cdshealpix 0.6.4

Rust implementation of the HEALPix tesselation.
//! Definition of a BMOC, i.e. a MOC storing an additional flag telling if a cell is fully
//! or partially covered by the MOC.
//! So far, all BMOC logical operations (not, and, or, xor) are made from the BMOC representation.
//! It is probably simpler and faster to work on ranges (but we have to handle the flag).

use base64::{encode, decode, DecodeError};

use std::vec::IntoIter;
use std::slice::Iter;
use std::cmp::{max, Ordering};
// use std::opt::Range;

use super::{to_range, hash};
use super::super::{nside_square_unsafe};

/// A very basic and simple BMOC Builder: we push elements in it assuming that we provide them
/// in the write order, without duplicates and small cells included in larger cells.
pub struct BMOCBuilderUnsafe { // (super) // removed because of external test
  depth_max: u8,
  entries: Option<Vec<u64>>,

impl BMOCBuilderUnsafe {
  pub fn new(depth_max: u8, capacity: usize) -> BMOCBuilderUnsafe {
    BMOCBuilderUnsafe {
      entries: Some(Vec::with_capacity(capacity)),
  /* Commented because not used so far
  /// Clear the content and start a fresh builder with the given initial capacity.
  pub fn re_init(&mut self, capacity: usize) -> &mut BMOCBuilderUnsafe {
    self.entries = Some(Vec::with_capacity(capacity));
  pub fn push(&mut self, depth: u8, hash: u64, is_full: bool) -> &mut BMOCBuilderUnsafe {
    if let Some(ref mut v) = self.entries {
      v.push(build_raw_value(depth, hash, is_full, self.depth_max));
// println!("push {:?}", Cell::new(*v.last().unwrap(), self.depth_max));
    } else {
      panic!("Empty builder, you have to re-init it before re-using it!");

  fn push_raw_unsafe(&mut self, raw_value: u64) -> &mut BMOCBuilderUnsafe {
// println!("push {:?}", Cell::new(raw_value, self.depth_max));
    if let Some(ref mut v) = self.entries {
    } else {
      panic!("Empty builder, you have to re-init it before re-using it!");

  pub fn push_all(&mut self, depth: u8, from_hash: u64, to_hash: u64, are_full: bool) -> &mut BMOCBuilderUnsafe {
    if let Some(ref mut v) = self.entries {
      for h in from_hash..to_hash {
        v.push(build_raw_value(depth, h, are_full, self.depth_max));
    } else {
      panic!("Empty builder, you have to re-init it before re-using it!");
  pub fn to_bmoc(mut self) -> BMOC {
    BMOC::create_unsafe(self.depth_max, self.entries.take().expect("Empty builder!").into_boxed_slice())

  /// We consider that the pushed elements are not ordered, but they come from a valid BMOC (i.e.
  /// no cell included in another cell)
  pub fn to_bmoc_from_unordered(mut self) -> BMOC {
    let mut res = self.entries.take().expect("Empty builder!");
    BMOC::create_unsafe(self.depth_max, res.into_boxed_slice())
  fn pack(&mut self) -> Vec<u64> {
    let mut entries = self.entries.take().expect("Empty builder!");
    // On-place pack
    let mut prev_to_index = 0_usize;
    let mut curr_to_index = entries.len();
    while prev_to_index != curr_to_index { // changes occurs
      prev_to_index = curr_to_index;
      let mut i_prev_moc = 0_usize;
      let mut i_curr_moc = 0_usize;
      while i_prev_moc < prev_to_index {
        let mut curr_cell = entries[i_prev_moc];
        i_prev_moc += 1;
        let mut curr_cell_depth = get_depth(curr_cell, self.depth_max);
        let mut curr_cell_hash = get_hash_from_delta_depth(curr_cell, self.depth_max - curr_cell_depth);
        // Look for the first cell of the larger cell (depth - 1)  (=> 2 last bits = 00), the cell must be FULL
        while i_prev_moc < prev_to_index &&
          (curr_cell_depth == 0 || is_partial(curr_cell) || is_not_first_cell_of_larger_cell(curr_cell_hash)) {
          if i_curr_moc != i_prev_moc {
            entries[i_curr_moc] = curr_cell;
            i_curr_moc += 1;
          curr_cell = entries[i_prev_moc];
          i_prev_moc += 1;
          curr_cell_depth = get_depth(curr_cell, self.depth_max);
          curr_cell_hash = get_hash_from_delta_depth(curr_cell, self.depth_max - curr_cell_depth);
        // Look at the 3 siblings
        if i_prev_moc + 2 < prev_to_index
          && entries[i_prev_moc] == build_raw_value(curr_cell_depth, curr_cell_hash | 1, true, self.depth_max)
          && entries[i_prev_moc + 1] == build_raw_value(curr_cell_depth, curr_cell_hash | 2, true, self.depth_max)
          && entries[i_prev_moc + 2] == build_raw_value(curr_cell_depth, curr_cell_hash | 3, true, self.depth_max) {
          entries[i_curr_moc] = build_raw_value(curr_cell_depth - 1, curr_cell_hash >> 2, true, self.depth_max);
          i_curr_moc += 1;
          i_prev_moc += 3;
        } else if i_curr_moc != i_prev_moc {
          entries[i_curr_moc] = curr_cell;
          i_curr_moc += 1;
      curr_to_index = i_curr_moc;
    // We may find a better algorithm doing a single pass on the input MOC
    // Here the number of passes max = mocDepth - smallestDepthOfACellInOutputMoc
    // YEP: new idea: do it like a buffer with a cursor on the last "unmergeable" element!!
  fn low_depth_raw_val_at_lower_depth(&self, raw_value: u64, new_depth: u8) -> u64 {
    debug_assert!(self.get_depth(raw_value) <= new_depth);
    debug_assert!(new_depth <= self.depth_max);
    let twice_delta_depth = (self.depth_max - new_depth) << 1;
    (raw_value >> twice_delta_depth) | (raw_value & 1_u64)
  // We assume the given entries form a valid BMOC (already packef, ordered, ...)
  fn to_lower_depth(&self, new_depth: u8, mut entries: Vec<u64>) -> Vec<u64> {
    if new_depth >= self.depth_max {
      panic!("The given depth must be lower than the depth max of the BMOC");
    let mut i_new = 0_usize;
    let mut prev_hash_at_new_depth = loop {
      if i_new == entries.len() {
        // All cells have a depth <= new_depth
        break None;
      let raw_value = entries[i_new];
      let depth = self.get_depth(raw_value);
      if depth <= new_depth {
        entries[i_new] = self.low_depth_raw_val_at_lower_depth(raw_value, new_depth);
        i_new += 1;
      } else {
        break Some(get_hash_from_delta_depth(raw_value, self.depth_max - new_depth));
    for i in (i_new + 1)..entries.len() {
      let raw_value = entries[i];
      let depth = self.get_depth(raw_value);
      if depth <= new_depth {
        if prev_hash_at_new_depth.is_some() {
          entries[i_new] = (prev_hash_at_new_depth.take().unwrap() << 2) | 2_u64;
          i_new += 1;
        entries[i_new] = self.low_depth_raw_val_at_lower_depth(raw_value, new_depth);
        i_new += 1;
      } else {
        let curr_hash_at_new_depth = get_hash_from_delta_depth(raw_value, self.depth_max - new_depth);
        if let Some(prev_val_at_new_depth) = prev_hash_at_new_depth {
          if prev_val_at_new_depth != curr_hash_at_new_depth {
            entries[i_new] = (prev_val_at_new_depth << 2) | 2_u64; // sentinel bit + flag = 0
            i_new += 1;
        } else {
    if prev_hash_at_new_depth.is_some() {
      entries[i_new] = (prev_hash_at_new_depth.take().unwrap() << 2) | 2_u64;
      i_new += 1;

