code-hasher 0.1.0

Tiny macro which generates associated constants based on the associated item content
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# code-hasher

Tiny proc macro library designed to hash a code block generating a unique
identifier for it which will get written into a `const` inside of the code

## Example

#[code_hasher::hash(SOME_CONST_NAME, version = "0.1.0")]
pub mod testing_module {
    pub fn this_does_something() -> [u8; 32] {

Here, `SOME_CONST_NAME` has assigned as value the resulting hash of:
- The code contained inside `testing_module`.
- The version passed by the user (is optional). Not adding it will basically
  not hash this attribute and **WILL NOT** use any default alternatives.

## Licensing
This code is licensed under Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (MPL-2.0).
Please see [LICENSE]( for further info.