cdshealpix 0.6.4

Rust implementation of the HEALPix tesselation.
//! This code has been developed to be ported in GLSL in order to be used in WebGL (for AladinLite).
//! It computes HEALPix hash from Euclidean coordinates provided on single precision floats.

use std::f32::consts::{PI};

use crate::nside;

pub const TRANSITION_Z: f32 = 2.0 / 3.0;
pub const TRANSITION_Z_INV: f32 = 3.0 / 2.0;

/// Returns the projection, in the 2D Euclidean plane, of the given position on the unit sphere. 
/// # Inputs:
/// - `x`: in `[-1.0, 1.0]`
/// - `y`: in `[-1.0, 1.0]`
/// - `z`: in `[-1.0, 1.0]`
/// # Output
/// - `X`: coordinate along the X-axis in the projection plane, in `[-4, 4]`
/// - `Y`: coordinate along the Y-axis in the projection plane, in `[-2, 2]`
/// # Remark
/// For the HPX projection as defined in Calabreta, use:
///   - `X *= PI / 4` 
///   - `Y *= PI / 4`
/// - The function assumes, without checking, that the input vector is a unit vector 
///   (hence `x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1`) !!
pub fn proj_gpu(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) -> (f32, f32) {
  debug_assert!(1.0 - (x *  x + y * y + z * z) < 1e-5, "{}", 1.0 - (x *  x + y * y + z * z));
  if z > TRANSITION_Z {
    // North polar cap, Collignon projection.
    let (x_pm1, offset) = xpm1_and_offset(x, y);
    let sqrt_3_one_min_z = (3.0 * one_minus_z_pos(x, y, z)).sqrt();
      (x_pm1 * sqrt_3_one_min_z) + offset as f32, 
      2.0 - sqrt_3_one_min_z
  } else if z < -TRANSITION_Z {
    // South polar cap, Collignon projection
    let (x_pm1, offset) = xpm1_and_offset(x, y);
    let sqrt_3_one_min_z = (3.0 * one_minus_z_neg(x, y, z)).sqrt();
      (x_pm1 * sqrt_3_one_min_z) + offset as f32,
      -2.0 + sqrt_3_one_min_z
  } else {
    // Equatorial region, Cylindrical equal area projection
      y.atan2(x) * 4.0 / PI, 

