chess 3.0.1

This is a fast chess move generator. It has a very good set of documentation, so you should take advantage of that. It (now) generates all lookup tabels with a file, which means that very little pseudo-legal move generation requires branching. There are some convenience functions that are exposed to, for example, find all the squares between two squares. This uses a copy-on-make style structure, and the Board structure is as slimmed down as possible to reduce the cost of copying the board. There are places to improve perft-test performance further, but I instead opt to be more feature-complete to make it useful in real applications. For example, I generate both a hash of the board and a pawn-hash of the board for use in evaluation lookup tables (using Zobrist hashing). There are two ways to generate moves, one is faster, the other has more features that will be useful if making a chess engine. See the documentation for more details.
use crate::bitboard::{BitBoard, EMPTY};
use crate::castle_rights::CastleRights;
use crate::chess_move::ChessMove;
use crate::color::{Color, ALL_COLORS, NUM_COLORS};
use crate::file::File;
use crate::magic::{
    between, get_adjacent_files, get_bishop_rays, get_castle_moves, get_file, get_king_moves,
    get_knight_moves, get_pawn_attacks, get_pawn_dest_double_moves, get_pawn_source_double_moves,
    get_rank, get_rook_rays,
use crate::movegen::*;
use crate::piece::{Piece, ALL_PIECES, NUM_PIECES};
use crate::rank::Rank;
use crate::square::Square;
use crate::zobrist::Zobrist;
use std::mem;

/// A representation of a chess board.  That's why you're here, right?
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Board {
    pieces: [BitBoard; NUM_PIECES],
    color_combined: [BitBoard; NUM_COLORS],
    combined: BitBoard,
    side_to_move: Color,
    castle_rights: [CastleRights; NUM_COLORS],
    pinned: BitBoard,
    checkers: BitBoard,
    hash: u64,
    en_passant: Option<Square>,

/// What is the status of this game?
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Debug)]
pub enum BoardStatus {

/// Construct the initial position.
impl Default for Board {
    fn default() -> Board {
        Board::from_fen("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1".to_owned())
            .expect("Valid FEN")

impl Board {
    /// Construct a new `Board` that is completely empty.
    /// Note: This does NOT give you the initial position.  Just a blank slate.
    fn new() -> Board {
        Board {
            pieces: [EMPTY; NUM_PIECES],
            color_combined: [EMPTY; NUM_COLORS],
            combined: EMPTY,
            side_to_move: Color::White,
            castle_rights: [CastleRights::NoRights; NUM_COLORS],
            pinned: EMPTY,
            checkers: EMPTY,
            hash: 0,
            en_passant: None,

    /// Construct a board from a FEN string.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::Board;
    /// let init_position = Board::from_fen("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1".to_owned()).expect("Valid FEN");
    /// assert_eq!(init_position, Board::default());
    /// ```
    pub fn from_fen(fen: String) -> Option<Board> {
        let mut cur_rank = Rank::Eighth;
        let mut cur_file = File::A;
        let mut board: Board = Board::new();

        let tokens: Vec<&str> = fen.split(' ').collect();
        if tokens.len() != 6 {
            return None;

        let pieces = tokens[0];
        let side = tokens[1];
        let castles = tokens[2];
        let ep = tokens[3];
        //let irreversable_moves = tokens[4];
        //let total_moves = tokens[5];

        for x in pieces.chars() {
            match x {
                '/' => {
                    cur_rank = cur_rank.down();
                    cur_file = File::A;
                '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' => {
                    cur_file =
                        File::from_index(cur_file.to_index() + (x as usize) - ('0' as usize));
                'r' => {
                    board.xor(Piece::Rook, BitBoard::set(cur_rank, cur_file), Color::Black);
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'R' => {
                    board.xor(Piece::Rook, BitBoard::set(cur_rank, cur_file), Color::White);
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'n' => {
                        BitBoard::set(cur_rank, cur_file),
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'N' => {
                        BitBoard::set(cur_rank, cur_file),
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'b' => {
                        BitBoard::set(cur_rank, cur_file),
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'B' => {
                        BitBoard::set(cur_rank, cur_file),
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'p' => {
                    board.xor(Piece::Pawn, BitBoard::set(cur_rank, cur_file), Color::Black);
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'P' => {
                    board.xor(Piece::Pawn, BitBoard::set(cur_rank, cur_file), Color::White);
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'q' => {
                        BitBoard::set(cur_rank, cur_file),
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'Q' => {
                        BitBoard::set(cur_rank, cur_file),
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'k' => {
                    board.xor(Piece::King, BitBoard::set(cur_rank, cur_file), Color::Black);
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                'K' => {
                    board.xor(Piece::King, BitBoard::set(cur_rank, cur_file), Color::White);
                    cur_file = cur_file.right();
                _ => {
        match side {
            "w" | "W" => board.side_to_move = Color::White,
            "b" | "B" => {
                board.side_to_move = Color::Black;
                board.hash ^= Zobrist::color();
            _ => panic!(),

