table product_category, which provides a 1:M relationship between product and category, since products can have multiple categories

  • pub photo: Vec<Photo>,

  • pub review: Vec<Review>,

Same applies for Photo, with linker table product_photo and Review table with linker product_review

  • pub availability: Option<Box<ProductAvailability>>, - product availability is another unique feature of codegenta that determines that ProductAvailability table is just an extension table of product and has a 1:1 relationship, since each product can only have 1 product availability.

A complex query when using codegenta

extern crate rustorm;
extern crate uuid;
extern crate chrono;
extern crate rustc_serialize;

use rustorm::query::Query;
use rustorm::query::{Filter,Equality};
use rustorm::dao::{Dao,IsDao};
use gen::bazaar::Product;
use gen::bazaar::product;
use gen::bazaar::Photo;
use gen::bazaar::photo;
use gen::bazaar::Review;
use gen::bazaar::review;
use gen::bazaar::Category;
use gen::bazaar::category;
use gen::bazaar::product_category;
use gen::bazaar::ProductCategory;
use gen::bazaar::product_photo;
use gen::bazaar::ProductPhoto;
use gen::bazaar::ProductAvailability;
use gen::bazaar::product_availability;

use rustorm::table::IsTable;
use rustorm::managed_pool::ManagedPool;

mod gen;

fn main(){
    let mut pool = ManagedPool::init("postgres://postgres:p0stgr3s@localhost/bazaar_v6",1);
    let db = pool.connect();
    let mut query = Query::select_all();
            product_category::product_id, product::product_id)
            category::category_id, product_category::category_id)
            product::product_id, product_photo::product_id)
            product_photo::photo_id, photo::photo_id)
        .filter(product::name, Equality::EQ, &"GTX660 Ti videocard")
        .filter(category::name, Equality::EQ, &"Electronic")
        .having("count(*)", Equality::GT, &1)
    let frag =;
    let expected = "SELECT *
 FROM bazaar.product
    LEFT OUTER JOIN bazaar.product_category 
        ON product_category.product_id = product.product_id 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN bazaar.category 
        ON category.category_id = product_category.category_id 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN bazaar.product_photo 
        ON product.product_id = product_photo.product_id 
        ON product_photo.photo_id = photo.photo_id 
    WHERE = $1 
        AND = $2 
    HAVING count(*) > $3 
    ORDER BY ASC, product.created DESC".to_string();
    println!("actual:   {{{}}} [{}]", frag.sql, frag.sql.len());
    println!("expected: {{{}}} [{}]", expected, expected.len());
    assert!(frag.sql.trim() == expected.trim());