ceph-rust 0.1.4

Ceph-rust is a rust-lang specific interface to Ceph librados. You can create a Ceph development environment with the Chef automation tools I created from the following: https://github.com/bloomberg/chef-bcs. It uses the ceph-chef cookbook I created and manage at github.com/ceph/ceph-chef. It will build out a full Ceph environment which you can then use for development etc. See README.md for details.

Ceph Rust

Rust-lang interface to Ceph. This library is under heavy development. Contributions welcomed.

This library is the core librados Rust interface that is used for larger Ceph related projects by LambdaStack.


Create a Ceph development environment or use an existing Ceph environment.

If creating a Ceph environment then use the following. It will generate a 4 node Virtual Box Ceph system with one node being a bootstrap node that controls the other. The remaining 3 nodes are Ceph nodes (Mons, OSDs, RGWs, APIs).

Shameless plug - full disclosure: I created and manage github.com/ceph/ceph-chef (Chef cookbooks for Ceph) and the Bloomberg github.com link below for chef-bcs. Chef-bcs uses ceph-chef. These are the same tools we use at Bloomberg.

Requirements for Mac OSX:

  1. VirtualBox
  2. git
  3. Locate an area where you would like to install the Ceph build environment
  4. git clone https://github.com/bloomberg/chef-bcs.git

cd chef-bcs cd /bootstrap/vms/vagrant ./CEPH_UP

This will take about 30 minutes to build out. It installs CentOS 7.2, downloads all of the parts required to get Ceph up and running with good options.

Once complete you can then login to the first node: vagrant ssh ceph-vm1

Run ceph -s to make sure you see Ceph running. Now you can install the development environment and Rust.


NOTE: CentOS/RHEL - Ceph Hammer librados is located in /usr/lib64. So, to get rust to see it you need to create a new symlink: sudo ls -s /usr/lib64/librados.so.2.0.0 /usr/lib64/librados.so

NOTE: Ubuntu - Ceph Hammer librados is located in /usr/lib. So, to get rust to see it you need to create a new symlink: sudo ls -s /usr/lib/librados.so.2.0.0 /usr/lib/librados.so

There may be another way to change the link name in rust without having to create a symlink.


(In ceph-vm1 node) curl -sSf https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup.sh | sh


(In ceph-vm1 node)

mkdir -p projects/lambdastack cd projects/lambdastack

Requirements for development: sudo yum install -y git cmake sudo yum install -y openssl openssl-devel

Clone ceph-rust project: git clone https://github.com/lambdastackio/ceph-rust.git

NOTE: Make sure you have setup your favorite editor. Vim is automatically installed.

AWS S3 Object Store for

Crate: aws-sdk-rust at https://github.com/lambdastackio/aws-sdk-rust and

Portions originated from Chris Holcombe at https://github.com/cholcombe973