        if castles.contains("K") && castles.contains("Q") {
            board.castle_rights[Color::White.to_index()] = CastleRights::Both;
        } else if castles.contains("K") {
            board.castle_rights[Color::White.to_index()] = CastleRights::KingSide;
        } else if castles.contains("Q") {
            board.castle_rights[Color::White.to_index()] = CastleRights::QueenSide;
        } else {
            board.castle_rights[Color::White.to_index()] = CastleRights::NoRights;

        if castles.contains("k") && castles.contains("q") {
            board.castle_rights[Color::Black.to_index()] = CastleRights::Both;
        } else if castles.contains("k") {
            board.castle_rights[Color::Black.to_index()] = CastleRights::KingSide;
        } else if castles.contains("q") {
            board.castle_rights[Color::Black.to_index()] = CastleRights::QueenSide;
        } else {
            board.castle_rights[Color::Black.to_index()] = CastleRights::NoRights;

        let color = board.side_to_move;

        match Square::from_string(ep.to_owned()) {
            None => {}
            Some(sq) => {
                board.side_to_move = !board.side_to_move;
                board.side_to_move = !board.side_to_move;


        if board.is_sane() {
        } else {

        since = "3.0.0",
        note = "please use the MoveGen structure instead.  It is faster and more idiomatic."
    pub fn enumerate_moves(&self, moves: &mut [ChessMove; 256]) -> usize {
        let movegen = MoveGen::new_legal(self);
        let mut size = 0;
        for m in movegen {
            moves[size] = m;
            size += 1;

    /// Is this game Ongoing, is it Stalemate, or is it Checkmate?
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, BoardStatus, Square, Rank, File, ChessMove};
    /// let mut board = Board::default();
    /// assert_eq!(board.status(), BoardStatus::Ongoing);
    /// board = board.make_move_new(ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::E),
    ///                                            Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::E),
    ///                                            None));
    /// assert_eq!(board.status(), BoardStatus::Ongoing);
    /// board = board.make_move_new(ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Seventh, File::F),
    ///                                            Square::make_square(Rank::Sixth, File::F),
    ///                                            None));
    /// assert_eq!(board.status(), BoardStatus::Ongoing);
    /// board = board.make_move_new(ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::D),
    ///                                            Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::D),
    ///                                            None));
    /// assert_eq!(board.status(), BoardStatus::Ongoing);
    /// board = board.make_move_new(ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Seventh, File::G),
    ///                                            Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::G),
    ///                                            None));
    /// assert_eq!(board.status(), BoardStatus::Ongoing);
    /// board = board.make_move_new(ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::D),
    ///                                            Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::H),
    ///                                            None));
    /// assert_eq!(board.status(), BoardStatus::Checkmate);
    /// ```
    pub fn status(&self) -> BoardStatus {
        let moves = MoveGen::new_legal(&self).len();
        match moves {
            0 => {
                if self.checkers == EMPTY {
                } else {
            _ => BoardStatus::Ongoing,

    /// Grab the "combined" `BitBoard`.  This is a `BitBoard` with every piece.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, BitBoard, Rank, get_rank};
    /// let board = Board::default();
    /// let combined_should_be = get_rank(Rank::First) |
    ///                          get_rank(Rank::Second) |
    ///                          get_rank(Rank::Seventh) |
    ///                          get_rank(Rank::Eighth);
    /// assert_eq!(*board.combined(), combined_should_be);
    /// ```
    pub fn combined(&self) -> &BitBoard {

