clippy 0.0.71

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust

struct NotARange;
impl NotARange {
    fn step_by(&self, _: u32) {}

#[deny(range_step_by_zero, range_zip_with_len)]
fn main() {
    (0..1).step_by(0); //~ERROR Range::step_by(0) produces an infinite iterator
    // No warning for non-zero step

    (1..).step_by(0); //~ERROR Range::step_by(0) produces an infinite iterator
    (1...2).step_by(0); //~ERROR Range::step_by(0) produces an infinite iterator

    let x = 0..1;
    x.step_by(0); //~ERROR Range::step_by(0) produces an infinite iterator

    // No error, not a range.
    let y = NotARange;

    let v1 = vec![1,2,3];
    let v2 = vec![4,5];
    let _x = v1.iter().zip(0..v1.len()); //~ERROR It is more idiomatic to use v1.iter().enumerate()
    let _y = v1.iter().zip(0..v2.len()); // No error