  pub fn to_bmoc_packing(&mut self) -> BMOC {
    let entries = self.pack();
    BMOC::create_unsafe(self.depth_max, entries.into_boxed_slice())

  pub fn to_lower_depth_bmoc(&mut self, new_depth: u8) -> BMOC {
    let entries = self.entries.take().expect("Empty builder!");
    let entries = self.to_lower_depth(new_depth, entries);
    BMOC::create_unsafe(new_depth, entries.into_boxed_slice())

  pub fn to_lower_depth_bmoc_packing(&mut self, new_depth: u8) -> BMOC {
    let entries = self.pack();
    let entries = self.to_lower_depth(new_depth, entries);
    BMOC::create_unsafe(new_depth, entries.into_boxed_slice())

  fn get_depth(&self, raw_value: u64) -> u8 {
  /// Works both with no flag or with flag set to 0
  fn get_depth_no_flag(&self, raw_value_no_flag: u64) -> u8 {
    self.depth_max - (raw_value_no_flag.trailing_zeros() >> 1) as u8

pub enum Status {
  /// The point is in the MOC
  /// The point is out of the MOC
  /// The point may be in or out of the MOC

/// Builder taking cell at the MOC maximum depth.
pub struct BMOCBuilderFixedDepth {
  depth: u8,
  bmoc: Option<BMOC>,
  is_full: bool,
  buffer: Vec<u64>,
  sorted: bool,

impl BMOCBuilderFixedDepth {
  ///  - `is_full`: the flag to be set for each cell number (I expect`true` to be used for example
  ///    when building catalogues MOC.
  /// The results of logical operations between BMOC having the flag of each of their cells 
  /// set to `true` must equal the results of regular MOC logical operations. 
  pub fn new(depth: u8, is_full: bool) -> BMOCBuilderFixedDepth {
    BMOCBuilderFixedDepth::with_capacity(depth, is_full, 10_000_000)
  pub fn with_capacity(depth: u8, is_full: bool, buff_capacity: usize) -> BMOCBuilderFixedDepth {
    BMOCBuilderFixedDepth {
      bmoc: None,
      buffer: Vec::with_capacity(buff_capacity),
      sorted: true,
  /// The hash must be at the builder depth
  pub fn push(&mut self, hash: u64) {
    if let Some(h) = self.buffer.last() {
      if *h == hash {
      } else if self.sorted && *h > hash {
        self.sorted = false;
    if self.buffer.len() == self.buffer.capacity() {
  pub fn to_bmoc(&mut self) -> Option<BMOC> {
    // if self.buffer.len() > 0 {
    // }
  fn drain_buffer(&mut self) {
    if !self.sorted {
      // Sort and remove duplicates
    let new_bmoc = self.buff_to_bmoc();
    self.bmoc = Some(
      match self.bmoc.take() {
        Some(prev_bmoc) => prev_bmoc.or(&new_bmoc),
        None => new_bmoc, 
  fn buff_to_bmoc(&mut self) -> BMOC {
    let mut i = 0_usize;
    let mut k = 0_usize;
    while i < self.buffer.len() {
      let h = self.buffer[i];
      let sequence_len = self.largest_lower_cell_sequence_len(h, &self.buffer[i..]);
        // Look at the maximum number of cell that could be merge if the hash is the first of a cell
        let delta_depth = (h.trailing_zeros() >> 1).min(self.depth); // low_res_cell_depth = self.depth - delta_depth
        let num_cells = 1_usize << (dd << 1); // number of depth self.depth cells in the low_res_cell = (2^dd)^2 = 2^(2*dd)
        // Look for a sequence
        let mut j = i + 1;
        let mut expected_h = h + 1_u64;

        while j < self.buffer.len() && sequence_len < num_cells && self.buffer[j] == expected_h {
          j += 1;
          sequence_len = 1;
          expected_h += 1;
      // Look at the actual low_res_cell the sequence correspond to
      let delta_depth = sequence_len.next_power_of_two();
      let delta_depth = if delta_depth > sequence_len {
        delta_depth.trailing_zeros() >> 2 // take previous value and divide by 2
      } else {
        debug_assert_eq!(delta_depth, sequence_len);
        delta_depth.trailing_zeros() >> 1 // divide by 2
      } as u8;
      let twice_dd = delta_depth << 1;
      let sequence_len = 1_usize << twice_dd;
      // Write the value
      self.buffer[k] = build_raw_value(self.depth - delta_depth, h >> twice_dd, self.is_full, self.depth);
      k += 1;
      i += sequence_len;
    // self.buffer.truncate(k);
    BMOC::create_unsafe_copying(self.depth, &self.buffer[0..k])
  fn largest_lower_cell_sequence_len(&self, mut h: u64, entries: &[u64]) -> usize {
    // Look for the maximum number of cells that could be merged if the hash is the first of a cell
    let dd = ((h.trailing_zeros() >> 1) as u8).min(self.depth); // low_res_cell_depth = self.depth - delta_depth
    let n = 1_usize << (dd << 1); // number of depth self.depth cells in the low_res_cell = (2^dd)^2 = 2^(2*dd)
    // Look for a sequence
    let n = n.min(entries.len());
    /*for i in 1..n {
      h += 1;
      if entries[i] != h {
        return i;
    for (i, e) in entries.iter().enumerate().take(n).skip(1) {
      h += 1;
      if *e != h {
        return i;
  fn clear_buff(&mut self) {
    self.sorted = true;

/// Structure defining a simple BMOC.
/// Three different iterators are available:
/// - `bmoc.iter() -> Iterator<u64>` : iterates on the raw value stored in the BMOC (the ordering 
///    follow the z-order-curve order).
/// - `bmoc.into_iter() -> Iterator<Cell>`: same a `iter()` except that it returns Cells, 
///    i.e. decoded raw value containing the `depth`, `order` and `flag`.
/// - `bmoc.flat_iter() -> Iterator<u64>`: iterates on all the cell number at the maximum depth, in
///    ascending order (flag information is lost).
/// - `bmoc.flat_iter_cell() -> Iterator<Cell>` same as `flat_iter()` but conserving then `flag`
///    information (and the depth which must always equals the BMOC depth). 
pub struct BMOC {
  depth_max: u8,
  pub entries: Box<[u64]>,

pub struct Cell {
  pub raw_value: u64,
  pub depth: u8,
  pub hash: u64,
  pub is_full: bool,

impl Cell {
  fn new(raw_value: u64, depth_max: u8) -> Cell {
    // Extract the flag
    let is_full = (raw_value & 1_u64) == 1_u64;
    // Remove the flag bit, then divide by 2 (2 bits per level)
    let delta_depth = ((raw_value >> 1).trailing_zeros() >> 1) as u8;
    // Remove 2 bits per depth difference + 1 sentinel bit + 1 flag bit
    let hash = raw_value >> (2 + (delta_depth << 1));
    let depth = depth_max - delta_depth;
    Cell { raw_value, depth, hash, is_full }

impl BMOC {
  /* Use this for a BMOC builder!
  pub(super) fn new(depth_max: u8, capacity: usize) -> BMOC {
    BMOC { depth_max, entries: Vec::with_capacity(capacity) }

  pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
  /// We suppose here that the entries are already sorted (ASC natural ordering) with
  /// no duplicates and no small cells included into larger one's.
  pub(super) fn create_unsafe(depth_max: u8, entries: Box<[u64]>) -> BMOC {
    BMOC { depth_max, entries }

  pub(super) fn create_unsafe_copying(depth_max: u8, entries: &[u64]) -> BMOC {
    let mut entries_copy = Vec::with_capacity(entries.len());
    for e in entries {
    BMOC { depth_max, entries: entries_copy.into_boxed_slice() }
  pub fn get_depth_max(&self) -> u8 {
  pub fn equals(&self, other: &BMOC) -> bool {
    if self.depth_max == other.depth_max && self.entries.len() == other.entries.len() {
      for (r1, r2) in self.iter().zip(other.iter()) {
        if r1 != r2 {
          return false;
      return true;

  pub fn assert_equals(&self, other: &BMOC) {
    if self.depth_max == other.depth_max {
      for (r1, r2) in self.iter().zip(other.iter()) {
        if *r1 != *r2 {
          panic!("Left: {:?}; Right: {:?}", self.from_raw_value(*r1), other.from_raw_value(*r2));
      if self.entries.len() != other.entries.len() {
        panic!("Lengths are different");
    } else {
      panic!("Depths are different");

