cmd_lib 0.2.3

Common rust commandline macros and utils, to write shell script like tasks easily

cmd_lib - Rust command line library

Common rust command line macros and utils, to write shell script like tasks easily in rust programming language.

run_cmd! --> CmdResult

let name = "rust";
run_cmd!("echo hello, {}", name);

// pipe commands are also supported
run_cmd!("du -ah . | sort -hr | head -n 10");

// also work without string quote
run_cmd!(du -ah . | sort -hr | head -n 10);

run_fun! --> FunResult

let version = run_fun!("rustc --version")?;
info!("Your rust version is {}", version.trim());

// with pipes
let n = run_fun!("echo the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog | wc -w")?;
info!("There are {} words in above sentence", n.trim());

Easy Reporting

info!("Running command xxx ...");
warn!("Running command failed");
err!("Copying failed");
die!("Command exit unexpectedly: {}", reason);


INFO: Running command xxx ...
WARN: Running command failed
ERROR: Copying file failed
FATAL: Command exit unexpectedly: disk is full

Complete Example

use cmd_lib::{run, CmdResult, FunResult};

fn foo() -> CmdResult {
    run_cmd!("sleep 3")?;
    run_cmd!("ls /nofile")?;

fn get_year() -> FunResult {
    run_fun!("date +%Y")

fn main() -> CmdResult {
    let result = run_fun!("du -ah . | sort -hr | head -n 5")?;
    info!("Top 5 directories:\n{}", result.trim());

    if !foo().is_ok() {
        warn!("Failed to run foo()");

    if get_year()?.trim() == "2019" {
        info!("You are in year 2019");
    } else {
        info!("Which year are you in ?");



INFO: Running "du -ah . | sort -hr | head -n 5" ...
INFO: Top 5 directories:
5.1M    .
2.7M    ./main
2.4M    ./main2
8.0K    ./
4.0K    ./
INFO: Running "sleep 3" ...
INFO: Running "ls /nofile" ...
ls: cannot access '/nofile': No such file or directory
WARN: Failed to run foo()
INFO: Running "date +%Y" ...
INFO: You are in year 2019


See rust-shell-script, which can compile rust-shell-script scripting language directly into rust code.