chess 3.0.1

This is a fast chess move generator. It has a very good set of documentation, so you should take advantage of that. It (now) generates all lookup tabels with a file, which means that very little pseudo-legal move generation requires branching. There are some convenience functions that are exposed to, for example, find all the squares between two squares. This uses a copy-on-make style structure, and the Board structure is as slimmed down as possible to reduce the cost of copying the board. There are places to improve perft-test performance further, but I instead opt to be more feature-complete to make it useful in real applications. For example, I generate both a hash of the board and a pawn-hash of the board for use in evaluation lookup tables (using Zobrist hashing). There are two ways to generate moves, one is faster, the other has more features that will be useful if making a chess engine. See the documentation for more details.
use crate::rank::Rank;
use std::ops::Not;

/// Represent a color.
#[derive(PartialOrd, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash)]
pub enum Color {

/// How many colors are there?
pub const NUM_COLORS: usize = 2;
/// List all colors
pub const ALL_COLORS: [Color; NUM_COLORS] = [Color::White, Color::Black];

impl Color {
    /// Convert the `Color` to a `usize` for table lookups.
    pub fn to_index(&self) -> usize {
        *self as usize

    /// Covert the `Color` to a rank, which reperesnts the starting position
    /// for that colors pieces.
    pub fn to_my_backrank(&self) -> Rank {
        match *self {
            Color::White => Rank::First,
            Color::Black => Rank::Eighth,

    /// Convert a `Color` to my opponents backrank, which represents the starting position for the
    /// opponents pieces.
    pub fn to_their_backrank(&self) -> Rank {
        match *self {
            Color::White => Rank::Eighth,
            Color::Black => Rank::First,

    /// Convert a `Color` to my second rank, which represents the starting position for my pawns.
    pub fn to_second_rank(&self) -> Rank {
        match *self {
            Color::White => Rank::Second,
            Color::Black => Rank::Seventh,

    pub fn to_fourth_rank(&self) -> Rank {
        match *self {
            Color::White => Rank::Fourth,
            Color::Black => Rank::Fifth,

    /// Convert a `Color` to my seventh rank, which represents the rank before pawn promotion.
    pub fn to_seventh_rank(&self) -> Rank {
        match *self {
            Color::White => Rank::Seventh,
            Color::Black => Rank::Second,

impl Not for Color {
    type Output = Color;

    /// Get the other color.
    fn not(self) -> Color {
        if self == Color::White {
        } else {