  /// Test the given point and return its "Status": in, out of the MOC or maybe.
  pub fn test_coo(&self, lon: f64, lat: f64) -> Status {
    let h_raw = build_raw_value(self.depth_max, hash(self.depth_max, lon, lat), true, self.depth_max);
    match self.entries.binary_search(&h_raw) {
      Ok(i) =>
        if is_partial(self.entries[i]) {
        } else {
      Err(i) => {
        let cell = Cell::new(h_raw, self.depth_max);
        // look in next or previous cels
        if i > 0 && is_in(&self.from_raw_value(self.entries[i - 1]), &cell) {
          if is_partial(self.entries[i - 1]) {
          } else {
        } else if i < self.entries.len() && is_in(&self.from_raw_value(self.entries[i]), &cell) {
          if is_partial(self.entries[i]) {
          } else {
        } else {

  /// Returns the BMOC complement:
  /// - cells with flag set to 1 (fully covered) are removed
  /// - cells with flag set to 0 (partially covered) are kept
  /// - empty cells are added with flag set to 1
  /// The method as been tested when all flags are `is_full` (i.e. regular MOC case).
  pub fn not(&self) -> BMOC {
    // Worst case: only 1 sub-cell by cell in the MOC (+11 for depth 0)
    let mut builder = BMOCBuilderUnsafe::new(self.depth_max, 3 * self.entries.len() + 12);
    // Empty MOC, easy
    if self.entries.len() == 0 {
      for h in 0..12_u64 {
        builder.push(0_u8, h, true);
      return  builder.to_bmoc();
    // Real case
    let mut d = 0_u8;
    let mut h = 0_u64;
    // Go down to first cell
    let mut cell = self.from_raw_value(self.entries[0]);
    go_down(&mut d, &mut h, cell.depth, cell.hash, true, &mut builder);
    if !cell.is_full {
    // Between first and last
    for i in 1..self.entries.len() {
      cell = self.from_raw_value(self.entries[i]);
      let dd = dd_4_go_up(d, h, cell.depth, cell.hash);
      go_up(&mut d, &mut h, dd, true, &mut builder);
      go_down(&mut d, &mut h, cell.depth, cell.hash, true, &mut builder);
      if !cell.is_full {
    // After last
    let delta_depth = d;
    go_up(&mut d, &mut h, delta_depth, true, &mut builder); // go up to depth 0
    for h in h..12 { // Complete with base cells if needed
      builder.push(0_u8, h, true);
  /// Go to the next hash value:
  /// - if the input hash is not the last one of the super-cell 
  ///   (the cell of depth deph - 1 the hash belongs to), the result is simply
  ///   - output_depth = input_depth
  ///   - output_hash = input_hash + 1
  /// - else, the depth is changed (we go up) until the hash is not the last of the super-cell
  ///   and the result is:
  ///   - output_depth < input_depth
  ///   - output_hash = input_hash_at_outpu_depth + 1
  /*fn go_next(&self, start_depth: &mut u8, start_hash: &mut u64) {
    while *start_depth > 0 && ((*start_hash & 3_u64) == 3_u64) {
      *start_depth -= 1;
      *start_hash >>= 2;
    *start_hash += 1;

  /// Returns the intersection of this BMOC with the given BMOC:
  /// - all non overlapping cells are removed
  /// - when two cells are overlapping, the overlapping part is kept
  ///   - the value of the flag is the result of a logical AND between the flags of the merged cells.
  /// The method as been tested when all flags are `is_full` (i.e. regular MOC case).
  pub fn and(&self, other: &BMOC) -> BMOC {
    let mut builder = BMOCBuilderUnsafe::new(
      max(self.depth_max, other.depth_max), 
      max(self.entries.len(), other.entries.len())
    let mut it_left = self.into_iter();
    let mut it_right = other.into_iter();
    let mut left =;
    let mut right =;
    // We have 9 cases to take into account:
    // -  3: dL == dR, dL < dR and dR < dL
    // - x3: hL == hR, hL < hR and hR < hL
    while let (Some(l), Some(r)) = (&left, &right) {
      match l.depth.cmp(&r.depth) {
        Ordering::Less => {
          let hr_at_dl = r.hash >> ((r.depth - l.depth) << 1);
          match l.hash.cmp(&hr_at_dl) {
            Ordering::Less => left =,
            Ordering::Greater => right =,
            Ordering::Equal => {
              debug_assert_eq!(l.hash, hr_at_dl);
              builder.push(r.depth, r.hash, r.is_full && l.is_full);
              right =
        Ordering::Greater => {
          let hl_at_dr = l.hash >> ((l.depth - r.depth) << 1);
          match hl_at_dr.cmp(&r.hash) {
            Ordering::Less => left =,
            Ordering::Greater => right =,
            Ordering::Equal => {
              debug_assert_eq!(hl_at_dr, r.hash);
              builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, r.is_full && l.is_full);
              left =
        Ordering::Equal => {
          debug_assert_eq!(l.depth, r.depth);
          match l.depth.cmp(&r.depth) {
            Ordering::Less => left =,
            Ordering::Greater => right =,
            Ordering::Equal => {
              debug_assert_eq!(l.hash, r.hash);
              builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, r.is_full && l.is_full);
              left =;
              right =

