chargrid_wgpu 0.2.1

Graphical chargrid context which renders with wgpu
# chargrid\_graphical\_wgpu


A graphical frontend for chargrid which renders with wgpu.

## Dependencies

### Linux

On linux this renders with vulkan. You will need a vulkan loader and vulkan
drivers installed in order to run graphical chargrid applications.  This often
takes the form of a library named "".  If you encounter the
following error when running a graphical chargrid application it means you're
missing a vulkan dependency:
Failed to initialize graphical context: FailedToRequestGraphicsAdapter

#### NixOS

The following shell.nix creates an environment in which graphical chargrid applications can
be built and run:
with import <nixpkgs> {};
pkgs.mkShell {
  buildInputs = [
    gtk3 glib
  shellHook = ''
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${vulkan-loader}/lib"

## Compiling Shaders

To simplify building/runnig, pre-compiled shaders are checked into the repo. After changing the
shader source, run the `` script to update the compiled shaders. This script
depends on the [shader-translator]( tool.

cargo install shader-translator