cl3 0.9.1

A Rust implementation of the Khronos OpenCL 3.0 API and extensions.
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Via Technology Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! [![](](
//! [![](](
//! [![OpenCL 3.0](](
//! [![License](](
//! ![Rust](
//! A Rust adapter for the Khronos [OpenCL]( API.
//! # Description
//! A functional, safe Rust interface to the Khronos OpenCL 3.0
//! [C API](
//! based upon the [opencl-sys]( OpenCL FFI bindings.
//! [OpenCL 3.0](
//! is a unified specification that adds little new functionality to previous OpenCL versions.  
//! It specifies that all **OpenCL 1.2** features are **mandatory**, while all
//! OpenCL 2.x and 3.0 features are now optional.
//! ## Design
//! This crate applies the [adapter pattern](
//! to convert OpenCL C API functions into Rust functions that return a
//! [Result]( containing the desired result of
//! the C function or the OpenCL error code.
//! The exception is `svm_free`, which just provides a safe wrapper for the
//! `clSVMFree` C API function.
//! The API for OpenCL versions and extensions are controlled by Rust features such as
//! "CL_VERSION_2_0" and "cl_khr_gl_sharing". To enable an OpenCL version, the feature
//! for that version and **all** previous OpenCL versions must be enabled,
//! e.g. for "CL_VERSION_2_0"; "CL_VERSION_1_1" and "CL_VERSION_1_2" must also be enabled.
//! The default features are "CL_VERSION_1_1" and "CL_VERSION_1_2".
//! Rust deprecation warnings are given for OpenCL API functions that are
//! deprecated by an enabled OpenCL version e.g., `clCreateCommandQueue` is
//! deprecated whenever "CL_VERSION_2_0" is enabled.
//! Most of the modules are named after their equivalent OpenCL "API" sections in
//! [cl.h](
//! They contain Rust adapter functions for the OpenCL API C functions defined
//! in those sections with their associated types and constants. The exceptions are:
//! * [error_codes] - contains the OpenCL API error codes from cl.h and a function
//! (`error_text`) to convert an error code to it's enum name from cl.h.
//! * [info_type] - contains a Rust enum (`InfoType`) to hold the OpenCL types
//! that can be returned from OpenCL "Info" functions, e.g. clGetPlatformInfo,
//! clGetDeviceInfo, clGetProgramInfo, etc.
//! * [macros] - contains Rust macros to call the OpenCL "Info" functions and
//! return the appropriate `InfoType` in a Rust Result.
//! It is vital to call the correct `InfoType` method type when decoding the
//! result of "Info" functions, since the methods will panic if called with the
//! wrong type, see [info_type].
//! # Use
//! See [cl3](  
//! ## License
//! Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, as per Khronos Group OpenCL.  
//! You may obtain a copy of the License at: <>
//! OpenCL and the OpenCL logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. used under license by Khronos.

extern crate opencl_sys;

pub mod command_queue;
pub mod context;
pub mod d3d10;
pub mod d3d11;
pub mod device;
pub mod dx9_media_sharing;
pub mod egl;
pub mod error_codes;
pub mod event;
pub mod ext;
pub mod gl;
pub mod info_type;
pub mod kernel;
pub mod macros;
pub mod memory;
pub mod platform;
pub mod program;
pub mod sampler;
pub mod types;