catbox 0.8.2

Implementation of's API
//! Functions for handling file upload and deletion through Catbox's API
//! Calls API described at <>.
//! See <> for allowed filetypes and content.

use std::error::Error;

use reqwest::{
    multipart::{Form, Part},

use crate::{helper::*, CATBOX_API_URL, UASTRING};

/// Upload a file to catbox.
/// Returns an URL to the file
/// See <> for allowed formats and content.
/// # Arguments
/// * `file_path` - Path to the file to be uploaded
/// * `user_hash` - User's account hash, required for deleting. (Optional)
pub async fn from_file<S: Into<String>>(
    file_path: S,
    user_hash: Option<S>,
) -> Result<String, Box<dyn Error>> {
    let file_path = file_path.into();
    let file = file_stream(&file_path).await?;
    let file_name = file_name(&file_path);

    let form = Form::new()
        .text("reqtype", "fileupload")
                .and_then(|hash| Some(hash.into()))
        .part("fileToUpload", Part::stream(file).file_name(file_name));

        .unwrap_or_else(|_| Client::new())

/// Upload contents from an URL to catbox
/// Returns an URL to the file
/// See <> for allowed formats and content.
/// # Arguments
/// * `url` - URL to file
/// * `user_hash` - User's account hash, required for deleting. (Optional)
pub async fn from_url<S: Into<String>>(
    url: S,
    user_hash: Option<S>,
) -> Result<String, Box<dyn Error>> {
    let form = [
        ("reqtype", "urlupload"),
                .and_then(|hash| Some(hash.into()))
        ("url", &url.into()),
        .unwrap_or_else(|_| Client::new())

/// Delete files
/// Returns "Files successfully deleted." on success
/// # Arguments
/// * `user_hash` - User's account hash
/// * `files` - Names of the files to be deleted
pub async fn delete<S: Into<String>>(
    user_hash: S,
    files: Vec<S>,
) -> Result<String, Box<dyn Error>> {
    let files: Vec<_> = files.into_iter().map(|file| file.into()).collect();
    let form = [
        ("reqtype", "deletefiles"),
        ("userhash", &user_hash.into()),
        ("files", &files.join(" ")),
        .unwrap_or_else(|_| Client::new())