cassandra-cpp 0.8.2

A Cassandra CQL driver, built on top of the DataStax C++ driver for performance and functionality.

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This is a maintained Rust project that exposes the DataStax cpp driver at in a somewhat-sane crate.

It is a wrapper around the raw driver binding crate cassandra-cpp-sys. For the wrapper to work, you must first have installed the datastax-cpp driver. Follow the steps in the cpp driver docs to do so. Pre-built packages are available for most platforms.

Make sure that the driver (specifically libcassandra_static.a and are in your /usr/local/lib64/ directory

You can use it from cargo with

    cassandra-cpp = "0.8"


You can view the API documentation by running cargo doc and visiting target/doc in your browser.

The Cassandra Query Language (CQL) documentation is likely to be useful.

Since this crate provides a relatively thin wrapper around the DataStax driver, you may also find the DataStax documentation and API docs useful.


Here's a straightforward example found in

    extern crate cassandra;
    use cassandra::*;
    use std::str::FromStr;

    fn main() {
        let query = stmt!("SELECT keyspace_name FROM system_schema.keyspaces;");
        let col_name = "keyspace_name";

        let contact_points = ContactPoints::from_str("").unwrap();

        let mut cluster = Cluster::default();

        match cluster.connect() {
            Ok(ref mut session) => {
                let result = session.execute(&query).wait().unwrap();
                println!("{}", result);
                for row in result.iter() {
                    let col: String = row.get_col_by_name(col_name).unwrap();
                    println!("ks name = {}", col);
            err => println!("{:?}", err),

There are additional examples included with the project in tests/ and in src/examples.


This code is open source, licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 as described in LICENSE.


Please see for details on how to contribute to this project.


This crate is regularly built by Travis; to see details of the most recent builds click on the "build" badge at the top of this page.

You must have the DataStax driver installed on your system in order to build this crate.

The unit tests assume Cassandra is running on the local host accessible on the standard port. The easiest way to achieve this is using Docker and the standard Cassandra image, with

docker pull cassandra
docker run -d --net=host --name=cassandra cassandra

You should run them single-threaded to avoid the dreaded org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException: Column family ID mismatch error. The tests share a keyspace and tables, so if run in parallel they interfere with each other.

cargo test -- --test-threads 1

Remember to destroy the container when you're done:

docker stop cassandra
docker rm cassandra