chainmap 0.1.2

A ChainMap with mutability of intermediate maps
//#![doc(html_playground_url = "")]

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::Mutex;

/// A structure for managing a tree of `HashMap`s
/// General layout inspired by
/// [A Persistent Singly-Linked Stack](,
/// adapted and extended with `Mutex`es and `HashMap`s
pub struct ChainMap<K, V>
    K: Eq + Hash + Clone,
    V: Clone,
    head: Link<K, V>,

type Link<K, V> = Option<Rc<Node<K, V>>>;

struct Node<K, V>
    K: Eq + Hash + Clone,
    V: Clone,
    elem: Mutex<HashMap<K, V>>,
    next: Link<K, V>,
    fallthrough: bool,
    unlocked: Mutex<bool>,
    write_auth: Mutex<bool>,

impl<K, V> ChainMap<K, V>
    K: Eq + Hash + Clone,
    V: Clone,
    /// Util only
    fn tail(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            head: self.head.as_ref().and_then(|node|,

    /// Util only
    fn head(&self) -> Option<&Mutex<HashMap<K, V>>> {
        self.head.as_ref().map(|node| &node.elem)

    /// Create a new empty root
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            head: Some(Rc::new(Node {
                elem: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
                next: None,
                fallthrough: false,
                unlocked: Mutex::new(true),
                write_auth: Mutex::new(true),

    /// Create a new root and initialize with given map
    pub fn new_with(h: HashMap<K, V>) -> Self {
        Self {
            head: Some(Rc::new(Node {
                elem: Mutex::new(h),
                next: None,
                fallthrough: false,
                unlocked: Mutex::new(true),
                write_auth: Mutex::new(true),

    /// Create a new binding in the toplevel
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if toplevel map is locked
    pub fn insert(&mut self, key: K, val: V) {
        if self.is_unlocked() {
            self.head().unwrap().lock().unwrap().insert(key, val);
        } else {
            panic!("Map is locked, could not insert");

    /// Protect map against modifications
    /// Does not extend to maps below, all keys whose value must not change should be re-inserted
    /// in the toplevel.
    pub fn lock(&mut self) {
        *self.head.as_ref().unwrap().unlocked.lock().unwrap() = false;

    /// Release write protection
    pub fn unlock(&mut self) {
        *self.head.as_ref().unwrap().unlocked.lock().unwrap() = true;

    pub fn locked(mut self) -> Self {

    pub fn unlocked(mut self) -> Self {

    pub fn is_unlocked(&self) -> bool {

    pub fn is_locked(&self) -> bool {

    /// Resulting layer cannot modify any value lower in the map
    pub fn readonly(self) -> Self {
        *self.head.as_ref().unwrap().write_auth.lock().unwrap() = false;

    /// Retrieve value associated with the first appearance of `key` in the chain
    pub fn get(&self, key: &K) -> Option<V> {
        let mut r = &self.head;
        while let Some(m) = r {
            match m.elem.lock().unwrap().get(&key) {
                None => r = &,
                Some(val) => return Some(val.clone()),

    /// Check associated value only in topmost maps: stops at the first non-fallthrough level
    pub fn local_get(&self, key: &K) -> Option<V> {
        let mut r = &self.head;
        while let Some(m) = r {
            match m.elem.lock().unwrap().get(&key) {
                None => {
                    if m.fallthrough {
                        r = &;
                    } else {
                        return None;
                Some(val) => return Some(val.clone()),

    /// Replace old value with new
    /// # Panics
    /// - if `key` does not already exist
    /// - if first layer with `key` is locked
    /// - if `key` is only found after a write-protected layer
    pub fn update(&mut self, key: &K, newval: V) {
        let mut r = &self.head;
        while let Some(m) = r {
            if *m.write_auth.lock().unwrap() {
                match m.elem.lock().unwrap().get_mut(&key) {
                    None => r = &,
                    Some(val) => {
                        if *m.unlocked.lock().unwrap() {
                            *val = newval;
                        } else {
                            panic!("Key is locked, failed to update");
            } else {
        panic!("Key does not exist, failed to update");

    /// Replace old value with new, create binding in topmost map if `key` does not exist
    /// or if first layer with `key` is locked or if `key` is only accessible after a
    /// write-protected layer.
    pub fn update_or(&mut self, key: &K, newval: V) {
        let mut r = &self.head;
        while let Some(m) = r {
            if *m.write_auth.lock().unwrap() {
                match m.elem.lock().unwrap().get_mut(&key) {
                    None => r = &,
                    Some(val) => {
                        if *m.unlocked.lock().unwrap() {
                            *val = newval;
                        } else {
            } else {
        self.insert(key.clone(), newval);

