clog 0.6.0

A conventional changelog for the rest of us
clog-0.6.0 is not a library.
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A conventional changelog for the rest of us



        --from-latest-tag    use latest tag as start (instead of --from)
    -h, --help               Prints help information
        --major              Increment major version by one (Sets minor and patch to 0)
        --minor              Increment minor version by one (Sets patch to 0)
        --patch              Increment patch version by one
    -v, --version            Prints version information

        --from <from>                e.g. 12a8546
    -o, --outfile <outfile>          Where to write the changelog (Defaults to '')
    -r, --repository <repository>    e.g.
        --subtitle <subtitle>        e.g. crazy-release-title
        --to <to>                    e.g. 8057684 (Defaults to HEAD when omitted)
        --setversion <ver>           e.g. 1.0.1

Try it!

  1. Clone the repo git clone && cd clog

  2. Build clog cargo build --release

  3. Delete the old changelog file rm

  4. Run clog ./target/release/clog -r --setversion 0.1.0 --subtitle crazy-dog --from 6d8183f

Default Options

clog can also be configured using a default configuration file so that you don't have to specify all the options each time you want to update your changelog. To do this add a .clog.toml file to your repository.

repository = ""
subtitle = "my awesome title"

# sets the changelog output file, defaults to "" if omitted
outfile = ""

# If you use tags, you can set the following if you wish to only pick
# up changes since your latest tag
from-latest-tag = true

Now you can update your with clog --patch (assuming you want to update from the latest tag version, and increment your patch version by 1).

Note: Any options you specify at the command line will override options set in your .clog.toml

Custom Sections

When using a .clog.toml file you can add your own custom sections to show up in your Add a [sections] table, along with the sections and aliases you'd like to use:

MySection = ["mysec", "ms"]

Now if you make a commit message such as mysec(Component): some message or ms(Component): some message there will be a new "MySection" section along side the "Features" and "Bug Fixes" areas.

NOTE: Sections with spaces are suppported, such as "My Special Section" = ["ms", "mysec"]


clog is licensed under the MIT Open Source license. For more information, see the LICENSE file in this repository.