/// Returns the cell number (hash value) associated with the given position on the unit sphere, 
/// together with the offset `(dx, dy)` on the Euclidean plane of the projected position with
/// respect to the origin of the cell (South vertex).
/// # Inputs:
/// - `depth` in `[0, 14]` (so that and HEALPix cell number can be stored on an unsigned integer)
/// - `x`: in `[-1.0, 1.0]`
/// - `y`: in `[-1.0, 1.0]`
/// - `z`: in `[-1.0, 1.0]`
/// # Output
/// - the cell number (hash value) associated with the given position on the unit sphere,
///   in `[0, 12*nside^2[`
/// - `dx`: the positional offset $\in [0, 1[$ along the south-to-east axis
/// - `dy`: the positional offset $\in [0, 1[$ along the south-to-west axis
/// - The function assumes, without checking, that the input vector is a unit vector 
///   (hence `x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1`) !!
/// - Operations being made on simple precision float, the precision is lower than `~0.2 arcsec` only!!
/// - At depth 13, the precision on `(dx, dy)` is better than `(1/512, 1/512)`, i.e. 2e-3.
pub fn hash_with_dxdy(depth: u8, x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) -> (u32, f32, f32) {
  assert!(depth <= 14);
  // println!("norm: {}", (x *  x + y * y + z * z));
  debug_assert!(1.0 - (x *  x + y * y + z * z) < 1e-5, "{}", 1.0 - (x *  x + y * y + z * z));
  // A f32 mantissa contains 23 bits.
  // - it basically means that when storing (x, y) coordinates,
  //   we can go as deep as depth 24 (or maybe 25)
  let nside = nside(depth);
  let half_nside = nside as f32 * 0.5;
  let (x_pm1, q) = xpm1_and_q(x, y);
  let (d0h, x_in_d0c, y_in_d0c) = if z > TRANSITION_Z {
    // North polar cap, Collignon projection.
    // - set the origin to (PI/4, 0)
    let sqrt_3_one_min_z = (3.0 * one_minus_z_pos(x, y, z)).sqrt();
    let (x_proj, y_proj) = (x_pm1 * sqrt_3_one_min_z, 2.0 - sqrt_3_one_min_z);
    let d0h = q;
    (d0h, x_proj, y_proj)
  } else if z < -TRANSITION_Z {
    // South polar cap, Collignon projection
    // - set the origin to (PI/4, -PI/2)
    let sqrt_3_one_min_z = (3.0 * one_minus_z_neg(x, y, z)).sqrt();
    let (x_proj, y_proj) = (x_pm1 * sqrt_3_one_min_z, sqrt_3_one_min_z);
    let d0h = q + 8;
    (d0h, x_proj, y_proj)
  } else {
    // Equatorial region, Cylindrical equal area projection
    // - set the origin to (PI/4, 0)               if q = 2
    // - set the origin to (PI/4, -PI/2)           if q = 0
    // - set the origin to (0, -TRANSITION_LAT)    if q = 3
    // - set the origin to (PI/2, -TRANSITION_LAT) if q = 1
    // let zero_or_one = (x_cea as u8) & 1;
    let y_pm1 = z * TRANSITION_Z_INV;
    // |\2/|
    // .3X1.
    // |/0\|
    let q01 = (x_pm1 >  y_pm1) as u8;  /* 0/1 */  debug_assert!(q01 == 0 || q01 == 1);
    let q12 = (x_pm1 >= -y_pm1) as u8; /* 0\1 */  debug_assert!(q12 == 0 || q12 == 1);
    let q03 = 1 - q12; /* 1\0 */
    //let q13 = q01 ^ q12;                              debug_assert!(q13 == 0 || q13 == 1);
    let q1  = q01 & q12; /* = 1 if q1, 0 else */      debug_assert!( q1 == 0 ||  q1 == 1);
    // x: x_pm1 + 1 if q3 | x_pm1 - 1 if q1 | x_pm1 if q0 or q2
    let x_proj = x_pm1 - ((q01 + q12) as i8 - 1) as f32;
    // y: y_pm1 + 0 if q2 | y_pm1 + 1 if q1 or q3 | y_pm1 + 2 if q0 
    let y_proj = y_pm1 + (q01 + q03) as f32;
    // d0h: +8 if q0 | +4 if q3 | +5 if q1
    let d0h = ((q01 + q03) << 2) + ((q + q1) & 3);
    (d0h, x_proj, y_proj)
  // Coords inside the base cell
  let x = half_nside * (y_in_d0c + x_in_d0c);    debug_assert!((0.0 - 1e-5) < x && x < (nside as f32 + 1e-5), "x: {}, x_proj: {}; y_proj: {}", &x, &x_in_d0c, &y_in_d0c);
  let y = half_nside * (y_in_d0c - x_in_d0c);    debug_assert!((0.0 - 1e-5) < x && y < (nside as f32 + 1e-5), "y: {}", &y);
  // Ok to cast on u32 since small negative values due to numerical inaccuracies (like -1e-15), are rounded to 0
  let mut i = x as u32; 
  let mut j = y as u32;
  if i == nside { i -= 1; } // Deal with numerical inaccuracies, rare so branch miss-prediction negligible
  if j == nside { j -= 1; } // Deal with numerical inaccuracies, rare so branch miss-prediction negligible
    ((d0h as u32) << (depth << 1)) | ij2z(i, j),
    (x - (i as f32)),
    (y - (j as f32)),

fn xpm1_and_q(x: f32, y: f32) -> (f32, u8) {
  let x_neg = (x < 0.0) as u8;             debug_assert!(x_neg <= 1);
  let y_neg = (y < 0.0) as u8;             debug_assert!(y_neg <= 1);
  let q = (x_neg + y_neg) | (y_neg << 1);  debug_assert!(y_neg <= 3);
  // The purpose is to have the same numerical precision for each base cell
  // by avoiding subtraction by 1.0 or 3.0 or 5.0 or 7.0
  let lon = y.abs().atan2(x.abs()); debug_assert!((0.0..=PI / 2.0).contains(&lon));
  let x02 = lon * 4.0 / PI;               debug_assert!((0.0..=2.0).contains(&x02));
  if x_neg != y_neg { // Could be replaced by a sign copy from (x_neg ^ y_neg) << 32
    (1.0 - x02, q)
  } else {
    (x02 - 1.0, q)