  /* Try making operations with as few if as possible, playing on indices
  fn and_v2(&self, other: &BMOC) -> BMOC {
    let mut builder = BMOCBuilderUnsafe::new(
      max(self.depth_max, other.depth_max),
      max(self.entries.len(), other.entries.len())
    let mut left = self.entries;
    let mut right = other.entries;
    let mut ileft = 0_usize;
    let mut iright = 0_usize;
  /// Returns the union of this BMOC with the given BMOC:
  /// - all non overlapping cells in both BMOCs are kept
  /// - overlapping cells are merged, the value of the flag is the result of a logical OR between 
  /// the flags of the merged cells.
  /// The method as been tested when all flags are `is_full` (i.e. regular MOC case).
  pub fn or(&self, other: &BMOC) -> BMOC {
    let mut builder = BMOCBuilderUnsafe::new(
      max(self.depth_max, other.depth_max),
      max(self.entries.len(), other.entries.len())
    let mut it_left = self.into_iter();
    let mut it_right = other.into_iter();
    let mut left =;
    let mut right =;
    // We have 9 cases to take into account:
    // -  3: dL == dR, dL < dR and dR < dL
    // - x3: hL == hR, hL < hR and hR < hL
    while let (Some(l), Some(r)) = (&left, &right) {
      match l.depth.cmp(&r.depth) {
        Ordering::Less => {
          let hr_at_dl = r.hash >> ((r.depth - l.depth) << 1);
          if l.hash < hr_at_dl {
            builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, l.is_full);
            left =;
          } else if l.hash > hr_at_dl {
            builder.push(r.depth, r.hash, r.is_full);
            right =;
          } else if l.is_full {
            debug_assert_eq!(l.hash, hr_at_dl);
            builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, l.is_full);
            right = consume_while_overlapped(l, &mut it_right);
            left =;
          } else {
            debug_assert_eq!(l.hash, hr_at_dl);
            let mut is_overlapped = false;
            right = consume_while_overlapped_and_partial(l, &mut it_right, &mut is_overlapped);
            if is_overlapped {
              right = self.not_in_cell_4_or(l, right.unwrap(), &mut it_right, &mut builder);
            } else { // all flags set to 0 => put large cell with flag  = 0
              builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, false);
            left =;
        Ordering::Greater => {
          let hl_at_dr = l.hash >> ((l.depth - r.depth) << 1);
          if hl_at_dr < r.hash {
            builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, l.is_full);
            left =;
          } else if hl_at_dr > r.hash {
            builder.push(r.depth, r.hash, r.is_full);
            right =;
          } else if r.is_full {
            debug_assert_eq!(hl_at_dr, r.hash);
            builder.push(r.depth, r.hash, r.is_full);
            left = consume_while_overlapped(r, &mut it_left);
            right =;
          } else {
            debug_assert_eq!(hl_at_dr, r.hash);
            let mut is_overlapped = false;
            left = consume_while_overlapped_and_partial(r, &mut it_left, &mut is_overlapped);
            if is_overlapped {
              left = self.not_in_cell_4_or(r, left.unwrap(), &mut it_left, &mut builder);
            } else { // all flags set to 0 => put large cell with flag  = 0
              builder.push(r.depth, r.hash, false);
            right =;
        Ordering::Equal => {
          debug_assert_eq!(l.depth, r.depth);
          match l.hash.cmp(&r.hash) {
            Ordering::Less => {
              builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, l.is_full);
              left =;
            Ordering::Greater => {
              builder.push(r.depth, r.hash, r.is_full);
              right =;
            Ordering::Equal => {
              debug_assert_eq!(l.hash, r.hash);
              builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, r.is_full || l.is_full);
              left =;
              right =;
    while let Some(l) = &left {
      builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, l.is_full);
      left =;
    while let Some(r) = &right {
      builder.push(r.depth, r.hash, r.is_full);
      right =;

  fn not_in_cell_4_or(&self, low_resolution: &Cell, mut c: Cell,  iter: &mut BMOCIter, builder: &mut BMOCBuilderUnsafe) -> Option<Cell> {
    let mut d = low_resolution.depth;
    let mut h = low_resolution.hash;
    go_down(&mut d, &mut h, c.depth, c.hash, false, builder);
    builder.push(c.depth, c.hash, true);
    let mut is_overlapped = false;
    let mut cell;
    while {
      cell = consume_while_overlapped_and_partial(low_resolution, iter, &mut is_overlapped);
    } {
      c = cell.unwrap(); // if flag => right is not None
      let dd = dd_4_go_up(d, h, c.depth, c.hash);
      go_up(&mut d, &mut h, dd, false, builder);
      go_down(&mut d, &mut h, c.depth, c.hash, false, builder);
      builder.push(c.depth, c.hash, true);
    let dd = d - low_resolution.depth;
    go_up(&mut d, &mut h, dd, false, builder);
    go_down(&mut d, &mut h, low_resolution.depth, low_resolution.hash + 1, false, builder);
  /// Returns the symmetric difference of this BMOC with the given BMOC:
  /// - all non overlapping cells in both BMOCs are kept
  /// - when two cells are overlapping, the overlapping part is:
  ///   - removed if both flags = 1
  ///   - kept if one of the flags = 0 (since 0 meas partially covered but O don't know which part)
  /// The method as been tested when all flags are `is_full` (i.e. regular MOC case).
  pub fn xor(&self, other: &BMOC) -> BMOC {
    let mut builder = BMOCBuilderUnsafe::new(
      max(self.depth_max, other.depth_max),
      max(self.entries.len(), other.entries.len())
    let mut it_left = self.into_iter();
    let mut it_right = other.into_iter();
    let mut left =;
    let mut right =;
    // We have 9 cases to take into account:
    // -  3: dL == dR, dL < dR and dR < dL
    // - x3: hL == hR, hL < hR and hR < hL
    while let (Some(l), Some(r)) = (&left, &right) {
      match l.depth.cmp(&r.depth) {
        Ordering::Less => {
          let hr_at_dl = r.hash >> ((r.depth - l.depth) << 1);
          if l.hash < hr_at_dl {
            builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, l.is_full);
            left =;
          } else if l.hash > hr_at_dl {
            builder.push(r.depth, r.hash, r.is_full);
            right =;
          } else if l.is_full {
            debug_assert_eq!(l.hash, hr_at_dl);
            right = self.not_in_cell_4_xor(l, r, &mut it_right, &mut builder);
            left =;
          } else {
            debug_assert_eq!(l.hash, hr_at_dl);
            builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, l.is_full);
            right = consume_while_overlapped(l, &mut it_right);
            left =;
        Ordering::Greater => {
          let hl_at_dr = l.hash >> ((l.depth - r.depth) << 1);
          if hl_at_dr < r.hash {
            builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, l.is_full);
            left =;
          } else if hl_at_dr > r.hash {
            builder.push(r.depth, r.hash, r.is_full);
            right =;
          } else if r.is_full {
            debug_assert_eq!(hl_at_dr, r.hash);
            left = self.not_in_cell_4_xor(r, l, &mut it_left, &mut builder);
            right =;
          } else {
            debug_assert_eq!(hl_at_dr, r.hash);
            builder.push(r.depth, r.hash, r.is_full);
            left = consume_while_overlapped(r, &mut it_left);
            right =;
        Ordering::Equal => {
          debug_assert_eq!(l.depth, r.depth);
          match l.hash.cmp(&r.hash) {
            Ordering::Less => {
              builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, l.is_full);
              left =;
            Ordering::Greater => {
              builder.push(r.depth, r.hash, r.is_full);
              right =;
            Ordering::Equal => {
              debug_assert_eq!(l.hash, r.hash);
              let both_fully_covered = r.is_full && l.is_full;
              if !both_fully_covered {
                builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, both_fully_covered);
              left =;
              right =;
    while let Some(l) = &left {
      builder.push(l.depth, l.hash, l.is_full);
      left =;
    while let Some(r) = &right {
      builder.push(r.depth, r.hash, r.is_full);
      right =;