    /// Allows next element to be seen by `local_get`
    fn extend_fallthrough(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            head: Some(Rc::new(Node {
                elem: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
                next: self.head.clone(),
                fallthrough: true,
                unlocked: Mutex::new(true),
                write_auth: Mutex::new(true),

    pub fn extend(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            head: Some(Rc::new(Node {
                elem: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
                next: self.head.clone(),
                fallthrough: false,
                unlocked: Mutex::new(true),
                write_auth: Mutex::new(true),

    /// Create a new scope, initialized with or without bindings.
    /// The new scope can `get` and `update` values from the parent scope, but `insert`s are only visible
    /// to the new scope and its children.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use chainmap::*;
    /// # use std::collections::HashMap;
    /// # macro_rules! map {
    /// #     ( $( $key:expr => $val:expr ),* ) => {
    /// #         { let mut h = HashMap::new();
    /// #           $( h.insert($key, $val); )*
    /// #           h
    /// #         }
    /// #     }
    /// # }
    /// #
    /// #
    /// let mut root = ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a', 1 => 'b']);
    /// let mut layer = root.extend_with(map![2 => 'c']);
    /// root.insert(3, 'd');
    /// root.update(&0, 'e');
    /// layer.update(&1, 'f');
    /// layer.update(&2, 'g');
    /// ```
    /// ```text
    /// ┌────────┐   ┌────────┐
    /// │  root  └───┘ layer  │
    /// │          ⇇          │
    /// │ 0 -> e ┌───┐ 2 -> g │
    /// │ 1 -> f │   └────────┘
    /// │ 3 -> d │
    /// └────────┘
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// # use chainmap::*;
    /// # use std::collections::HashMap;
    /// # macro_rules! map {
    /// #     ( $( $key:expr => $val:expr ),* ) => {
    /// #         { let mut h = HashMap::new();
    /// #           $( h.insert($key, $val); )*
    /// #           h
    /// #         }
    /// #     }
    /// # }
    /// #
    /// # macro_rules! check_that {
    /// #     ( local_get? $m:tt has $( $k:tt ),* and not $( $n:tt ),* ) => {
    /// #          $( $m.local_get(&$k).unwrap(); )*
    /// #          if $( !$m.local_get(&$n).is_none() )||* { panic!(""); }
    /// #     };
    /// #     ( $m:tt[$k:tt] is None ) => { assert_eq!($m.get(&$k), None); };
    /// #     ( $m:tt[$k:tt] is $c:tt ) => { assert_eq!($m.get(&$k), Some($c)); };
    /// # }
    /// #
    /// #
    /// # let mut root = ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a', 1 => 'b']);
    /// # let mut layer = root.extend_with(map![2 => 'c']);
    /// # root.insert(3, 'd');
    /// # root.update(&0, 'e');
    /// # layer.update(&1, 'f');
    /// # layer.update(&2, 'g');
    /// #
    /// #
    /// check_that!(root[0] is 'e');
    /// check_that!(layer[0] is 'e');
    /// check_that!(root[1] is 'f');
    /// check_that!(layer[1] is 'f');
    /// check_that!(root[2] is None);
    /// check_that!(layer[2] is 'g');
    /// check_that!(root[3] is 'd');
    /// check_that!(layer[3] is 'd');
    /// check_that!(local_get? root has 0,1,3 and not 2);
    /// check_that!(local_get? layer has 2 and not 0,1,3);
    /// ```
    pub fn extend_with(&self, h: HashMap<K, V>) -> Self {
        Self {
            head: Some(Rc::new(Node {
                elem: Mutex::new(h),
                next: self.head.clone(),
                fallthrough: false,
                unlocked: Mutex::new(true),
                write_auth: Mutex::new(true),

    pub fn fork(&mut self) -> Self {
        let newlevel = self.extend();
        let oldlevel = self.extend_fallthrough();
        std::mem::replace(&mut *self, oldlevel);

