ccsds_primary_header 0.5.0

Implementation of the CCSDS Primary Header for space applications


This crate contains an implementation of the CCSDS standard called Space Packet Protocol, which defines a packet header called the CCSDS Primary Header.

CCSDS is a packet definition used in many space systems, such as the International Space Station and many satellites and cubesats. It is very simple, and expects the user to extend it with additional information in most applications.

This crate provides a simple implementation of the primary header. It is intended to be used as a building block for larger definitions or packet processing tools.

The CcsdsPrimaryHeader struct provided by the crate has the advantage that its in-memory representation matches the CCSDS standard. It can be cast to a from a byte array, sent over a wire, or used to serialize or deserialize CCSDS packets.

This crate also provides a PrimaryHeader struct that is parameterized by either BigEndian or LittleEndian from byteorder crate. This allows for headers which do not conform to the CCSDS standard by laying out words in little endian format.


To use this crate, add the following to your Cargo.toml


Next add this to you crate:

extern crate ccsds_primary_header;
use ccsds_primary_header::*;

To create a CcsdsPrimaryHeader, either transmute raw bytes to a CcsdsPrimaryHeader struct, use 'CcsdsPrimaryHeader::new' to create a primary header from bytes, or us CcsdsPrimaryHeader::from_slice to create a header from a slice.


This crate has not been used in production code. There is a comprehensive set of unit tests, but until it is used with real CCSDS packets I do not recommend relying on it.


This project is licensed until the BSD-3-Clause license.