  fn not_in_cell_4_xor(&self, low_resolution: &Cell, c: &Cell,  iter: &mut BMOCIter, builder: &mut BMOCBuilderUnsafe) -> Option<Cell> {
    let mut d = low_resolution.depth;
    let mut h = low_resolution.hash;
    go_down(&mut d, &mut h, c.depth, c.hash, true, builder);
    if !c.is_full {
      builder.push(c.depth, c.hash, false);
    let mut cell =;
    while let Some(c) = &cell {
      if !is_in(low_resolution,  c) {
      let dd = dd_4_go_up(d, h, c.depth, c.hash);
      go_up(&mut d, &mut h, dd, true, builder);
      go_down(&mut d, &mut h, c.depth, c.hash, true, builder);
      if !c.is_full {
        builder.push(c.depth, c.hash, false);
      cell =
    let dd = d - low_resolution.depth;
    go_up(&mut d, &mut h, dd, true, builder);
    go_down(&mut d, &mut h, low_resolution.depth, low_resolution.hash + 1, true, builder);
  pub fn from_ranges_unsafe(depth_max: u8, ranges: &[range]) {
    final long dMask = (1L << hhCoder.nBits(d, d)) - 1; // 11 for HEALPix
    final long dNHash = hhCoder.nHash(d, d); // 4 for HEALLPix
    final SortedHHashSet res = new SortedHHashSet(hhCoder);
    // We recall that hM is exclusive!
    // We ignore successive ranges (range_i_max == range_i+1_min)
    for range in ranges {
      width = - range.from;
      // Deal with level 0 range
      if ranges.len() == 1 && width == n_hash_unsafe(depth_max) {
        assert_eq!(range.from, 0_u64);
        for (hm = 0; hm < hhCoder.nHash(0); hm++) {
          res.add(new HHImpl(0, hm));
        hm = hM;
            // ++ pre part
            // While we don't start with the 2 last bits = 00. 
            while ((((hm & dMask) != 0 // Hash don't end by a series of 0
                    || (hM - hm) < dNHash))// Not enough distinct hash to fill the depth 
                    //|| (d == 0 && hM - hm == 12)) // Special case of d=0 and range=0-12
                    && hm < hM) { // Still elements in the range
                final HHash hh = new HHImpl(d, hm);
if (debug) System.out.println("Add1 " + hh + " --> " + hhCoder.hashRange(hh.depth(), hh.hashValue(), d));
            while (hm < hM) { // Still elements in the range
                // ++ med part
                rangeWidth = hM - hm;
if (debug) System.out.println("hm: " + hm + "; bits: " + Long.toBinaryString(hm));
                // get number of depth fille by the last 0 bits 
                int ddFromMin = hhCoder.nFilledDepthOnLastBits(d, (int) Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(hm));
if (debug) System.out.println("ddFromMin: " + ddFromMin);
                int ddFromRangeWidth = hhCoder.nFilledDepth(d, rangeWidth);
if (debug) System.out.println("ddFromRangeWidth: " + ddFromRangeWidth);
                int dd = ddFromRangeWidth < ddFromMin ? ddFromRangeWidth : ddFromMin;
                final HHash hhh = new HHImpl(d - dd, hhCoder.hash(d, hm, d - dd));
if (debug) System.out.println("Add2 " + hhh + " --> " + hhCoder.hashRange(hhh.depth(), hhh.hashValue(), d));
if (debug) System.out.println("nHash (from=" + ( d - dd + 1) + ", to= --> " + d + ") =  " + hhCoder.nHash(( d - dd + 1), d));
                hm += hhCoder.nHash(d - dd + 1, d); // 1 << (d << 1) = 2^(2*d) = 4^d
                //System.out.println("dd: " + dd + "; new hm = " + hm);
                //++ post part
                if (hM - hm < dNHash) {
                    while (hm < hM) {
                        final HHash hh = new HHImpl(d, hm);
if (debug) System.out.println("Add3 " + hh);

  /*pub(super) fn add(&mut self, depth: u8, hash: u64, is_full: u8) {
    self.entries.push(build_raw_value(depth, hash, is_full, self.depth_max));
  pub fn from_raw_value(&self, raw_value: u64) -> Cell {
    Cell::new(raw_value, self.depth_max)
  /// Returns the number of cells at depth `depth_max` the moc contains, i.e.
  /// the sum for each cell of the number of cells at depth `depth_max`.
  pub fn deep_size(&self) -> usize {
    let mut sum = 0_usize;
    for &raw_value in self.entries.iter() {
      let depth = self.get_depth(raw_value);
      sum += nside_square_unsafe(self.depth_max - depth) as usize;
  /// Iterator on the BMOC raw values
  /// See method `` to extract informations from a raw value
  pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<u64> {
  /// Returns an iterator iterating over all cells at the BMOC maximum depth
  /// (the iteration is made in the natural cell order).
  pub fn flat_iter(&self) -> BMOCFlatIter {
    BMOCFlatIter::new(self.depth_max, self.deep_size(), self.entries.iter())

  /// Returns an iterator iterating over all cells at the BMOC maximum depth
  /// (the iteration is made in the natural cell order).
  pub fn into_flat_iter(self) -> BMOCIntoFlatIter {
    BMOCIntoFlatIter::new(self.depth_max, self.deep_size(), self.entries.into_vec().into_iter())

  /// Returns an iterator iterating over all cells at the BMOC maximum depth
  /// (the iteration is made in the natural cell order).  
  /// Contrary to [flat_iter](fn.flat_iter.html), the full cell information (the raw BMOC value
  /// it belongs to, its flag) is kept.
  pub fn flat_iter_cell(&self) -> BMOCFlatIterCell {
    BMOCFlatIterCell::new(self.depth_max, self.deep_size(), self.entries.iter())
  /// Returns an array containing all the BMOC cells flattened at the maximum depth.
  /// This is an utility methods basically calling `deep_size` to initialize an array
  /// and `flat_iter` to retrieve all cells.
  pub fn to_flat_array(&self) -> Box<[u64]> {
    let mut res: Vec<u64> = Vec::with_capacity(self.deep_size());
    for cell in self.flat_iter() {
  fn get_depth(&self, raw_value: u64) -> u8 {
  /// Works both with no flag or with flag set to 0
  fn get_depth_no_flag(&self, raw_value_no_flag: u64) -> u8 {
    self.depth_max - (raw_value_no_flag.trailing_zeros() >> 1) as u8
  fn get_depth_icell(&self, raw_value: u64) -> (u8, u64) {
    // Remove the flag bit, then divide by 2 (2 bits per level)
    let delta_depth = ((raw_value >> 1).trailing_zeros() >> 1) as u8;
    // Remove 2 bits per depth difference + 1 sentinel bit + 1 flag bit
    let hash = raw_value >> (2 + (delta_depth << 1));
    let depth = self.depth_max - delta_depth;
    (depth, hash)
  /// Transform this (B)MOC as a simple (sorted) array of ranges
  /// (WARNING: the ranges are at the MOC depth, not at the depth 29).
  /// During the operation, we loose the `flag` information attached to each BMOC cell.  
  pub fn to_ranges(&self) -> Box<[std::ops::Range<u64>]> {
    let mut ranges: Vec<std::ops::Range<u64>> = Vec::with_capacity(self.entries.len());
    let mut prev_min = 0_u64;
    let mut prev_max = 0_u64;
    for cell in self.into_iter() {
      if cell.depth < self.depth_max {
        let range = to_range(cell.hash, self.depth_max - cell.depth);
        if range.start != prev_max {
          if prev_min != prev_max { // false only at first call, then always true
          prev_min = range.start;
        prev_max = range.end;
      } else if cell.hash == prev_max {
        prev_max += 1;
      } else {
        if prev_min != prev_max { // false only at first call, then always true
        prev_min = cell.hash;
        prev_max = cell.hash + 1;
    if prev_min != prev_max { // false only at first call, then always true

  /// Transform this (B)MOC as a simple (sorted) array of ranges.
  /// Ranges containing different flag values are split in sub-ranges 
  pub fn to_flagged_ranges(&self) -> Vec<(std::ops::Range<u64>, bool)> {
    let mut ranges: Vec<(std::ops::Range<u64>, bool)> = Vec::with_capacity(self.entries.len());
    let mut prev_min = 0_u64;
    let mut prev_max = 0_u64;
    let mut prev_flag = false;
    for cell in self.into_iter() {
      if cell.depth < self.depth_max {
        let range = to_range(cell.hash, self.depth_max - cell.depth);
        if range.start == prev_max && (prev_max == 0 || cell.is_full == prev_flag) {
          prev_max = range.end;
        } else {
          if prev_min != prev_max { // false only at first call, then always true
            ranges.push((prev_min..prev_max, prev_flag));
          prev_min = range.start;
          prev_max = range.end;
          prev_flag = cell.is_full;
      } else if cell.hash == prev_max && cell.is_full == prev_flag {
        prev_max += 1;
      } else {
        if prev_min != prev_max { // false only at first call, then always true
          ranges.push((prev_min..prev_max, prev_flag));
        prev_min = cell.hash;
        prev_max = cell.hash + 1;
        prev_flag = cell.is_full;
    if prev_min != prev_max { // false only at first call, then always true
      ranges.push((prev_min..prev_max, prev_flag));