    /// Grab the "color combined" `BitBoard`.  This is a `BitBoard` with every piece of a particular
    /// color.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, BitBoard, Rank, get_rank, Color};
    /// let board = Board::default();
    /// let white_pieces = get_rank(Rank::First) |
    ///                    get_rank(Rank::Second);
    /// let black_pieces = get_rank(Rank::Seventh) |
    ///                    get_rank(Rank::Eighth);
    /// assert_eq!(*board.color_combined(Color::White), white_pieces);
    /// assert_eq!(*board.color_combined(Color::Black), black_pieces);
    /// ```
    pub fn color_combined(&self, color: Color) -> &BitBoard {
        unsafe { self.color_combined.get_unchecked(color.to_index()) }

    /// Give me the `Square` the `color` king is on.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, Square, Color, Rank, File};
    /// let board = Board::default();
    /// assert_eq!(board.king_square(Color::White), Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::E));
    /// assert_eq!(board.king_square(Color::Black), Square::make_square(Rank::Eighth, File::E));
    /// ```
    pub fn king_square(&self, color: Color) -> Square {
        (self.pieces(Piece::King) & self.color_combined(color)).to_square()

    /// Grab the "pieces" `BitBoard`.  This is a `BitBoard` with every piece of a particular type.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, BitBoard, Piece, Square, Rank, File};
    /// // The rooks should be in each corner of the board
    /// let rooks = BitBoard::from_square(Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::A)) |
    ///             BitBoard::from_square(Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::H)) |
    ///             BitBoard::from_square(Square::make_square(Rank::Eighth, File::A)) |
    ///             BitBoard::from_square(Square::make_square(Rank::Eighth, File::H));
    /// let board = Board::default();
    /// assert_eq!(*board.pieces(Piece::Rook), rooks);
    /// ```
    pub fn pieces(&self, piece: Piece) -> &BitBoard {
        unsafe { self.pieces.get_unchecked(piece.to_index()) }

    /// Grab the `CastleRights` for a particular side.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, Square, Rank, File, CastleRights, Color, ChessMove};
    /// let move1 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::A),
    ///                            Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::A),
    ///                            None);
    /// let move2 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Seventh, File::E),
    ///                            Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::E),
    ///                            None);
    /// let move3 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::A),
    ///                            Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::A),
    ///                            None);
    /// let move4 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Eighth, File::E),
    ///                            Square::make_square(Rank::Seventh, File::E),
    ///                            None);
    /// let mut board = Board::default();
    /// assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::White), CastleRights::Both);
    /// assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::Black), CastleRights::Both);
    /// board = board.make_move_new(move1)
    ///              .make_move_new(move2)
    ///              .make_move_new(move3)
    ///              .make_move_new(move4);
    /// assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::White), CastleRights::KingSide);
    /// assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::Black), CastleRights::NoRights);
    /// ```
    pub fn castle_rights(&self, color: Color) -> CastleRights {
        unsafe { *self.castle_rights.get_unchecked(color.to_index()) }

    /// Add castle rights for a particular side.  Note: this can create an invalid position.
    pub fn add_castle_rights(&mut self, color: Color, add: CastleRights) {
        unsafe {
            *self.castle_rights.get_unchecked_mut(color.to_index()) =

    /// Remove castle rights for a particular side.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, CastleRights, Color};
    /// let mut board = Board::default();
    /// assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::White), CastleRights::Both);
    /// board.remove_castle_rights(Color::White, CastleRights::KingSide);
    /// assert_eq!(board.castle_rights(Color::White), CastleRights::QueenSide);
    /// ```
    pub fn remove_castle_rights(&mut self, color: Color, remove: CastleRights) {
        unsafe {
            *self.castle_rights.get_unchecked_mut(color.to_index()) =

    /// Who's turn is it?
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, Color};
    /// let mut board = Board::default();
    /// assert_eq!(board.side_to_move(), Color::White);
    /// ```
    pub fn side_to_move(&self) -> Color {

    /// Grab my `CastleRights`.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, Color, CastleRights};
    /// let mut board = Board::default();
    /// board.remove_castle_rights(Color::White, CastleRights::KingSide);
    /// board.remove_castle_rights(Color::Black, CastleRights::QueenSide);
    /// assert_eq!(board.my_castle_rights(), board.castle_rights(Color::White));
    /// ```
    pub fn my_castle_rights(&self) -> CastleRights {

    /// Add to my `CastleRights`.  Note: This can make the position invalid.
    pub fn add_my_castle_rights(&mut self, add: CastleRights) {
        let color = self.side_to_move();
        self.add_castle_rights(color, add);

