checked_command 0.2.4

extension to `std::process::Command` which adds a output/status considering the programs `ExitStatus` for the returned Result

checked-command   Build Status

This command had been super seeded by a newer version but publishing it under the same name is suboptimal as some people might want to stick with checked command at least temporary, or even permanently.

extension to std::process::Command which adds a output/status considering the programs ExitStatus

This create contains extension traits for Command/Child adding variations of status(),output(), wait(), wait_with_output() which also check the exit status when deciding wether to return Ok(...) or Err(...). It also provides a CheckedCommand and CheckedChild wrapper which replaces it's status(), etc. methods with the checked variations.

Documentation can be viewed on

Motivations for why it's designed like it is can be found in the file.


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