  /// Transform this (B)MOC in a very compressed version. We call it `lossy` because
  /// during the operation, we loose the `flag` information attached to each BMOC cell.
  /// # Remark
  /// * If needed we could store the flag information!
  /// # Info
  /// * Original idea by F.-X. Pineau (see Java library), improved by M. Reinecke (through
  /// private communication) leading to an even better compression factor.
  /// * Although its seems (c.f. M. Reinecke) that this is quite similar to `Interpolative coding`,
  /// M. Reinecke tests show a slightly better compression factor. M. Reinecke raised the following 
  /// question: was it worth implementing this specific case instead of using an
  /// `Interpolative coding` library?
  /// # Idea
  /// * The basic idea consists in...
  pub fn compress_lossy(&self) -> CompressedMOC {
    let n = self.entries.len();
    let dm = self.depth_max;
    let mut b = CompressedMOCBuilder::new(dm, 4 + 3 * n);
    if n == 0 { // Special case of empty MOC
      if dm == 0 {
        for _ in 0..12 {
      } else {
        for _ in 0..12 {
      return b.to_compressed_moc();
    } else if dm == 0 { // Special case of other MOC at depth max = 0
      let (curr_d, _) = self.get_depth_icell(self.entries[0]);
      assert_eq!(curr_d, 0);
      let mut h = 0_u64;
      for (_, curr_h) in self.entries.iter().map(|e| self.get_depth_icell(*e)) {
        for _ in h..curr_h {
        h = curr_h + 1;
      for _ in h..12 {
      return b.to_compressed_moc();
    // Let's start serious things
    let mut d;
    let mut h = 0;
    let (curr_d, curr_h) = self.get_depth_icell(self.entries[0]);
    // go down to curr hash
    for dd in (0..=curr_d).rev() {
      let target_h = curr_h >> (dd << 1);
      if curr_d == dm && dd == 0 {
        for _ in h..target_h {
      } else {
        for _ in h..target_h {
        if dd == 0 { b.push_node_full() } else { b.push_node_partial() };
      h = target_h << 2;
    d = curr_d;
    h = curr_h;
    // middle, go up and down
    let mut i = 1_usize;
    while i < n {
      let (curr_d, curr_h) = self.get_depth_icell(self.entries[i]);
      // go up (if needed)!
      let target_h = if d > curr_d { // case previous hash deeper that current hash
        let dd =  d - curr_d;
        curr_h << (dd << 1)
      } else { // case current hash deeper that previous hash, need to go up?
        let dd = curr_d - d;
        curr_h >> (dd << 1)
      let mut dd = ((63 - (h ^ target_h).leading_zeros()) >> 1) as u8;
      if dd > d {
        dd = d;
      // - go up to common depth
      if dd > 0 && d == dm {
        for _ in h & 3..3 { // <=> (h + 1) & 3 < 4
        h >>= 2;
        dd -= 1;
        d -= 1;
      for _ in 0..dd {
        for _ in h & 3..3 { // <=> (h + 1) & 3 < 4
        h >>= 2;
      d -= dd;
      h += 1;
      // - go down
      let dd = curr_d - d;
      for rdd in (0..=dd).rev() {
        let target_h = curr_h >> (rdd << 1);
        if curr_d == dm && rdd == 0 {
          for _ in h..target_h {
        } else {
          for _ in h..target_h {
          if rdd == 0 { b.push_node_full() } else { b.push_node_partial() };
        h = target_h << 2;
      d = curr_d;
      h = curr_h;
      i += 1;
    // - go up to depth 0
    if d == dm {
      for _ in h & 3..3 {
      h >>= 2;
      d -= 1;
    for _ in 0..d {
      for _ in h & 3..3 {
      h >>= 2;
    // - complete till base cell 11
    if dm == 0 {
      for _ in h + 1..12 {
    } else {
      for _ in h + 1..12 {

fn consume_while_overlapped(low_resolution: &Cell, iter: &mut BMOCIter) -> Option<Cell> {
  let mut cell =;
  while {
    match &cell {
      Some(c) => is_in(low_resolution,  c),
      None => false,
  } {
    cell =;

/// Returns boolean:
/// - false = returned cell do not overlap any more
/// - true =  returned cell overlap and its flag is 'full'
fn consume_while_overlapped_and_partial(low_resolution: &Cell, iter: &mut BMOCIter, res_is_overlapped: &mut bool) -> Option<Cell> {
  let mut cell =;
  while {
    match &cell {
      Some(c) => {
        if is_in(low_resolution,  c) {
          if c.is_full {
            *res_is_overlapped = true;
          } else {
        } else {
      None => false,
  } {
    cell =;
  /*let mut cell =;
  while {
    match &cell {
      Some(c) => is_in(low_res_depth, low_res_hash,  c.depth, c.hash),
      None => false,
  } {
    if cell.is_full {
      *res_is_overlapped = true;
      return cell;
    cell =;
  *res_is_overlapped = false;

fn dd_4_go_up(d: u8, h: u64, next_d: u8, next_h: u64) -> u8 {
  // debug_assert!(d != next_d || h != next_h);
  let target_h_at_d = if next_d < d {
    // previous hash deeper than current hash => need to go up
    next_h << ((d - next_d) << 1)
  } else {
    // current hash deeper then (or equal to) previous hash => need to go up only if current hash
    next_h >> ((next_d - d) << 1)
  // - look at the difference to see if we have to go up to add lower level cells
  // We look at the depth of the deeper common cell (i.e. all most significant bits are the same)
  // With XOR (^), we only set to 1 the bits which are set to 1 in a value and 0 in the other.
  // If number of leading = 64 => the two cell are identical, WRONG :/
  // If number of leading zero = 63 or 62 => are in the same cell => dd = 0
  // If number of leading zero = 60 or 61 => dd = 1
  // We just have to add .min(d) since base cells are coded on 4 bits (not 2)
  let xor = h ^ target_h_at_d;
  if xor != 0 {
    ((63_u8 - (xor.leading_zeros() as u8)) >> 1).min(d)
  } else {

/// Returns `true` if the given high resolution cell is in the low resolution cell 
fn is_in(low_resolution: &Cell, high_resolution: &Cell) -> bool {
  low_resolution.depth <= high_resolution.depth 
    && low_resolution.hash == (high_resolution.hash >> ((high_resolution.depth - low_resolution.depth) << 1))
fn is_in(low_res_depth: u8, low_res_hash: u64, high_res_depth: u8, high_res_hash: u64) -> bool {
  low_res_depth < high_res_depth
    && low_res_hash == (high_res_hash >> (high_res_depth - low_res_depth) << 1)

fn rm_flag(raw_value: u64) -> u64 {
  raw_value >> 1

fn is_partial(raw_value: u64) -> bool {
  (raw_value & 1_u64) == 0_u64

fn is_not_first_cell_of_larger_cell(hash: u64) -> bool {
  (hash & 3_u64) != 0_u64

fn get_depth(raw_value: u64, depth_max: u8) -> u8 {
  get_depth_no_flag(rm_flag(raw_value), depth_max)

fn get_depth_no_flag(raw_value_no_flag: u64, depth_max: u8) -> u8 {
  depth_max - (raw_value_no_flag.trailing_zeros() >> 1) as u8

fn get_hash_from_delta_depth(raw_value: u64, delta_depth: u8) -> u64 {
  raw_value >> (2 + (delta_depth << 1))