    /// Remove some of my `CastleRights`.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, CastleRights};
    /// let mut board = Board::default();
    /// assert_eq!(board.my_castle_rights(), CastleRights::Both);
    /// board.remove_my_castle_rights(CastleRights::KingSide);
    /// assert_eq!(board.my_castle_rights(), CastleRights::QueenSide);
    /// ```
    pub fn remove_my_castle_rights(&mut self, remove: CastleRights) {
        let color = self.side_to_move();
        self.remove_castle_rights(color, remove);

    /// My opponents `CastleRights`.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, Color, CastleRights};
    /// let mut board = Board::default();
    /// board.remove_castle_rights(Color::White, CastleRights::KingSide);
    /// board.remove_castle_rights(Color::Black, CastleRights::QueenSide);
    /// assert_eq!(board.their_castle_rights(), board.castle_rights(Color::Black));
    /// ```
    pub fn their_castle_rights(&self) -> CastleRights {

    /// Add to my opponents `CastleRights`. Note: This can make the position invalid.
    pub fn add_their_castle_rights(&mut self, add: CastleRights) {
        let color = !self.side_to_move();
        self.add_castle_rights(color, add)

    /// Remove some of my opponents `CastleRights`.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, CastleRights};
    /// let mut board = Board::default();
    /// assert_eq!(board.their_castle_rights(), CastleRights::Both);
    /// board.remove_their_castle_rights(CastleRights::KingSide);
    /// assert_eq!(board.their_castle_rights(), CastleRights::QueenSide);
    /// ```
    pub fn remove_their_castle_rights(&mut self, remove: CastleRights) {
        let color = !self.side_to_move();
        self.remove_castle_rights(color, remove);

    /// Add or remove a piece from the bitboards in this struct.
    fn xor(&mut self, piece: Piece, bb: BitBoard, color: Color) {
        unsafe {
            *self.pieces.get_unchecked_mut(piece.to_index()) ^= bb;
            *self.color_combined.get_unchecked_mut(color.to_index()) ^= bb;
            self.combined ^= bb;
            self.hash ^= Zobrist::piece(piece, bb.to_square(), color);

    /// For a chess UI: set a piece on a particular square.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, Piece, Color, Square, Rank, File};
    /// let board = Board::default();
    /// let new_board = board.set_piece(Piece::Queen,
    ///                                 Color::White,
    ///                                 Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::E))
    ///                      .expect("Valid Position");
    /// assert_eq!(new_board.pieces(Piece::Queen).count(), 3);
    /// ```
    pub fn set_piece(&self, piece: Piece, color: Color, square: Square) -> Option<Board> {
        let mut result = *self;
        let square_bb = BitBoard::from_square(square);
        match self.piece_on(square) {
            None => result.xor(piece, square_bb, color),
            Some(x) => {
                // remove x from the bitboard
                if self.color_combined(Color::White) & square_bb == square_bb {
                    result.xor(x, square_bb, Color::White);
                } else {
                    result.xor(x, square_bb, Color::Black);
                // add piece to the bitboard
                result.xor(piece, square_bb, color);

        // If setting this piece down leaves my opponent in check, and it's my move, then the
        // position is not a valid chess board
        result.side_to_move = !result.side_to_move;
        if result.checkers != EMPTY {
            return None;

        // undo our damage
        result.side_to_move = !result.side_to_move;


    /// For a chess UI: clear a particular square.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, Square, Rank, File, Piece};
    /// let board = Board::default();
    /// let new_board = board.clear_square(Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::A))
    ///                      .expect("Valid Position");
    /// assert_eq!(new_board.pieces(Piece::Rook).count(), 3);
    /// ```
    pub fn clear_square(&self, square: Square) -> Option<Board> {
        let mut result = *self;
        let square_bb = BitBoard::from_square(square);
        match self.piece_on(square) {
            None => {}
            Some(x) => {
                // remove x from the bitboard
                if self.color_combined(Color::White) & square_bb == square_bb {
                    result.xor(x, square_bb, Color::White);
                } else {
                    result.xor(x, square_bb, Color::Black);

        // If setting this piece down leaves my opponent in check, and it's my move, then the
        // position is not a valid chess board
        result.side_to_move = !result.side_to_move;
        if result.checkers != EMPTY {
            return None;

