cicada 0.9.7

A simple Unix shell.
# Cicada History

Shell history items are stored with sqlite database. Like bash, you can use
`Ctrl-R`, `Ctrl-P`, `Ctrl-N`, `Arrow-UP`, `Arrow-DOWN` keys to access history.

Recommend that in your `~/.inputrc`, you have:

"\e[1;9D": backward-word
"\e[1;9C": forward-word
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward

You can prevent commands from saving into history by prefixing spaces with

You can modify the settings of history related value in `~/.cicadarc`. These
values on the right side are the default ones:

export HISTORY_FILE="$HOME/.local/share/cicada/history.sqlite"
export HISTORY_SIZE=100000
export HISTORY_TABLE="cicada_history"

See more on [history built-in command](  
See more on [Environment Variables](