codeframe 0.1.5

Capture pretty code-frames.
# Codeframe

![Rust CI](


Capture pretty code-frames.

## capture_codeframe!()

`capture_codeframe!()` makes use of [line!](!.html) and [file!](!.html) to capture the codeframe from the place it was originally invoked.

Imagine having a macro `assert_equal!(left, right)` that checks whether left is equal to right. We can use `capture_codeframe!()` to get code-frame of `assert_equal!(left, right)` invocation with some context.

It also accepts `Color` argument (`capture_codeframe!(Color::Blue)`) which will default to `Color::Red`.

use codeframe::{capture_codeframe, Color};

macro_rules! assert_equal {
    ($left:expr, $right:expr) => {{
        if $left != $right {
            let codeframe = capture_codeframe!(Color::Red);
            println!("Left does not match Right");
            if let Some(codeframe) = codeframe {
                println!("{}", codeframe)
        } else {
            println!("Left and right are equal");

fn with_context() {
    assert_equal!(1, 2);


Note `let codeframe = capture_codeframe!(Color::Red);` in the `assert_equal` macro. This captures the code-frame where it was originally invoked. In our case, `assert_equal!(1, 2);`. So the output would be:


### Usage

- `capture_codeframe!()`
- `capture_codeframe!(Color::Red)`
- `capture_codeframe!(Color::Blue)`

[View currently supported colors](

## Codeframe with Snippets

You can also capture codeframes with code snippet by making use of the Builder Pattern.

let raw_lines = "macro_rules! test_simple_style {
    ($string:expr, $style:ident) => {
        fn $style() {
let codeframe = Codeframe::new(raw_lines, 5).set_color(Color::Red).capture();

if let Some(codeframe) = codeframe {
    println!("{}", codeframe)

The Builder takes raw lines and line number(to highlight) as mandatory arguments. You can additionaly set the highlight color using `set_color(Color::Red)`. This will result with the following:


### Usage

- `Codeframe::new(raw_lines, 5).capture();`
- `Codeframe::new(raw_lines, 5).set_color(Color::Red).capture();`
- `Codeframe::new(raw_lines, 5).set_color(Color::Blue).capture();`

[View currently supported colors](

## Return Type


## Colors Supported

- Black
- Red
- Green
- Yellow
- Blue
- Magenta or (Purple)
- Cyan
- White

## Features

### Macro

- [x] [capture_codeframe!](

### Builder Pattern

- [x] [raw lines](
- [x] [line to highlight](
- [x] [color](
- [ ] file path
- [ ] with column (Highlight Column)
- [ ] with line_above
- [ ] with line_below