        // undo our damage
        result.side_to_move = !result.side_to_move;


    /// Switch the color of the player without actually making a move.  Returns None if the current
    /// player is in check.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, Color};
    /// let board = Board::default();
    /// assert_eq!(board.side_to_move(), Color::White);
    /// let new_board = board.null_move().expect("Valid Position");
    /// assert_eq!(new_board.side_to_move(), Color::Black);
    /// ```
    pub fn null_move(&self) -> Option<Board> {
        if self.checkers != EMPTY {
        } else {
            let mut result = *self;
            result.side_to_move = !result.side_to_move;
            result.hash ^= Zobrist::color();

    /// Does this board "make sense"?
    /// Do all the pieces make sense, do the bitboards combine correctly, etc?
    /// This is for sanity checking.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, Color, Piece, Square, Rank, File};
    /// let board = Board::default();
    /// assert_eq!(board.is_sane(), true);
    /// // Remove the king
    /// let bad_board = board.clear_square(Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::E)).expect("Valid Position");
    /// assert_eq!(bad_board.is_sane(), false);
    /// ```
    pub fn is_sane(&self) -> bool {
        // make sure there is no square with multiple pieces on it
        for x in ALL_PIECES.iter() {
            for y in ALL_PIECES.iter() {
                if *x != *y {
                    if self.pieces(*x) & self.pieces(*y) != EMPTY {
                        return false;

        // make sure the colors don't overlap, either
        if self.color_combined(Color::White) & self.color_combined(Color::Black) != EMPTY {
            return false;

        // grab all the pieces by OR'ing together each piece() BitBoard
        let combined = ALL_PIECES
            .fold(EMPTY, |cur, next| cur | self.pieces(*next));

        // make sure that's equal to the combined bitboard
        if combined != *self.combined() {
            return false;

        // make sure there is exactly one white king
        if (self.pieces(Piece::King) & self.color_combined(Color::White)).popcnt() != 1 {
            return false;

        // make sure there is exactly one black king
        if (self.pieces(Piece::King) & self.color_combined(Color::Black)).popcnt() != 1 {
            return false;

        // make sure the en_passant square has a pawn on it of the right color
        match self.en_passant {
            None => {}
            Some(x) => {
                if self.pieces(Piece::Pawn)
                    & self.color_combined(!self.side_to_move)
                    & BitBoard::from_square(x)
                    == EMPTY
                    return false;

        // make sure my opponent is not currently in check (because that would be illegal)
        let mut board_copy = *self;
        board_copy.side_to_move = !board_copy.side_to_move;
        if board_copy.checkers != EMPTY {
            return false;

        // for each color, verify that, if they have castle rights, that they haven't moved their
        // rooks or king
        for color in ALL_COLORS.iter() {
            // get the castle rights
            let castle_rights = self.castle_rights(*color);

            // the castle rights object will tell us which rooks shouldn't have moved yet.
            // verify there are rooks on all those squares
            if castle_rights.unmoved_rooks(*color)
                & self.pieces(Piece::Rook)
                & self.color_combined(*color)
                != castle_rights.unmoved_rooks(*color)
                return false;
            // if we have castle rights, make sure we have a king on the (E, {1,8}) square,
            // depending on the color
            if castle_rights != CastleRights::NoRights {
                if self.pieces(Piece::King) & self.color_combined(*color)
                    != get_file(File::E) & get_rank(color.to_my_backrank())
                    return false;

        // we must make sure the kings aren't touching
        if get_king_moves(self.king_square(Color::White)) & self.pieces(Piece::King) != EMPTY {
            return false;

        // it checks out
        return true;

    /// Get a hash of the board.
    pub fn get_hash(&self) -> u64 {
            ^ if let Some(ep) = self.en_passant {
                Zobrist::en_passant(ep.get_file(), !self.side_to_move)
            } else {
            ^ Zobrist::castles(
            ^ Zobrist::castles(

    /// Get a pawn hash of the board (a hash that only changes on color change and pawn moves).
    pub fn get_pawn_hash(&self) -> u64 {