    /// `fork` and `fork_with` are the same as `extend` and `extend_with`,
    /// but later bindings made to `self` are not visible to the other branches.
    /// Updates, however, are visible.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use chainmap::*;
    /// # use std::collections::HashMap;
    /// # macro_rules! map {
    /// #     ( $( $key:expr => $val:expr ),* ) => {
    /// #         { let mut h = HashMap::new();
    /// #           $( h.insert($key, $val); )*
    /// #           h
    /// #         }
    /// #     }
    /// # }
    /// #
    /// #
    /// let mut root = ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a']);
    /// let layer = root.fork_with(map![1 => 'b']);
    /// root.insert(2, 'c');
    /// root.update(&0, 'd');
    /// ```
    /// ```text
    /// ┌─────────┐   ┌─────────┐
    /// │ ex-root └───┘ layer   │
    /// │           ⇇           │
    /// │ 0 -> d  ┌───┐ 1 -> b  │
    /// └──┐   ┌──┘   └─────────┘
    ///    │ ⇈ │ <- fallthrough
    /// ┌──┘   └──┐
    /// │  root   │
    /// │         │
    /// │ 2 -> c  │
    /// └─────────┘
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// # use chainmap::*;
    /// # use std::collections::HashMap;
    /// # macro_rules! map {
    /// #     ( $( $key:expr => $val:expr ),* ) => {
    /// #         { let mut h = HashMap::new();
    /// #           $( h.insert($key, $val); )*
    /// #           h
    /// #         }
    /// #     }
    /// # }
    /// # macro_rules! check_that {
    /// #     ( local_get? $m:tt has $( $k:tt ),* and not $( $n:tt ),* ) => {
    /// #          $( $m.local_get(&$k).unwrap(); )*
    /// #          if $( !$m.local_get(&$n).is_none() )||* { panic!(""); }
    /// #     };
    /// #     ( $m:tt[$k:tt] is None ) => { assert_eq!($m.get(&$k), None); };
    /// #     ( $m:tt[$k:tt] is $c:tt ) => { assert_eq!($m.get(&$k), Some($c)); };
    /// # }
    /// #
    /// #
    /// # let mut root = ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a']);
    /// # let layer = root.fork_with(map![1 => 'b']);
    /// # root.insert(2, 'c');
    /// # root.update(&0, 'd');
    /// #
    /// #
    /// check_that!(root[0] is 'd');
    /// check_that!(layer[0] is 'd');
    /// check_that!(root[1] is None);
    /// check_that!(layer[1] is 'b');
    /// check_that!(root[2] is 'c');
    /// check_that!(layer[2] is None);
    /// check_that!(local_get? root has 0,2 and not 1);
    /// check_that!(local_get? layer has 1 and not 0,2);
    pub fn fork_with(&mut self, h: HashMap<K, V>) -> Self {
        let newlevel = self.extend_with(h);
        let oldlevel = self.extend_fallthrough();
        std::mem::replace(&mut *self, oldlevel);

    /// Gather all keys in a single `HashMap`.
    /// Only keys accessible through a direct path are considered:
    /// if we `let map = chain.collect()` then for all `k` valid keys, `map.get(&k) == chain.get(&k)`.
    pub fn collect(&self) -> HashMap<K, V> {
        let mut r = &self.head;
        let mut layers = Vec::new();
        while let Some(m) = r {
            r = &;
        let mut map = HashMap::new();
        for l in layers.into_iter().rev() {

impl<K, V> Clone for ChainMap<K, V>
    K: Clone + Hash + Eq,
    V: Clone,
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        ChainMap {
            head: Some(Rc::new(Node {
                elem: Mutex::new(self.head.as_ref().unwrap().elem.lock().unwrap().clone()),
                next: self.head.as_ref().unwrap().next.clone(),
                fallthrough: self.head.as_ref().unwrap().fallthrough,
                unlocked: Mutex::new(*self.head.as_ref().unwrap().unlocked.lock().unwrap()),
                write_auth: Mutex::new(*self.head.as_ref().unwrap().write_auth.lock().unwrap()),

mod test {
    use super::*;
    macro_rules! map {
        ( $( $key:expr => $val:expr ),* ) => {
            { let mut h = HashMap::new();
              $( h.insert($key, $val); )*

    fn basics() {
        let h1 = map![0 => "a1", 1 => "b1", 2 => "c1"];
        let h2 = map![0 => "a2", 3 => "d2"];
        let mut ch0 = ChainMap::new();
        let ch1 = ch0.extend_with(h1);
        let mut ch2 = ch1.extend_with(h2);
        ch0.insert(0, "z0");
        // Note: although this is very ugly, it is only visible internally
        // The exposed API is a lot more friendly.
        assert_eq!(ch1.head().unwrap().lock().unwrap().get(&0), Some(&"a1"));
        assert_eq!(ch2.head().unwrap().lock().unwrap().get(&0), Some(&"a2"));
        let mut ch3a = ch2.extend();
        let ch3b = ch2.extend();
        ch3a.insert(4, "e3a");
        ch2.insert(4, "e2");
        assert_eq!(ch2.head().unwrap().lock().unwrap().get(&4), Some(&"e2"));
        assert_eq!(ch3a.head().unwrap().lock().unwrap().get(&4), Some(&"e3a"));

