cicada 0.9.15

A simple Bash-like Unix shell.
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;

use crate::scripting;
use crate::shell;
use crate::tools;

pub fn get_rc_file() -> String {
    let dir_config = tools::get_config_dir();
    let rc_file = format!("{}/cicadarc", dir_config);
    if Path::new(&rc_file).exists() {
        return rc_file;

    // fail back to $HOME/.cicadarc
    let home = tools::get_user_home();
    let rc_file_home = format!("{}/{}", home, ".cicadarc");
    if Path::new(&rc_file_home).exists() {
        return rc_file_home;

    // use std path if both absent

pub fn load_rc_files(sh: &mut shell::Shell) {
    // make "/usr/local/bin" as the first item in PATH
    if let Ok(env_path) = env::var("PATH") {
        if !env_path.contains("/usr/local/bin:") {
            let env_path_new = format!("/usr/local/bin:{}", env_path);
            env::set_var("PATH", &env_path_new);

    let rc_file = get_rc_file();
    if !Path::new(&rc_file).exists() {

    let args = vec!["source".to_string(), rc_file];
    scripting::run_script(sh, &args);