    /// What piece is on a particular `Square`?  Is there even one?
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, Piece, Square, Rank, File};
    /// let board = Board::default();
    /// let sq1 = Square::make_square(Rank::First, File::A);
    /// let sq2 = Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::D);
    /// assert_eq!(board.piece_on(sq1), Some(Piece::Rook));
    /// assert_eq!(board.piece_on(sq2), None);
    /// ```
    pub fn piece_on(&self, square: Square) -> Option<Piece> {
        let opp = BitBoard::from_square(square);
        if self.combined() & opp == EMPTY {
        } else {
            //naiive algorithm
            for p in ALL_PIECES {
                if self.pieces(*p) & opp {
                    return p;
            } */
            if (self.pieces(Piece::Pawn) ^ self.pieces(Piece::Knight) ^ self.pieces(Piece::Bishop))
                & opp
                != EMPTY
                if self.pieces(Piece::Pawn) & opp != EMPTY {
                } else if self.pieces(Piece::Knight) & opp != EMPTY {
                } else {
            } else {
                if self.pieces(Piece::Rook) & opp != EMPTY {
                } else if self.pieces(Piece::Queen) & opp != EMPTY {
                } else {

    /// What color piece is on a particular square?
    pub fn color_on(&self, square: Square) -> Option<Color> {
        if (self.color_combined(Color::White) & BitBoard::from_square(square)) != EMPTY {
        } else if (self.color_combined(Color::Black) & BitBoard::from_square(square)) != EMPTY {
        } else {

    /// Unset the en_passant square.
    fn remove_ep(&mut self) {
        self.en_passant = None;

    /// Give me the en_passant square, if it exists.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, ChessMove, Square, Rank, File};
    /// let move1 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::D),
    ///                            Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::D),
    ///                            None);
    /// let move2 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Seventh, File::H),
    ///                            Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::H),
    ///                            None);
    /// let move3 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::D),
    ///                            Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::D),
    ///                            None);
    /// let move4 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Seventh, File::E),
    ///                            Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::E),
    ///                            None);
    /// let board = Board::default().make_move_new(move1)
    ///                             .make_move_new(move2)
    ///                             .make_move_new(move3)
    ///                             .make_move_new(move4);
    /// assert_eq!(board.en_passant(), Some(Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::E)));
    /// ```
    pub fn en_passant(self) -> Option<Square> {

    /// Set the en_passant square.  Note: This must only be called when self.en_passant is already
    /// None.
    fn set_ep(&mut self, sq: Square) {
        // Only set self.en_passant if the pawn can actually be captured next move.
        if get_adjacent_files(sq.get_file())
            & get_rank(sq.get_rank())
            & self.pieces(Piece::Pawn)
            & self.color_combined(!self.side_to_move)
            != EMPTY
            self.en_passant = Some(sq);

    /// Is a particular move legal?  This function is very slow, but will work on unsanitized
    /// input.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, ChessMove, Square, Rank, File};
    /// let move1 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::E),
    ///                            Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::E),
    ///                            None);
    /// let move2 = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::E),
    ///                            Square::make_square(Rank::Fifth, File::E),
    ///                            None);
    /// let board = Board::default();
    /// assert_eq!(, true);
    /// assert_eq!(, false);
    pub fn legal(&self, m: ChessMove) -> bool {
        MoveGen::new_legal(&self).find(|x| *x == m).is_some()

    /// Make a chess move onto a new board.
    /// panic!() if king is captured.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, ChessMove, Square, Rank, File, Color};
    /// let m = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::D),
    ///                        Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::D),
    ///                        None);
    /// let board = Board::default();
    /// assert_eq!(board.make_move_new(m).side_to_move(), Color::Black);
    /// ```
    pub fn make_move_new(&self, m: ChessMove) -> Board {
        let mut result = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
        self.make_move(m, &mut result);

    /// Make a chess move onto an already allocated `Board`.
    /// panic!() if king is captured.
    /// ```
    /// use chess::{Board, ChessMove, Square, Rank, File, Color};
    /// let m = ChessMove::new(Square::make_square(Rank::Second, File::D),
    ///                        Square::make_square(Rank::Fourth, File::D),
    ///                        None);
    /// let board = Board::default();
    /// let mut result = Board::default();
    /// board.make_move(m, &mut result);
    /// assert_eq!(result.side_to_move(), Color::Black);
    /// ```
    pub fn make_move(&self, m: ChessMove, result: &mut Board) {
        *result = *self;
        result.checkers = EMPTY;
        result.pinned = EMPTY;
        let source = m.get_source();
        let dest = m.get_dest();