fn xpm1_and_offset(x: f32, y: f32) -> (f32, i8) {
  let x_neg = (x < 0.0) as i8;             debug_assert!(x_neg == 0 || x_neg == 1);
  let y_neg = (y < 0.0) as i8;             debug_assert!(y_neg == 0 || y_neg == 1);
  // x>0, y>0 => [    0,  pi/2[ => offset =  1
  // x<0, y>0 => [pi/2 ,    pi[ => offset =  3
  // x<0, y<0 => [3pi/2,    pi[ => offset = -3
  // x>0, y<0 => [pi   , 3pi/2[ => offset = -1
  let offset = ((-y_neg) << 2) + 1 + ((x_neg ^ y_neg) << 1);
  let lon = y.abs().atan2(x.abs()); debug_assert!((0.0..=PI / 2.0).contains(&lon));
  let x02 = lon * 4.0 / PI;               debug_assert!((0.0..=2.0).contains(&x02));
  if x_neg != y_neg { // Could be replaced by a sign copy from (x_neg ^ y_neg) << 32
    (1.0 - x02, offset)
  } else {
    (x02 - 1.0, offset)

fn one_minus_z_pos(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) -> f32 {
  debug_assert!(z > 0.0);
  let d2: f32 = x * x + y * y; // z = sqrt(1 - d2) AND sqrt(1 - x) = 1 - x / 2 - x^2 / 8 - x^3 / 16 - 5 x^4/128 - 7 * x^5/256
  /*if d2 < 1e-2 { // <=> dec > 84.27 deg
    d2 * (0.5 + d2 * (0.125 + 0.0625 * d2))
  if d2 < 1e-1 { // <=> dec > 84.27 deg
    d2 * (0.5 + d2 * (0.125 + d2 * (0.0625 + d2 * (0.0390625 + d2 * 0.02734375))))
  } else {
    1.0 - z

fn one_minus_z_neg(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) -> f32 {
  debug_assert!(z < 0.0);
  let d2: f32 = x * x + y * y; // z = sqrt(1 - d2) AND sqrt(1 - x) = 1 - x / 2 - x^2 / 8 - x^3 / 16 - 5 x^4/128 - 7 * x^5/256
  if d2 < 1e-1 { // <=> dec < -84.27 deg
    // 0.5 * d2 + 0.125 * d2 * d2
    d2 * (0.5 + d2 * (0.125 + d2 * (0.0625 + d2 * (0.0390625 + d2 * 0.02734375))))
  } else {
    z + 1.0

/// Z-Order curve projection.
fn ij2z(mut i: u32, mut j: u32) -> u32 {
  i |= j << 16;
  j = (i ^ (i >> 8)) & 0x0000FF00_u32; i = i ^ j ^ (j << 8);
  j = (i ^ (i >> 4)) & 0x00F000F0_u32; i = i ^ j ^ (j << 4);
  j = (i ^ (i >> 2)) & 0x0C0C0C0C_u32; i = i ^ j ^ (j << 2);
  j = (i ^ (i >> 1)) & 0x22222222_u32; i = i ^ j ^ (j << 1);

mod tests {

  use crate::nested;
  use crate::proj;
  use super::*;

  fn testok_hash_gpu_spe_1() {
    const DELTA_DEPTH: u8 = 1;
    // Input
    let depth = 13; // done with depth 13
    // Computations
    let layer = nested::get(depth + DELTA_DEPTH);
    let h = 259907375;
    // for h in 0..layer.n_hash() {
      let (ra, de) =;
      println!("{:?}", proj(ra, de));
      let (sl, cl) = ra.sin_cos();
      let (sb, cb) = de.sin_cos();
      let (x, y, z) = (cb * cl, cb * sl, sb);
      let (nh, dx, dy) = hash_with_dxdy(depth, x as f32, y as f32, z as f32);
      assert_eq!((h >> (DELTA_DEPTH << 1)) as u32, nh);
      let prec = 1.0 / 512.0; //512.0; // HiPS images: 512 x 512
      match h & 3 {
        0 => {
          assert!((dx - 0.25).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dx - 0.25).abs()); // precision should depends on depth!!
          assert!((dy - 0.25).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dy - 0.25).abs()); // 1e-3 => images 1000x1000 while HiPS uses 512x512
        1 => {
          assert!((dx - 0.75).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dx - 0.75).abs());
          assert!((dy - 0.25).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dy - 0.25).abs());
        2 => {
          assert!((dx - 0.25).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dx - 0.25).abs());
          assert!((dy - 0.75).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dy - 0.75).abs());
        3 => {
          assert!((dx - 0.75).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dx - 0.75).abs());
          assert!((dy - 0.75).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dy - 0.75).abs());
        _ => unreachable!(),
    // }