    fn insert_and_get() {
        let mut ch0 = ChainMap::new();
        ch0.insert(1, "a0");
        ch0.insert(2, "b0");
        let mut ch1a = ch0.extend();
        ch1a.insert(3, "c1");
        let mut ch1b = ch0.extend();
        ch1b.insert(4, "d1");
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&1), Some("a0"));
        assert_eq!(ch1a.get(&3), Some("c1"));
        assert_eq!(ch1b.get(&4), Some("d1"));
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&3), None);
        assert_eq!(ch1b.get(&3), None);
        assert_eq!(ch1a.get(&4), None);

    fn deep_get() {
        let mut ch0 = ChainMap::new();
        ch0.insert(1, "a0");
        ch0.insert(2, "b0");
        let ch1 = ch0.extend();
        let ch2 = ch1.extend();
        let ch3 = ch2.extend();
        let mut ch4 = ch3.extend();
        assert_eq!(ch4.get(&1), Some("a0"));
        assert_eq!(ch4.get(&2), Some("b0"));
        assert_eq!(ch4.get(&3), None);
        ch4.insert(3, "c4");
        assert_eq!(ch4.get(&3), Some("c4"));
        assert_eq!(ch3.get(&3), None);
        assert_eq!(ch2.get(&3), None);
        assert_eq!(ch1.get(&3), None);
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&3), None);

    fn local_get() {
        let mut ch0 = ChainMap::new();
        ch0.insert(1, "a0");
        let ch1 = ch0.extend();
        let ch2 = ch1.extend();
        let ch3 = ch2.extend();
        let mut ch4 = ch3.extend();
        assert_eq!(ch4.local_get(&1), None);
        assert_eq!(ch4.local_get(&3), None);
        ch4.insert(3, "c4");
        assert_eq!(ch4.local_get(&3), Some("c4"));
        assert_eq!(ch3.local_get(&3), None);
        assert_eq!(ch2.local_get(&3), None);
        assert_eq!(ch1.local_get(&3), None);
        assert_eq!(ch0.local_get(&3), None);
        assert_eq!(ch0.local_get(&1), Some("a0"));

    fn override_insert() {
        let mut ch0 = ChainMap::new();
        let mut ch1 = ch0.extend();
        let mut ch2 = ch1.extend();
        let mut ch3 = ch2.extend();
        let mut ch4 = ch3.extend();
        ch0.insert(0, "0");
        ch1.insert(0, "1");
        ch2.insert(0, "2");
        ch3.insert(0, "3");
        ch4.insert(0, "4");
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&0), Some("0"));
        assert_eq!(ch1.get(&0), Some("1"));
        assert_eq!(ch2.get(&0), Some("2"));
        assert_eq!(ch3.get(&0), Some("3"));
        assert_eq!(ch4.get(&0), Some("4"));

    fn update() {
        let mut ch0 = ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a']);
        let mut ch1a = ch0.extend();
        let mut ch1b = ch0.extend_with(map![0 => 'b']);
        let mut ch2 = ch1a.extend_with(map![0 => 'c']);
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&0), Some('a'));
        assert_eq!(ch1a.get(&0), Some('a'));
        assert_eq!(ch1b.get(&0), Some('b'));
        assert_eq!(ch2.get(&0), Some('c'));
        ch0.update(&0, 'd');
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&0), Some('d'));
        assert_eq!(ch1a.get(&0), Some('d'));
        assert_eq!(ch1b.get(&0), Some('b'));
        assert_eq!(ch2.get(&0), Some('c'));
        ch1a.update(&0, 'e');
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&0), Some('e'));
        assert_eq!(ch1a.get(&0), Some('e'));
        assert_eq!(ch1b.get(&0), Some('b'));
        assert_eq!(ch2.get(&0), Some('c'));
        ch1b.update(&0, 'f');
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&0), Some('e'));
        assert_eq!(ch1a.get(&0), Some('e'));
        assert_eq!(ch1b.get(&0), Some('f'));
        assert_eq!(ch2.get(&0), Some('c'));
        ch2.update(&0, 'g');
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&0), Some('e'));
        assert_eq!(ch1a.get(&0), Some('e'));
        assert_eq!(ch1b.get(&0), Some('f'));
        assert_eq!(ch2.get(&0), Some('g'));

