clippy 0.0.6

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust

use syntax::ptr::P;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::ast::*;
use rustc::lint::{Context, LintPass, LintArray, Lint, Level};
use syntax::codemap::Span;

/// Handles all the linting of funky types
pub struct TypePass;

declare_lint!(pub BOX_VEC, Warn,
              "Warn on usage of Box<Vec<T>>");
declare_lint!(pub LINKEDLIST, Warn,
              "Warn on usage of LinkedList");

/// Matches a type with a provided string, and returns its type parameters if successful
pub fn match_ty_unwrap<'a>(ty: &'a Ty, segments: &[&str]) -> Option<&'a [P<Ty>]> {
    match ty.node {
        TyPath(_, Path {segments: ref seg, ..}) => {
            // So ast::Path isn't the full path, just the tokens that were provided.
            // I could muck around with the maps and find the full path
            // however the more efficient way is to simply reverse the iterators and zip them
            // which will compare them in reverse until one of them runs out of segments
            if seg.iter().rev().zip(segments.iter().rev()).all(|(a,b)| a.identifier.as_str() == *b) {
                match seg[..].last() {
                    Some(&PathSegment {parameters: AngleBracketedParameters(ref a), ..}) => {
                    _ => None
            } else {
        _ => None

/// Lets me span a note only if the lint is shown
pub fn span_note_and_lint(cx: &Context, lint: &'static Lint, span: Span, msg: &str, note: &str) {
    cx.span_lint(lint, span, msg);
    if cx.current_level(lint) != Level::Allow {
        cx.sess().span_note(span, note);

impl LintPass for TypePass {
    fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray {
        lint_array!(BOX_VEC, LINKEDLIST)

    fn check_ty(&mut self, cx: &Context, ty: &ast::Ty) {
            // In case stuff gets moved around
            use std::boxed::Box;
            use std::vec::Vec;
        match_ty_unwrap(ty, &["std", "boxed", "Box"]).and_then(|t| t.first())
          .and_then(|t| match_ty_unwrap(&**t, &["std", "vec", "Vec"]))
          .map(|_| {
            span_note_and_lint(cx, BOX_VEC, ty.span,
                              "You seem to be trying to use Box<Vec<T>>. Did you mean to use Vec<T>?",
                              "Vec<T> is already on the heap, Box<Vec<T>> makes an extra allocation");
            // In case stuff gets moved around
            use collections::linked_list::LinkedList as DL1;
            use std::collections::linked_list::LinkedList as DL2;
            use std::collections::linked_list::LinkedList as DL3;
        let dlists = [vec!["std","collections","linked_list","LinkedList"],
        for path in dlists.iter() {
            if match_ty_unwrap(ty, &path[..]).is_some() {
                span_note_and_lint(cx, LINKEDLIST, ty.span,
                                   "I see you're using a LinkedList! Perhaps you meant some other data structure?",
                                   "A RingBuf might work.");