closure 0.2.0

A macro for capturing variables on a per variable basis.

closure! - A macro for individually capturing variables

This crate provides a macro which lets you write closures that can capture individually either by moving, referencing, mutably referencing of cloning.


Start by adding an entry to your Cargo.toml:

closure = "0.2.0"

Then import the crate with macro use enabled:

extern crate closure;

Then you can write closures like so:

let string = String::from("move");
let x = 10;
let mut y = 20;
let rc = Rc::new(5);

let closure = closure!(move string, ref x, ref mut y, clone rc || {

Unlike standard Rust closures, closures used in the closure! macro will alays be move closures, i.e. unless specified otherwise, any variable will be moved into the closure.

The macro accepts any valid Rust closure in the appropriate position. The only exception is, that no move specifier is allowed before the | ... | tokens, because the resulting closure will automatically be a move closure, anyways.