    fn update_missing() {
        let mut ch0 = ChainMap::new();
        let _ = ch0.extend_with(map![0 => 'a']);
        ch0.update(&0, 'b');

    fn update_or() {
        let mut ch0 = ChainMap::new();
        let mut ch1 = ch0.extend_with(map![0 => 'a']);
        ch0.update_or(&0, 'b');
        ch1.update_or(&0, 'c');
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&0), Some('b'));
        assert_eq!(ch1.get(&0), Some('c'));

    fn fork() {
        let mut ch0 = ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a']);
        let ch1 = ch0.fork();
        ch0.insert(1, 'b');
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&1), Some('b'));
        assert_eq!(ch0.local_get(&1), Some('b'));
        assert_eq!(ch1.get(&1), None);
        assert_eq!(ch1.local_get(&1), None);
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&0), Some('a'));
        assert_eq!(ch0.local_get(&0), Some('a'));
        assert_eq!(ch1.get(&0), Some('a'));
        assert_eq!(ch1.local_get(&0), None);
        ch0.update(&0, 'c');
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&0), Some('c'));
        assert_eq!(ch0.local_get(&0), Some('c'));
        assert_eq!(ch1.get(&0), Some('c'));
        assert_eq!(ch1.local_get(&0), None);
        ch0.insert(1, 'd');
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&1), Some('d'));
        assert_eq!(ch0.local_get(&1), Some('d'));
        assert_eq!(ch1.get(&1), None);
        assert_eq!(ch1.local_get(&1), None);

    fn fork_with() {
        let mut ch0 = ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a']);
        let ch1 = ch0.fork_with(map![1 => 'b']);
        ch0.update_or(&1, 'c');
        assert_eq!(ch1.get(&1), Some('b'));
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&1), Some('c'));

    fn update_despite_lock() {
        let mut ch = ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a']).locked();
        ch.update(&0, 'b');

    fn insert_despite_lock() {
        let mut ch = ChainMap::new();
        ch.insert(0, 'a');

    fn lock_and_unlock() {
        let ch0 = ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a']).locked();
        let mut ch1 = ch0.extend();
        let mut ch0 = ch0.unlocked();
        ch1.update(&0, 'b');
        assert_eq!(ch1.get(&0), Some('b'));

    fn update_or_preserves_lock() {
        let ch0 = ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a']).locked();
        let mut ch1 = ch0.extend();
        ch1.update_or(&0, 'b');
        assert_eq!(ch1.get(&0), Some('b'));
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&0), Some('a'));

    fn update_write_protect() {
        let ch0 = ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a']);
        let mut ch1 = ch0.extend().readonly();
        ch1.update(&0, 'b');

    fn update_or_readonly() {
        let ch0 = ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a']);
        let mut ch2 = ch0.extend().readonly().extend();
        assert_eq!(ch2.get(&0), Some('a'));
        ch2.update_or(&0, 'b');
        assert_eq!(ch2.get(&0), Some('b'));
        assert_eq!(ch0.get(&0), Some('a'));

    fn self_bypass_readonly() {
        let mut ch0 = ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a']);
        let ch1 = ch0.extend().readonly();
        assert_eq!(ch1.get(&0), Some('a'));
        ch0.update(&0, 'b');
        ch0.insert(1, 'c');
        assert_eq!(ch1.get(&0), Some('b'));
        assert_eq!(ch1.get(&1), Some('c'));

    fn collect() {
            ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a', 3 => 'd'])
                .extend_with(map![1 => 'b', 2 => 'c'])
                .extend_with(map![0 => 'e'])
            map![0 => 'e', 1 => 'b', 2 => 'c', 3 => 'd']
            ChainMap::<i32, char>::new().collect(),
            HashMap::<i32, char>::new()

    fn clone_copies_one_layer() {
        let ch0 = ChainMap::new_with(map![0 => 'a']);
        let mut ch1a = ch0.extend_with(map![1 => 'b']);
        let ch1b = ch1a.clone();
        ch1a.update(&0, 'c');
        ch1a.update(&1, 'd');
        assert_eq!(ch1b.get(&0), Some('c'));
        assert_eq!(ch1b.get(&1), Some('b'));