pub struct BMOCIntoFlatIter {
  depth_max: u8,
  deep_size: usize,
  raw_val_iter: IntoIter<u64>,
  curr_val: Option<u64>,
  curr_val_max: u64,
  n_returned: usize,

impl BMOCIntoFlatIter {
  fn new(depth_max: u8, deep_size: usize, raw_val_iter: IntoIter<u64>) -> BMOCIntoFlatIter {
    let mut flat_iter = BMOCIntoFlatIter {
      depth_max, deep_size, raw_val_iter,
      curr_val: None, curr_val_max: 0_u64, n_returned: 0_usize

  pub fn deep_size(&self) -> usize {

  pub fn depth(&self) -> u8 {

  fn next_cell(&mut self) -> Option<u64> {
    match {
      None => self.curr_val.take(),
      Some(raw_value) => {
        // Remove the flag bit, then divide by 2 (2 bits per level)
        let delta_depth = ((raw_value >> 1).trailing_zeros() >> 1) as u8;
        let twice_delta_depth = delta_depth << 1;
        // Remove 2 bits per depth difference + 1 sentinel bit + 1 flag bit
        let hash = raw_value >> (2 + twice_delta_depth);
        let val = hash << twice_delta_depth;
        self.curr_val_max = val | ((1_u64 << twice_delta_depth) - 1_u64);


impl Iterator for BMOCIntoFlatIter {
  type Item = u64;

  fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u64> {
    if let Some(val) = self.curr_val {
      self.n_returned += 1;
      if val < self.curr_val_max {
        self.curr_val.replace(val + 1)
      } else {
    } else {

  fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
    let n = self.deep_size - self.n_returned;
    (n, Some(n))

pub struct BMOCFlatIter<'a> {
  depth_max: u8,
  deep_size: usize,
  raw_val_iter: Iter<'a, u64>,
  curr_val: Option<u64>,
  curr_val_max: u64,
  n_returned: usize,

impl<'a> BMOCFlatIter<'a> {
  fn new(depth_max: u8, deep_size: usize, raw_val_iter: Iter<'a, u64>) -> BMOCFlatIter<'a> {
    let mut flat_iter = BMOCFlatIter { 
      depth_max, deep_size, raw_val_iter, 
      curr_val: None, curr_val_max: 0_u64, n_returned: 0_usize
  pub fn deep_size(&self) -> usize {
  pub fn depth(&self) -> u8 {
  fn next_cell(&mut self) -> Option<u64> {
    match {
      None => self.curr_val.take(),
      Some(&raw_value) => {
        // Remove the flag bit, then divide by 2 (2 bits per level)
        let delta_depth = ((raw_value >> 1).trailing_zeros() >> 1) as u8;
        let twice_delta_depth = delta_depth << 1;
        // Remove 2 bits per depth difference + 1 sentinel bit + 1 flag bit
        let hash = raw_value >> (2 + twice_delta_depth);
        let val = hash << twice_delta_depth;
        self.curr_val_max = val | ((1_u64 << twice_delta_depth) - 1_u64);
        /*// Remove the flag bit, then divide by 2 (2 bits per level)
        let twice_delta_depth = (raw_value >> 1).trailing_zeros() as u8;
        // Remove 2 bits per depth difference + 1 sentinel bit + 1 flag bit
        let mask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC_u64 << twice_delta_depth;
        let min = raw_value & mask;
        self.curr_val_max = min | ((!mask) >> 1);


impl<'a> Iterator for BMOCFlatIter<'a> {
  type Item = u64;

  fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u64> {
    if let Some(val) = self.curr_val {
      self.n_returned += 1;
      if val < self.curr_val_max {
        self.curr_val.replace(val + 1)
      } else {
    } else {

  fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
    let n = self.deep_size - self.n_returned;
    (n, Some(n))

pub struct BMOCFlatIterCell<'a> {
  depth_max: u8,
  deep_size: usize,
  raw_val_iter: Iter<'a, u64>,
  //curr_raw_val: u64,
  //curr_flag: bool,
  curr_val: Option<Cell>,
  curr_val_max: u64,
  n_returned: usize,

impl<'a> BMOCFlatIterCell<'a> {
  fn new(depth_max: u8, deep_size: usize, raw_val_iter: Iter<'a, u64>) -> BMOCFlatIterCell<'a> {
    let mut flat_iter = BMOCFlatIterCell {
      depth_max, deep_size, raw_val_iter,
      curr_val: None, curr_val_max: 0_u64, n_returned: 0_usize

  pub fn deep_size(&self) -> usize {

  pub fn depth(&self) -> u8 {

  fn next_cell(&mut self) -> Option<Cell> {
    match {
      None => self.curr_val.take(),
      Some(&raw_value) => {
        // Remove the flag bit, then divide by 2 (2 bits per level)
        let delta_depth = ((raw_value >> 1).trailing_zeros() >> 1) as u8;
        let twice_delta_depth = delta_depth << 1;
        // Remove 2 bits per depth difference + 1 sentinel bit + 1 flag bit
        let hash = raw_value >> (2 + twice_delta_depth);
        let val = hash << twice_delta_depth;
        self.curr_val_max = val | ((1_u64 << twice_delta_depth) - 1_u64);
        self.curr_val.replace(Cell {
          depth: self.depth_max,
          hash: val,
          is_full: (raw_value & 1_u64) == 1_u64,


impl<'a> Iterator for BMOCFlatIterCell<'a> {
  type Item = Cell;

  fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Cell> {
    if let Some(cell) = &self.curr_val {
      self.n_returned += 1;
      if cell.hash < self.curr_val_max {
        let new_cell = Cell {
          raw_value: cell.raw_value,
          depth: self.depth_max,
          hash: cell.hash + 1,
          is_full: cell.is_full,
      } else {
    } else {

  fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
    let n = self.deep_size - self.n_returned;
    (n, Some(n))

pub struct BMOCIter<'a> {
  depth_max: u8,
  iter: Iter<'a, u64>,

impl<'a> Iterator for BMOCIter<'a> {
  type Item = Cell;

  fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Cell> {
    match {
      None => None,
      Some(&raw_value) => Some(Cell::new(raw_value, self.depth_max)),
  fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a BMOC {
  type Item = Cell;
  type IntoIter = BMOCIter<'a>;

  fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
    BMOCIter { depth_max: self.depth_max, iter: self.entries.iter() }

/// Create a BMOC raw value coding the depth, the hash and a flag in a way such that
/// the natural ordering follow a z-order curve.
/// # Inputs
/// - `depth`: depth of the hash value
/// - `hash`: hash value
/// - `is_full`: must be `false` (not full) or `true` (full)
/// - `depth_max`: the depth of the BMOC (we can use 29 for a unique raw value, but it will work
///   only with languages supporting unsigned 64 bit integers)
/// # Outputs
/// - the value coded like this:
///   - BBBBxx...xxS00...00F if depth < depth_max
///   - BBBBxx...xxxx...xxSF if depth = depht_max
///   - with in bith cases:
///     -  B: the 4 bits coding the base hash [0- 11]
///     - xx: the 2 bits of level x
///     -  S: the sentinel bit coding the depth
///     - 00: if (depth != depht_max) those bits are unused bits
///     -  F: the flag bit (0: partial, 1: full)
fn build_raw_value(depth: u8, hash: u64, is_full: bool, depth_max: u8) -> u64 {
  // Set the sentinel bit
  let mut hash = (hash << 1) | 1_u64;
  // Shift according to the depth and add space for the flag bit
  hash <<= 1 + ((depth_max - depth) << 1);
  // Set the flag bit if needed
  hash | (is_full as u64) // see