  fn testok_hash_gpu_spe_2() {
    const DELTA_DEPTH: u8 = 1;
    // Input
    let depth = 13; // done with depth 13
    // Computations
    let layer = nested::get(depth + DELTA_DEPTH);
    let h = 430712695;
    // for h in 0..layer.n_hash() {
    let (ra, de) =;

    println!("RA: {}; Dec: {}", ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees());
    println!("Proj: {:?}", proj(ra, de));

    let (sl, cl) = ra.sin_cos();
    let (sb, cb) = de.sin_cos();
    let (x, y, z) = (cb * cl, cb * sl, sb);
    let (nh, dx, dy) = hash_with_dxdy(depth, x as f32, y as f32, z as f32);
    // let (onh, odx, ody) = hash_with_dxdy_old(depth, x as f32, y as f32, z as f32);
    assert_eq!((h >> (DELTA_DEPTH << 1)) as u32, nh);
    let prec = 1.0 / 512.0; //512.0; // HiPS images: 512 x 512
    match h & 3 {
      0 => {
        assert!((dx - 0.25).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dx - 0.25).abs()); // precision should depends on depth!!
        assert!((dy - 0.25).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dy - 0.25).abs()); // 1e-3 => images 1000x1000 while HiPS uses 512x512
      1 => {
        assert!((dx - 0.75).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dx - 0.75).abs());
        assert!((dy - 0.25).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dy - 0.25).abs());
      2 => {
        assert!((dx - 0.25).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dx - 0.25).abs());
        assert!((dy - 0.75).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dy - 0.75).abs());
      3 => {
        assert!((dx - 0.75).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dx - 0.75).abs());
        assert!((dy - 0.75).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dy - 0.75).abs());
      _ => unreachable!(),
    // }
  fn testok_hash_gpu_sys() {
    const DELTA_DEPTH: u8 = 1;
    // Input
    let depth = 4; // done with depth 13 (but too long to be tested systematically
    // Computations
    let layer = nested::get(depth + DELTA_DEPTH);
    let mut d0h = 0;
    for h in 0..layer.n_hash() {
      if (h >> ((depth + 1) << 1)) != d0h {
        d0h += 1;
        println!("New base cell: {}", d0h);
      // println!("h: {}", &h);
      let (ra, de) =;
      let (sl, cl) = ra.sin_cos();
      let (sb, cb) = de.sin_cos();
      let (x, y, z) = (cb * cl, cb * sl, sb);
      let (nh, dx, dy) = hash_with_dxdy(depth, x as f32, y as f32, z as f32);
      assert_eq!((h >> (DELTA_DEPTH << 1)) as u32, nh);
      let prec = 1.0 / 512.0; //512.0; // HiPS images: 512 x 512 with level max = 14
      match h & 3 {
        0 => {
          assert!((dx - 0.25).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dx - 0.25).abs()); // precision should depends on depth!!
          assert!((dy - 0.25).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dy - 0.25).abs()); // 1e-3 => images 1000x1000 while HiPS uses 512x512
        1 => {
          assert!((dx - 0.75).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dx - 0.75).abs());
          assert!((dy - 0.25).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dy - 0.25).abs());
        2 => {
          assert!((dx - 0.25).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dx - 0.25).abs());
          assert!((dy - 0.75).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dy - 0.75).abs());
        3 => {
          assert!((dx - 0.75).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dx - 0.75).abs());
          assert!((dy - 0.75).abs() <= prec, "h: {}; ra: {}; dec: {}; dx: {}; dy: {}; prec: {}", h, ra.to_degrees(), de.to_degrees(), dx, dy, (dy - 0.75).abs());
        _ => unreachable!(),

  /* No a real test, used to check the projection code visually
  fn testok_proj_gpu() {
    for ra in 0..=360 {
      for dec in 0..=180 {
        let ra = (ra as f32).to_radians();
        let dec = ((dec - 90) as f32).to_radians();
        let x = ra.cos() * dec.cos();
        let y = ra.sin() * dec.cos();
        let z = dec.sin();
        let (x_proj, y_proj) = proj_gpu(x, y, z);
        println!("{},{},{},{},{}", ra, dec, x_proj, y_proj, ra + (dec + 2.0) * 2.0 * PI);