clippy 0.0.71

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust

fn main() {
    fn with_to_string(x : &str) {
        x != "foo".to_string();
        //~^ ERROR this creates an owned instance just for comparison. Consider using `x != "foo"` to compare without allocation

        "foo".to_string() != x;
        //~^ ERROR this creates an owned instance just for comparison. Consider using `"foo" != x` to compare without allocation

    let x = "oh";


    x != "foo".to_owned(); //~ERROR this creates an owned instance

    // removed String::from_str(..), as it has finally been removed in 1.4.0
    // as of 2015-08-14

    x != String::from("foo"); //~ERROR this creates an owned instance

    42.to_string() == "42";