/// Fill with all cells from `start_hash` at `start_depth` to `start_hash_at_target_depth + 1`.
/// with `target_depth` = `start_depth - delta_depth`.
/// - `flag`: value of the is_full flag to be set in cells while going up
/// The output depth is the input depth minus delta_depth
/// The output hash value is the input hash at the output depth, plus one
fn go_up(start_depth: &mut u8, start_hash: &mut u64, delta_depth: u8, flag: bool, builder: &mut BMOCBuilderUnsafe) {
  // let output_depth = *start_depth - delta_depth;       // For debug only
  // let output_hash = (*start_hash >> (delta_depth << 1)) + 1; // For debug only
  for _ in 0_u8..delta_depth {
    let target_hash = *start_hash | 3_u64;
    for h in (*start_hash + 1)..=target_hash {
      builder.push(*start_depth, h, flag);
    *start_hash >>= 2;
    *start_depth -= 1;
  *start_hash += 1;
  // debug_assert_eq!(*start_depth, output_depth);
  // debug_assert_eq!(*start_hash, output_hash);

fn go_down(start_depth: &mut u8, start_hash: &mut u64,
           target_depth: u8, target_hash: u64, flag: bool, builder: &mut BMOCBuilderUnsafe) {
  debug_assert!(target_depth >= *start_depth);
  let mut twice_dd = (target_depth - *start_depth) << 1;
  for d in *start_depth..=target_depth { //range(0, target_depth - start_depth).rev() {
    let target_h_at_d = target_hash >> twice_dd;
    for h in *start_hash..target_h_at_d {
      builder.push(d, h, flag);
    if d != target_depth {
      *start_hash = target_h_at_d << 2;
      twice_dd -= 2;
  *start_depth = target_depth;
  *start_hash  = target_hash;

pub struct CompressedMOCBuilder {
  moc: Vec<u8>,
  depth_max: u8,
  ibyte: usize,
  ibit: u8,

impl CompressedMOCBuilder {
  /// Capacity = number of bytes.
  fn new(depth_max: u8, capacity: usize) -> CompressedMOCBuilder {
    let mut moc = vec![0_u8; capacity + 1];
    moc[0] = depth_max;
    CompressedMOCBuilder {
      ibyte: 1,
      ibit: 0,

  fn to_compressed_moc(mut self) -> CompressedMOC {
    self.moc.resize(if self.ibit == 0 { self.ibyte } else { self.ibyte + 1 } , 0);
    CompressedMOC {
      moc: self.moc.into_boxed_slice(),
      depth_max: self.depth_max,

  fn push_0(&mut self) {
    self.ibyte += (self.ibit == 7) as usize;
    self.ibit += 1;
    self.ibit &= 7;
  fn push_1(&mut self) {
    self.moc[self.ibyte] |= 1_u8 << self.ibit;
  fn push_node_empty(&mut self) {
  fn push_node_full(&mut self) {
  fn push_node_partial(&mut self) {
  fn push_leaf_empty(&mut self) {
  fn push_leaf_full(&mut self) {

pub struct CompressedMOCDecompHelper<'a> {
  moc: &'a [u8],
  ibyte: usize,
  ibit: u8,

impl<'a> CompressedMOCDecompHelper<'a> {

  fn new(moc: &'a [u8]) ->  CompressedMOCDecompHelper<'a> {
    CompressedMOCDecompHelper {
      ibyte: 1,
      ibit: 0,
  fn get(&mut self) -> bool {
    let r = self.moc[self.ibyte] & (1_u8 << self.ibit) != 0;
    self.ibyte += (self.ibit == 7) as usize;
    self.ibit += 1;
    self.ibit &= 7;


/// First elements contains the maximum depth
pub struct CompressedMOC {
  moc: Box<[u8]>,
  depth_max: u8,

impl CompressedMOC {

  pub fn depth(&self) -> u8 {
  pub fn byte_size(&self) -> usize {
  pub fn to_b64(&self) -> String {

  pub fn from_b64(b64_encoded: String) -> Result<CompressedMOC, DecodeError> {
    let decoded = decode(&b64_encoded)?;
    let depth_max = decoded[0];
      CompressedMOC {
        moc: decoded.into_boxed_slice(),

  pub fn self_decompress(&self) -> BMOC {
  // TODO: create an iterator (to iterate on cells while decompressing)
  pub fn decompress(cmoc: &[u8]) -> BMOC {
    let depth_max = cmoc[0];
    let mut moc_builder = BMOCBuilderUnsafe::new(depth_max, 8 * (cmoc.len() - 1));
    let mut bits = CompressedMOCDecompHelper::new(cmoc);
    let mut depth = 0_u8;
    let mut hash = 0_u64;
    while depth != 0 || hash != 12 {
      if bits.get() { // bit = 1
        if depth == depth_max || bits.get() {
          moc_builder.push(depth, hash, true);
        // go up if needed
        while hash & 3 == 3 && depth > 0 {
          hash >>= 2;
          depth -= 1;
        // take next hash
        hash += 1;
      } else { // bit = 0
        if depth == depth_max {
          // go up if needed
          while hash & 3 == 3 && depth > 0 {
            hash >>= 2;
            depth -= 1;
          // take next hash
          hash += 1;
        } else {
          debug_assert!(depth < depth_max);
          // go down of 1 level
          hash <<= 2;
          depth += 1;


mod tests {
  use super::*;

  fn build_compressed_moc_empty(depth: u8) -> CompressedMOC {
    let mut builder = BMOCBuilderFixedDepth::new(depth, true);
  fn build_compressed_moc_full(depth: u8) -> CompressedMOC {
    let mut builder = BMOCBuilderFixedDepth::new(depth, true);
    for icell in 0..12 * (1 << (depth << 1)) {
    let bmoc = builder.to_bmoc().unwrap();
    eprintln!("Entries: {}", bmoc.entries.len());
  fn testok_compressed_moc_empty_d0() {
    let compressed = build_compressed_moc_empty(0);
    assert_eq!(compressed.byte_size(), 1 + 2);
    assert_eq!(compressed.moc, vec![0_u8, 0_u8, 0_u8].into_boxed_slice());
    let b64 = compressed.to_b64();
    assert_eq!(b64, "AAAA");
    assert_eq!(CompressedMOC::decompress(&compressed.moc).compress_lossy().to_b64(), b64);

  fn testok_compressed_moc_empty_d1() {
    let compressed = build_compressed_moc_empty(1);
    assert_eq!(compressed.byte_size(), 1 + 24 / 8);
    assert_eq!(compressed.moc, vec![1_u8, 85_u8, 85_u8, 85_u8].into_boxed_slice());
    let b64 = compressed.to_b64();
    assert_eq!(b64, "AVVVVQ==");
    assert_eq!(CompressedMOC::decompress(&compressed.moc).compress_lossy().to_b64(), b64);
  fn testok_compressed_moc_full_d0() {
    let compressed = build_compressed_moc_full(0);
    assert_eq!(compressed.byte_size(), 1 + 2);
    assert_eq!(compressed.moc, vec![0_u8, 255_u8, 15_u8].into_boxed_slice());
    // eprintln!("{}", compressed.to_b64());
    let b64 = compressed.to_b64();
    assert_eq!(b64, "AP8P");
    assert_eq!(CompressedMOC::decompress(&compressed.moc).compress_lossy().to_b64(), b64);

  fn testok_compressed_moc_full_d1() {
    let compressed = build_compressed_moc_full(1);
    assert_eq!(compressed.byte_size(), 1 + 24 / 8);
    eprintln!("{:?}", compressed.moc);
    eprintln!("{}", compressed.to_b64());
    let b64 = compressed.to_b64();
    assert_eq!(b64, "Af///w==");
    assert_eq!(CompressedMOC::decompress(&compressed.moc).compress_lossy().to_b64(), b64);