        let source_bb = BitBoard::from_square(source);
        let dest_bb = BitBoard::from_square(dest);
        let move_bb = source_bb ^ dest_bb;
        let moved = self.piece_on(source).unwrap();

        result.xor(moved, source_bb, self.side_to_move);
        result.xor(moved, dest_bb, self.side_to_move);
        if let Some(captured) = self.piece_on(dest) {
            result.xor(captured, dest_bb, !self.side_to_move);



        let opp_king = result.pieces(Piece::King) & result.color_combined(!result.side_to_move);

        let castles = moved == Piece::King && (move_bb & get_castle_moves()) == move_bb;

        let ksq = opp_king.to_square();

        const CASTLE_ROOK_START: [File; 8] = [
        const CASTLE_ROOK_END: [File; 8] = [

        if moved == Piece::Knight {
            result.checkers ^= get_knight_moves(ksq) & dest_bb;
        } else if moved == Piece::Pawn {
            if let Some(Piece::Knight) = m.get_promotion() {
                result.xor(Piece::Pawn, dest_bb, self.side_to_move);
                result.xor(Piece::Knight, dest_bb, self.side_to_move);
                result.checkers ^= get_knight_moves(ksq) & dest_bb;
            } else if let Some(promotion) = m.get_promotion() {
                result.xor(Piece::Pawn, dest_bb, self.side_to_move);
                result.xor(promotion, dest_bb, self.side_to_move);
            } else if (source_bb & get_pawn_source_double_moves()) != EMPTY
                && (dest_bb & get_pawn_dest_double_moves()) != EMPTY
                result.checkers ^= get_pawn_attacks(ksq, !result.side_to_move, dest_bb);
            } else if Some(dest.ubackward(self.side_to_move)) == self.en_passant {
                result.checkers ^= get_pawn_attacks(ksq, !result.side_to_move, dest_bb);
            } else {
                result.checkers ^= get_pawn_attacks(ksq, !result.side_to_move, dest_bb);
        } else if castles {
            let my_backrank = self.side_to_move.to_my_backrank();
            let index = dest.get_file().to_index();
            let start = BitBoard::set(my_backrank, unsafe {
            let end = BitBoard::set(my_backrank, unsafe {
            result.xor(Piece::Rook, start, self.side_to_move);
            result.xor(Piece::Rook, end, self.side_to_move);
        // now, lets see if we're in check or pinned
        let attackers = result.color_combined(result.side_to_move)
            & ((get_bishop_rays(ksq)
                & (result.pieces(Piece::Bishop) | result.pieces(Piece::Queen)))
                | (get_rook_rays(ksq)
                    & (result.pieces(Piece::Rook) | result.pieces(Piece::Queen))));

        for sq in attackers {
            let between = between(sq, ksq) & result.combined();
            if between == EMPTY {
                result.checkers ^= BitBoard::from_square(sq);
            } else if between.popcnt() == 1 {
                result.pinned ^= between;

        result.side_to_move = !result.side_to_move;
        result.hash ^= Zobrist::color();

    /// Update the pin information.
    fn update_pin_info(&mut self) {
        self.pinned = EMPTY;
        self.checkers = EMPTY;

        let ksq = (self.pieces(Piece::King) & self.color_combined(self.side_to_move)).to_square();

        let pinners = self.color_combined(!self.side_to_move)
            & ((get_bishop_rays(ksq) & (self.pieces(Piece::Bishop) | self.pieces(Piece::Queen)))
                | (get_rook_rays(ksq) & (self.pieces(Piece::Rook) | self.pieces(Piece::Queen))));

        for sq in pinners {
            let between = between(sq, ksq) & self.combined();
            if between == EMPTY {
                self.checkers ^= BitBoard::from_square(sq);
            } else if between.popcnt() == 1 {
                self.pinned ^= between;

        self.checkers ^= get_knight_moves(ksq)
            & self.color_combined(!self.side_to_move)
            & self.pieces(Piece::Knight);

        self.checkers ^= get_pawn_attacks(
            self.color_combined(!self.side_to_move) & self.pieces(Piece::Pawn),

    /// Give me the `BitBoard` of my pinned pieces.
    pub fn pinned(&self) -> &BitBoard {

    /// Give me the `Bitboard` of the pieces putting me in check.
    pub fn checkers(&self) -> &BitBoard {